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BUSINESS DIRECTO R. ,,,.; b inHVS, FusMonaMe l'reasMl."r. '■ M"K I,,„M-S dry g.milaotore. AllworS proiaptly and saUiuctoril exteutat _____ - JL-V: TIKF.I1, Mtorn-v _ and galldtor I qenry. YwHnntt. Wlah. DB. TAVI.m, ATTOilNEY AT UW, Chelsea, Mich. (VNAI-O MACf.EAlV, yt. O., PhyMcian UdHanson. Oifir.e and residence. 71 Hllion Itreet, Aun Albor. Office hours frum 8 to a a. m. nul frnm 1 Io3f. M. Wlf. JCKOX, Dentist. Office corner Main aurt Washington streel, over Bnct & Xbd's store, Xnn Arbor.Mich. AnethetlC8 admiulsiere'1 if tli-sireii. Fl N. COOPF.R, f. I-i Acconclicur and a ilvnaecnlogint. Office corQ er Main and Huton jtrecls. Auu Arlmr. OM IHrl"UI.P, Teacher of the Piano fnrte. Pnnil attain the desired skil] in n no-pUTiTiir hy svstematic couiise of instrucbun For term, pply t rfidence, No. 12Vet r 'Vrtr trwt. .na A.rhor. Proniiit atteution puld to piano tunmp . CRAMER, FRUEAUFF & OOSBCN, Attorneys at E. K. FIlTfE AÜFF, Justice ol the Peace. UJ business promptly attended to. Offioe Nn. 8 Est ■hingtoo street, Rinsej-and Seabult's Wock. HKXRY E. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dcalet in Keal KstAte and Insurance , A sent. Office, No. S Opera House Block. ANN ARBUR. iMi:i;illCK RRAISE, AtTCTIOirEBE.Will sttend to all sales, on eliort notice, at reaüon!ic olv(re. For further particulara cali at the Anací Office. pUKOPKAX HOTKt, Ypsilanti,"Mlch. New House, First-Cl'iB Talile, Clean Ueds, Luw Prices. V. H. ïewis, Proprie.tor j. hTnTckels, DKALKK IS FRESH fNO SALT MEATS, Hsms, Sausages, Lard, etc, STATE STttKF.T.OPrOStTK SUKTIIWI-SÏ CORHEB OF DN1VE88ITY CAMPUS. Orilirs proiuptly filled. Fanuera haviug meats lo sc!l jive liiui a cll. THE ANN ARBOS SAVI1TGS BAITK AXN AUI5OR, MICHIGAN. Cpirlpidin ... 50,000.00 Capital security - 100.000.00 Transaets a geueral Banking Basiness; buyt ana lis Exchangeson New Y'ork, Detroit and Chicago; eüsSiiht Drafts on all tüe priucip! eities of Europe ; also, seils Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London aud Glasgow, via the Anchor Line ui títeamliip, hosi ratcs are lower thaa must otUer tirstclfs liHes. Thi Bank, already having a lirge business, Invite merchants and othersto open accouuis KitU theni, withlheassuraneeof most liberal dealing coasiseat wilh safe baukingr. In theSaTlngs Deprtriaont interest is paid semi.nnually, on the firstdays of January aul July.on 1! smus that were depotited three moi.ths previous (o those days, tuus altording the peoplf of thia city andcoimty a perfectly Bafe depository far their fmids, together with a fair returü in iuterst for the unie. Money to Loan oa Approved Securities. DlKK.crOBS- Christian Mack, W. W. Wincs, V. O.Harriiuan. Daniel Hiscock, E. A. Beul, Win. Deubel, and Wiüard Ii. Smith. OKFICEES : CIIRISTÍAN JIACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice President. CHAS. K. UISCOCK, Cashier. E&1ANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. SOUTH MAIN STREET, AX'X ABBOK, luis on hand a well selected stoet of PURE DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Article,S1iQWrBrces, Trunses, Ac, wbich he offers for sale at prices to uit the fimes. Br?" Physicians' Piescriptions carefully propared t alt hours. EUERBACH & SOX, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Have oa hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and Vax Flowor Materials, Toilet Article, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Special attentionpaid to thc farnishlnü of Phycicians, fhemists, Schools.etc., with Pblloophlcal 'nJCneminal Appiratus, liolietnianCheinicalGIassware. lJorclain Wtre, l'ure Eleiurenltt, ote. Plivsiciana' prescriüticns rarefully prepared at U honra. Abstracts of Titles. AH nnrtips who are desirous of ascertfliningthe 'TOflition of the title to their latida, or nartien who ih to loai mo ney on real estáte will dowellto catl at the RegisterB office and coneult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. 8d bo ilcs are o far advanoed that the Register 6n f urnish on Bliort notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of land in Washtenaw County a 'on by the original record. C. H. MANLT, RegUtei


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