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Queco Victoria luis laid away $25,Oüü,uuü Íú" a raiuy day; Clocks, with water for moving powcr, were known in Komo io yoars bcfore Cliris t. They miirry younz aromen at snctiou iu Ghiua, which is rather original. For philosophical reasons the surfkce of the Bca is warmest at night, and the surface of tho laúd is warmest by da y. If"vccín shnt np a firo in a close gpace, as in a closely-shut room or tho liold of u ship, it v.ill ;) out, becausa it wiH 8O0n uííc up all the oxygen iu the air. Tha Iarges troe In uortliern "Wisooncoiisin stands ixi Douglass Connty. It is a white cedar and measures nincteen íeet tour niches m circumxcrenco two feet above the ground. A female iamato of a California insano asylum who couldu't get pen and ii;k to wriie her troubles worked a statement on cloth in needlework and threw it out, oí' tho window. It would require an expresa train, moving at the rate of sixty miles an hour, om; hundred and seventy-ono vears to the sun, oould it travel ■ directly towarda it. An Irishman n&med O'Flahorty has found the largest diamond on record in the tields of South África. It weighs 150 carats, the fauous Koh-inoov not being over two-thirds that Y,eiyht. The wife of United States Senator "NVilkinson Cali, oí' Florida, is the youngest of all the Senators' wivcs, and is said to be the most beautiful. She was a Miss Siuking, of South Carolina. Anthony Trollope has a high, round head, bftld on the forehead, aód borderéd by curly, fluffy huir. He has a large moustache, and au immense full beard. Ile is now sixt -live years old, and is somewliat overbeariag iu manner. ZIr. Walter Bleat, iu v, note to a Lond&a Journal, calis attention toan Eiiií'lish wonl which is "derivad yartly trom the Gaelic and partly from the Kcbrew, with a Frein h suffix of Greek origin, and an English muüx as Avell. This curious philological combinatiou ■ is found in the word mac-adam-iz-ed. A recent excavation at Jacksonville, Fla., ïevealed an ancient clambake at a depth of twehty-eight feet below the gurface. The elam and oyster shells Avere found arranged as for a modern clambake. intermized with charcoal,sand, and pieces of decayed wood. The arca of the bed is about six feet by foor; Considerable excitement has been created iu Norway by the nomination of the celebrated Norwe rian actor, yi. Johannes Brun, to be a Knight of the Order of Bt, Olavoa - a decoration which i onlv eonferid on very raro occasions. Tuis is the lirst time a Norwegian actor has received this honor, and is coiisidered as being an official rebuke to the prevailing piotistio sentiment against tneatres. The resignation of Col. Oordon, in Central África, is chiefly due to the discouraging treatment lie has met with from the Egyptian authorities. He has dealt a deadly blow to the slave tribe on the Wbite Xile and Gazette Kivers. The slaves gaw hini the opportunuy by open rebellion. It Beems admitted os all hands that he has achieved a wonderful work of civilizstion ander enormous difficulties. ïhe cxtent of his dominion was 1,500 miles long By 1,jU0 Broad. Tribes formerly hostile are umv engaged in peaceable barter, and a chain of military posta has aecured free communiea tion. Egypt grew dissatisfied, becauè frightfully in need of money,and tliis it was impossible for hini to send )er. The very lntest story of aDSentmindedness has for lts hero a Mssseu chusetts clergyman, who one day drove up to a blftcksmith shop and asked how long it would take to ghoe his horse. "Au honr." s:r.d the sir.ith. "Very vrell, l'il leaye him and cali for liini:'" and unhitching the animal and leading him i;; ip, the parsón climbeil back into his oarriage, picked up the reins, which had been lei't re-;ing on the dashboard, oud there :ir nntil his horee was shod and he was aroused l'roin bis brown study by a shout frona the blacksmith. Mr. Romls and the dashing Widow Watson met by chance on horsebaok, ïiear Leadville, and there formed :m acquaintance, which ripened so rapidly that withhi three weeks they were! engaged to marry, They thought it . would be romantic to have the ceremony perfonned on the spot of their flrst meeting, and the wedding party i rode to the place, whieh waa in a wild and dangeroue canon. The widow's horse slipped and threwherotl', ing her arm; but the knot was tied, despité the mishap, and the birircte's anger was appeased by having thé norse sound! y whipped. The additional duty imposed on tobacco in Germany has had the not un-' expected effect of greatly stimutating the sismir.u'HuL;1 of forei :n tobáceo. Tais iband trafile ia described as 1ki - ing assumed most extensive pi"opori tiona aoross the frontiers of Holland. It is in open secrei thal angs.oftéfi, twenty, and thirtj men, chiefly Durïbhmen, are rognlarly en :- red in tólfing ■ large quantities over the borders: and ii isasserted tha the tobáceo mano faetones in Nyrowesen are unabk to keep paos with the deinaud which has sprang ap from this cause. The custom house guards on ilu1 fl-ontiersda their utmost to prevent the tmilio. bu& the y n re far too few La nmnbefy coB9j pared wii li the exteat of ffontier,ta prodooe muoh effect, and the smngglers manage, constantly to taoape de tection, Theiiew phase of intermitteni actïv-. lty into which Vesuviua entered iu November, 1878, has of late Increased iu energy. The groat erator ot' ISTi' is now almost fllled up by the moría and lava emitted Vni gmall eotw of 1878. A ycar ago iliis cone was not much larger than. a conical inm tur . dow i has roachod to a hoight of more than flfty I tlieouU gide rim of the old erator. M..reover, its dynamio force Ls distinctly gt-eater than it was a year aga, Massos of glowing eindet a projected to a height of ■-- r: hundred feet, and twioe wil ! : two montha sufticier' lava has been emitted to run ovw tbc lowest odge of the cráter iu a ébntinuooa Btream, whieh has descendí as far as the Atrio del Cavallu


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