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Dexter Department

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-Chas. W. Guest is constable again. -Chas. Pllmptón of Pinckney, was in j town Tuesday. - C. M. C. Peters left for Kansas, Wednesday, to "prospect." -Ira Clark has returned from Illinois where he has been attending school. - Fred. Wheeler went to Kalamazoo Tuesday, for a weeks visit among his friends. - Mrs. Denn ondner da ighter, Mrs. J. H. Devine, were visitin.; at Detroit last week. -The ladies are seriously contemplating a leap-ycar uiasquerade, to be given before many w eks. - Ilenry Fleming, who Tus been attending school at Sandwic'i, Ont., returned home last week. -Mr. Edward Litchfield an ftged citizen and father of Deforest Litchfleld lies very ill at his son's residenoe. - The remains of John McLar.ghlin were taken from the vault Friday and interred in the catholic cernetery near by- Mrs. McGne, a ' oldlady l'vlngnear the depot, lies dangerously ill with pneumonia with byt little hoes of recovering. - J. R. Joyner was busy auctioneering pictures &e., on the Tyler córner election day, improving the opportunitles. -Mrs. M. Tuomey, mother of the Tuoroey Bros, at Jackson, loft for Jackson Tuesday where she will reside in the future. - The ladiei aro jubilant over their successful management at the ball, and are undecided how to dispose of their surplus funds. - The weallier having disappointed the band, the band disappointed the people, as regards the open air concert Saturday evening. - Prof. M. lloward willdeliveralecture on the "Life and times of Edmund Burke," at Costello's Hall, Weduesday evening, April 14th. - G. W. Smith, formerly a dentist here, has opened a jewelry establishment in a part of the building occupied by X. S. Allen the photograpiier. - The'ladies library associalion have selected the drama " Blow for Blow" to pre?eat to the, neople before long. Tlie characters will be taken by home talent. - C. S. (iregor & Son shipped off; their oíd safe to Detroit Tuesday, expecting one öf the lar re ones with all the latest improvemeuts to put in a vault they have made for it in their cellar. -Mrs. Schuj'ler gave a very interesting lecture on temperauce at the R. R. hall Sanday evening to a good sized audience. Capt. Allen having been unable tofulfïll his engagement owTing to sickii'iss, the R. R. club was addressed by F. L. Kern Thursday evening. - Ttie R. R. Social which was postponec will be given at Costellos Hall' Satmday evening next, and will consist of vo3al and instrumental music, dialogues, and lo cdiiclude with the operctta " 81eping Priucess" bycWldrenfrom the Aun Arbor Juvenile Temporalice Unioi. - CJen. Sam. F. Cary lectured ontemperarce at Costello's hall Monday evening to about 2öO persons. Tuesday evening a very large crowd assembled at the lnll to hear his brilliant defence of the büle, and listen to his wit and eloquence for nearly 2 hours, this closing the Eed Ribbon anniversary for 1830. - Thero are a great many cases of measles among the cluldren oí JJexter and vicinity at present, but no serious resulta liave as yet been reported, in Scio Jome grown persons are effected with it, and tlie children of St. Joseph's ehurch preparing for conflrmation have been disrnissed for a while, as a great many of tliem have it. - Tli e funeral of Israel Bailey was largely attended, as he was a f ree maeon. Tliey all turned out and marched, some coming from Chelsea and Plnckney; the ehurch was packed and af ter the services the funeral cortege preceded by the band, and followed by the masons in two's marched to the vault, where after the usual masonic rites, the body was deposited. - A large crowd of young fellows assomuled at the exchange Saturday even-' ing to hold a coufab on the proposed state troops company. Papers tliat were circulated for signaturas were brought in and read and found to contain a good many ñames more than had been expected. The paper was then laid on the table for those who had not already signed, to do so. Some held off fearing, lest shonld a war break out tliey would be trotted to the front without much ado and - oh terrible (-?) tliought,- slaughteredü It has been been very successful, so f ar nearly 40 names having been obtained. Another meeting is called for Saturday evening next. - ■ Monday, " Town meetin " was a most desirable day, and our local politicians could have been seen very early liun-ying to and fro to the Leader offlce, flrst for tickets and then in quest ofsoiaeeas] Infiueneed persons to buldoze for their respective "darlings." Some feil prey to those people, but a very' few. That a large vote would be polled was very probable, and true. At about noon all were on the alert for the Germán element, who, generally, When they turn out in forcé decide the Issue. Stories of various descriptions were circulated detrimentalto the democrat Ie nominee for supervisor, and whenover an opportunity presented itself, was ably refuted by him. But is the list will show, they had the desired effect, but otherwise it was a clean sweep the exception of Ilighway Commissioner) for the democrats. Tl seemed very strange to see men who professed tobe Demócrata, around peddling Republican tickets, but such was the case. The saloonists concocted and perfected a nice Uttle seheme of their own, by watching their opportunity, and when but few yillagers were in the hall, called for a decisión as to whei next town election would be hold at 1) or at Treraper's School IIouso i or -5 miles east of her.e, and much to the indignation of the villagers present perfected their plan, and the next will be atïremper's, thus giving them a chance to keep open, which was tlsoir object. Therewere three tickets in the field, Democrat, Republican and Greenback, the latter polling just enough votes to apprise the people of their existence. The republicana elected their Supervisor, John L. Bmith by about (5 majority, and Comtnissioner of Highways, Henry Oeborn by about 27 .majority. The rest, the Democrats e.lect hfn majority ranging f rom 5) to 80. - Mrs. J. Trautwino who has been very ill is con alescent. - A new arrangement bas been placed at the M.C. K. R. depot by whicb a train frorn cither direction can readily teil the time of tho last trains departure. - The following persons have bren appointed delegaties to the county convention: W. E. Zeigenfuss, M. U.,L. W. Briggs, J. W. Wing, John Hanly, A. D. Crane. -ïivo couples from a neishboring city, who imagined they were witty and wise, at or dance, were taken by surprise for to think (we surmise) thatthey were mere objects of pity.


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