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- Forest fires are ragih? in the Virginia wilderness. Several persons have been burned to death, and a great deal of property destroyed. - Kearney's sentence having been afiirmed by the superior court, lie will appeal to the court of last resort. Tlie sand lot orator has been quiet lately. -Col. Bob Ingersoll offers $100 to any Boston olergyman who will read to his congregation sueh a ehapter in the Old Testament as Ingersoll may piek out. - It is believed by those best informed fliat cadet Whittaker bound and gagged himself in order to gain sympathy. - ïhe matter is still undergoing investigalion. - The case of the widow Oliver aiainst ex-Senator Cameron was called i n the Washington court on Wednesday, luit was postponed until the end of the month. - A jealous husband, at Marshall, 111., played the busineis-engagement-elsewhere ruso on his wife, and, retuimng sudilenly met liis paramour, wliom he sbotdead. - A son of Stephen M. Pillsbuiy, of Chelsea, 'Maas., guillotined lümself, on Sunday. lie constructed tlio machine, a very ingenious aflair, without assistance, and it did its work well. - Joaepb Duim, a Toronto milkman, exhibited a placará ín frontof a debtor's door, making public the ame n it of bis indebtedness, and has been committed for trial on a charge of criminal libel. - John Best, the oldest masón in tbp United States, is dead. He was in his 98th or lOOtli ycar (there was an nncertainty as to his exact age), and had been for seventy-seven yeara a masón. - ïheKacinn, }Yis„ cominon council has passed a resolution forbidding saloon-keepers to sell liquor to W. 11 Bloomfleld, who was, last lall, the hibition candidato for govemor in tha1 state. - A Colorado girl only ÍS yoars oíd on the death of lier father, took chargí of his family and farra, and now mana ges her niothers aud her brothers, anc also her sisters, her cousins and her ranch. -The Giant Powder Works locater across the bay from San Francisco, ex ploded Saturday aftemoon killing twelve white men and as many mor CMuamen. 0,000 Bis. of powder were igniU'd. - A gooü bunday-sfihooi story, thoufïl one which wiU hardly be adopted comes frona New York. Attacked b; a crowd of thieves, an ofFicer tv of thein. CJnfartHnately, one of thei had u prayer-book inliis pocket, againa which the force of tho bullot vras speu and hia life was saved. -Louise Cary feaa brougíit suit for seduction agfiinst Royal PhelpB,a wealthy N"ew STork merchant, oïaiming 008 damages. According Bd lier oivn story, her favors were cheerfally bestowed and liberally paid for. -'I'resideni Hayea has afflnned the senteftees "; coiB És-martial dismissing two young lieutenante, one for getting drunk m full uniform andfallingasleep on i bilüaxd-table, and the other for cowardice in the field in Oregon. -Dr. Stringfield of Topi ka, says the negro exodus was inaugurated and la ; controlled by Göt. 8t John, of Ka wlio wishes ti introduce enougb republican votersin his state not very well with Mm to secute, his rel'lectillll. - V colored woman, living in Phöadelphia, makes application for a pension, eraflftdavil statös that she ni Maryland regiment as a common soldier, and served for three years or more, 8he was wounded three times and confessed her ses whenin the hospital, bul was permitted to again enter the ranks. She exhibits her wounds as evidence of the truth of her story.


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