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Estáte of Robert Fergfasoai QTATE OF MICHIGAN", COUNTY IO of Washtenaw, ss. At a session ot the Prol ato I . County of Washtenaw. holden ;tt the Probate Office in the city of And Arbor, on Monday, the nlueteenth day of April in the year om: tbousuii 1 Biglithundred andeighty. Pre 'nl, W.üi.uu I). I kirnn'uin. Judgeof Probate. ïn the matter of the estato of Robert Fergosos, deoeaüed. David Webb, the administrntor of sant ostnio, RomeM lulo coiiri and ropreseuts that he Is now prepared torender bis fl nal account as uch uliiniiiri nitor. Tfcenupoo it is ordered, that Satnrtlay, the oi'.;htli (lav of My net, rt Jon o'clock in the t'orenoon, be assigned t'or ezitmining and aïlowing sik ii account, and thai theheiraRt !aw of aid de cru ied, and all other persons luterested In said estafe, are reqwlred lo appcar at a seasion of Baid coiin. then to be holden at ttu: Probate Office in the city of Anti Ariior, in sald county, and show cause if any there lnJ, wljy the saM accouni shoiild not be allowed : And it is further ordered tlial sai'! adnjiniutrator glve notice to the personi intereated In sald estáte, of the pendsucy of anid account snrt the henring Ibereof, by canal: g a copy of thls order to be puWislied in the Ank A hbohAr oua, a newspaper printcd and ctrculating In s:iicq. county, (wu succcsdive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM n. HAKEIMAN, f A truecopv.) Jadge of Probate. Wm. (ï. T)fiTY, ProliatP Rciiistrr. Qstate of Kocïu - minors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY lO of Washlenaw, ss A.t aswaïon of theProbnte Couit for tüs County of Waahteuaw, holden it the Probate OfBce in tho city of Ann Arbor, on day.tbe twentiet h dy 01 April, ui tne year one thousand eieht inmfhod and eighty. Present, tVUliura D. n;iiTim:iM.Tu1re of Pr hate. In the matter Of the tjito of Kmiumel II. Kocta, Mary K. Kofhaiid El iza B. Korh, minors, Aaron l. Feldkninp, ihetamrdinn of said wards, ooraes intoeourt and representa that he is now -v pared torender hisannuul account as sueh guardián. Therenpon Itisordered.that Aionflay, tlio Beventeen tli day if My nfixt, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, he asaigneS for exaniinlng and aMowing such account, and thal the nexi of kin of said waida and all other persons fnterested in said esti requirod to a] ■ ession of said' conrt, thai to hf holden at the Probate Office, in the city i' Ann Arbor, In said county.and show cause, ilaiiy there be, why the sald account should not be ai lowed : And it is fnrtherorered, that said gïiftrdïn i giv notice to tlie persons tnterested ÍB said ei tate, of the pendency ol sald aceouni and the liearlnff tnereof, by causlng t copy Oi'thisorderto be publifhed in the Ann Abbob Abgüb, a oewpaper printed and clrculatlug In said county, tb ree successivo weeks previous to said day ui hearing. WILLIAM I). HARK1MAK, [Atrae cnpy.] Judge ut' Probata Wli. (r. Doty, Probate Register. Cluincery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIUcuit Couit for the Connty of Wasbtenav, in Cha nee ry. Luther James, couiplainant, vs. Ernratine Buchos, Allred J. Buchoz, Con rad Kiapf, und Chatlea f i ■ öheppard, detendants. J n pursuanee ana by virtue oí ;t decree ot s;mt eourt m&ae ana en te red mi the 19th duy of April, 1h8(. in theabove enlitled cauae: Notloe ia hereby given, that Ishall sell at public auelion to the highe&t bidder, on MONDAY, THE 8KVEHTH DAY OP JüNE, lfa 80, lt 10 lo the forenoon, at the eaet front dooi1 of the Con rt House in the oity of Ann Atboar, coimty of Waahteaaw and state of Miohigun, the lollowüisf descrihed real estute, being the same tnentioued and deaoribed ín said decree, to wit: Being all ihat certaiu tracl or parce! of land kuown aad dcscriVied ;is t'ollow.-, to wit : The uorih fractiotml half oi ct-tiiHi v(i -, ■■■ town one south ranie the townsblp oí Nortiiöeld, coönty of washtiaw and state of Michigan, ezcept the parcel doeded to G.AV. Uoxter frora the northeast corner thereof, and alsoa triangular piece of land cojiveyed by C. L. Kbeppard to William Cook by deed dated November 18, 185fi, alad of record in the oounty of Washtenaw, cootalning iu all three hucdrcd and thirty-six aorea ui' land more or loss. Aun Albor, April 21, 1880 JAMES MoMAHOK, Circuit Oouit Commissiooer in and for Washtenam County, Miohigan. Joiin N. Oott, Esq., Bolicitor for Couiplainant. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVÍNU BEEN" MADEin the oonditiöw of a certain tnortgage bear iug date the twenty-flist dy of January, A. D. 1876, made and executed by Ohanncey )i. Millen and íSariih M. Millen bie wiie, of the city of Ann Aibor, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, to William II. Parker ot Lowell, nieetts. and rtvoi dert in the omce 01 me Beguiez Deeds of Wnshtenawcounty aforestiid the .sevnteenth day of JulJ, A. D. 1878, ut 11:40 o'clock M , in libt'r 66 of mortgnges on page 257, am.l tht nount claimed 10 be due at the date ol1 this notioe fomteen liundred aud twenty-tive doUarsund wenty-eifrht cents, aiso thlrty dollars as a reason_)e bi.Iicitor'sor attorney's lee, in iddition to all Iht tegtfl couts if any proceedings slioukl e iktüi ïo foreclose thls mort page, and no proceednr al lawflrin equity navlog neen Instftuted to ■cover tlit sorae or uny part tbeieof. Notica is ie reto re bereby iven, that by virtue ot tht' pnwer 1' Mil; in said morttrüge container, I Bball seil on ATURDA Y, THE SEVENTKENTïI DAY OF JlJLT NKXT, i two o'cluek iii the aftornoon oí saíd day at pubc venduè fco tfa highest bidder, at the south frtmt oor of Lb Ooarl llotise in tlie city of Aim Arbor, couuty oí Washtenaw aforesaid (that belng tbfl building wht rein theOlTcnit Court tor Wttshtenaw is held), all thohc certain pieces or paroela of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbo in the county of Woëhtenaw and etate of Michigan, and describid tis íolhiws, to wit: Bcinf? lot s No. four, five and six in blook No. six ((5) aocordlng to a recorded plat of liiiiw.iu S. tim:thB 2nd additloo to said city or Ann Arbor ns rtcorded in the liegister'B oüice oí said county of' SVashtenaw. DaLcd, April 2'.', 1880. W1LLIAM II. PARKER, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagea. OPRINö FASHIONS -OF- Choice liEünery - IN- GEEAT VAEIETY, -AT- HUGO HILL'S, 78 Woorfwnrtl Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. Batéate of Wetwl- mino. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTY ÍO of Washtenaw, r. At Bession of tbe Probate Oouri for the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden al ii. ■ te Office in the efty of Arm Arbor, on Friftay, the otnth dy of April, in the year one Uiouaand efght hilr.dred and eighty. nt, Willlain D. Harriman, Judeof Prolwtn. In the matter fff tbe estáte of Öophia Toggenburgev, (ttow Wetzel) minor. Leonhard (ïnmer. tne ËCuardinn of aaid ward, nto court and represente thai heis dow pn1to re1 líder lü aiuiual account as such gu;tnhnn. Thereupon M is orde red. Hmi Tuesdar, tlie olrventh day of Maf next, at ten o'clock ín tlie foreboon, hè a ■"i:nu d for exRirriniog and alïoivtii account, and thai the next of kin of said ward and fcllotber persons -interested in Baúá estáte, a quired t appear at i sesalon of said court, theíi to b$holf1enat the Probate Office in the city of Aun ín ii.l coimty, and show chusp, if any there ■.- !'-. 3aíd Rocmini shouíd not bé allowed : Aixl it'is further orde red, t lint a to persons interested In aaid statR, of he peudency oí : i ■' Mi' '1"' hearing hereof, by cansí ti g :i copy ot thfa order to be pubIn tlie n Arbor Argüb, a DMfspaper irinted rtiul elrculntirrg in said coiinty, three suo :essíve weeka prevlonstoaid day f hearing, WItLIAM I. HARRIMAN, f A (rwe oopy.) Jodgeof rrobate. Wm. i. DoTT, ProbRte Rssrister. Lstate of John Alam ISrosz. QTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY i ' ot Vii-ii!t('i',v m, Al i session of the Probate Coart fortlie ount'y nf VflRhtennw, holden al the Probate Otíice in thé city of A mi Arbor, on Tuea lay, the tweutieth dnyof April, in the ye&r one thoiiKfind (.Mj.Lt hun Irdd and pighty. Present, WiHiíim 1, Hnrriraun, .fudtreof Probóte, In the matter of the estáte oí obn Adam BrOsz, deceaved. (n readíng nnd (lie petiíion, duly veiified ot'Aaron L. Feldkfimp, oefent oí Auna Mary Rrosz, praying tbat n cerlHÏn instrumentnow nn file in tliis court, pnrportiuij to be the latt wiïl and testament of 8Ud deceaaed, nmy '"i adraitted to probate, and thfti Buid Anna ary Biusz may be appointed executrix theitof. Thereupou ït is ordered, that Mondny, the scventeenth day ot May nest, at ten o'eloclt in the toreuoon, De ftSöigried iorthe heanng "f anid petition, and that bhe deviaeea, legateesaod heirnatlaw of sai d deceased, and uil olher persona interested in said enlate, are rcjuiredto nppoar at a seasion oí said Uonrt, then to bo holdeu at the Probate ÜtÜeeinthe city of Aqii Arbof, and show cause, be, why prayei of the pefcitianer Bbonld not bc aranted : And it is further ordered t-'üit Raid petitioner cive not ice to the persons JDterested in said estafe oí' the penden cy of Baid petition and the hearing thereof, by cansinpr a copy ot thie order to be pubtiahed in Oie Ann Aiidor AnGtrs,a newiipapei printed and circulated in said county, tlireesuccessive weeks previous to saidduy of beuiing. WILLTAM D. HAHRIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. ii. Doty, Probate Register, EstAte ofWilHin John Kulin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waabtenaw,, At a semton of the Probate Court for thp County of Waelitenaw, holden at the Probate O Hice m the city of im Arbor, on Tuesday, the twentieth day of April, in the year oue thousand eiht bundred and eighty. Present, WiJIiaüi 1). HarrimtiD, Judeeof Probate. 1 In ttie matter of thti eatute of William John Kutin, dcceas. {. William Merfele, xeontor of the last will and I testament of said dtoeayed, comes into court and reuíGPents tlmí he i now prepared to ronder las fin;il account as uucJi execntor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Taeeday, the ■ üih day oí' May next, nt ten o'dock in the forenoon, be assigned forexaminiDgaDd allow insuch accouDt, ana iimt the áevlseea, legateís and heirs at law ot said deceaaed, and all othe persons i nterested Ín said catate, are requíred t appear al a sessiotí of sald Court, then lo be holde at the Probate Uífice íd the city oí' Aun Arbor ::;í eoanty, and show cause i t' any therebe.wh tile sald account should not be ailowed : And lt i further ordered that said exeeutor give üoi U to the persona interested In said estáte, oftbe peí u.-im v of said account and the hearing thereof, b causiDg a copy of tiiis order to be publlshed in ti Ann Abbor ÁROüS.a oewspaper printed and cii culatingin saidcounty, three successiv e weeks pr( vious to said day oí bearlnf?. WILL1AM D. HARRTMAN, f A truecopy.) .ludgeof l'rulft Wu.O, Doty, Probate Register. ' WIELIAM REÍD, L8J j lLj '[ WJ yïQ) " y ai ti'ijihiHg, vrrlie tr C-iLi12 & 14 Congrega St. East, Detroit, Mich. A UT EMPOKIUAI And Artist's Supply Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. ANDEEW J. BBOW, Troprictor, ienlor In I'icture Frames, Looliing Jliisscs, Oil Paintin?s, Engravlnsrs, rhnntios, Artisl's Materials, and Art Sjipciallles. OI.D I'RAMES KK-GIl,nr.D. EDWARD DÜFFY, Wholesale and Jietail A Lnrgc, ïsew, and Clean Stock ol Staple & Fancy Groceries A LWA YS ON HA NT) ! Tofrettier wilh a ful] and complete stock of BOOTS, SHOKS, AXD RFBBER OODS, AIpo a choirp assortment of IjIMüpk' and Gcntft' Cnderwear, Hoslerv4 iñlovc, JLc, Special índucemcnts offered coafa customers, EDWARD DUFFY, Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Ano Arbor. BEF" Cash paid for uil Farm Product!. Ti I3SSEY & SEAEOLI'S Bakery, Grocerv, ■ AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep contnntly on hond BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale and Kotail Trade. We sliall also keep a supply of X5:e:l.:h:i zfulottir., J. M. Svi'ift & Co's lïest White Wheat Flour Kye Flour, Bnckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, ie, &c, &c. At vbolesalfl and ret&U. A ceneral stook of &E0CEEIES A1ntD PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, wtaich ■wil! be sol'd on ns reasonable ter me as at uny othor house in the city. MST Casb paid for Butter, Kygs, and Cüiintrj Produce general] y. i Güods delí vered to any part of the city wlth out extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor Jan. 1, 1879.


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