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Miss S. B. Johns, Fashionable Dressmaker. Rooms over Mack & Schmid's dry goods store. All work promptly and satisfactorily executed.

Clarence Tinker, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Ypsilanti, Mich.

Dr. Taylor, Attorney at Law, Chelsea, Mich.

Donald MacLean, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence. 71 Huron street, Ann Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 A. M. and from 1 to 3 P. M. 

W. M. Jackson, Dentist. Office corner Main and Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics administered if desired.

E. N. Cooper, M. D., Acconcheur and Gynaecologist. Office corner Main and Huron streets. Ann Arbor.

C. Schaeberle, Teacher of the Piano-forte. Pupils attain the desired skill in piano-playing by a systematic course of instruction. For terms apply at residence, No. 12 West Liberty Street. Ann Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano tuning.

Cramer, Frueauff & Corbin,

Attorneys at Law

E. K. Frueauff, Justice of the Peace.

All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 East Washington street, Rinsey and Seabolt's block.

Henry R. Hill,

Attorney at Law,

Dealer in Real Estate and Insurance Agent.

Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, Ann Arbor.

Frederick Krause,


Will attend to all sales on short notice, at reasonable charges. For further particulars call at the ARGUS Office.

European Hotel, Ypsilanti, Mich.

New House, First Class Table, Clean Beds, Low Prices.

W. H. Lewis, Proprietor.

J. H. Nickels,

Dealer in 

Fresh And Salt Meats,

Hams, Sausages, Lard, etc.,

State Street, Opposite of Northwest corner of University Campus.

Orders promptly filled. Farmers having meats to sell give him a call.





All wars and satisfaciorily executed tti'iWK TI'VKHR, Attorny at ind ioHcttor in Cluncry. Ttnilnntf. Midi Dit. TVI,ntt, ATTOENEY AT LAW, Chrlwa. Miih. DOV%T,n Tf n,X, ?. O.. PTi"iin i'il Surotn Oüop and rpoi'lnro. 71 Kurn" 9tTP(;t. nn rSor. Office hourf frora 8 to '.) a. m and fr"m I to iï l. M. Wf. nr'ny, ripntist.. omv "ornr-r f-ilnan-1 '"."hiTlnn sfroe. otit Prh !,!■ tñ'T, nn Ar'ior.Mich. Aneslhclics :i(imin Fl 'V. (lOOPÍR, Ifi !., A"i-i,i-i.mir and Tnaftciloist. Office corn er Main and Huron st reets. Ann Arbor. CsniHIT.HI.E. TcacVier of 'hP Pinnos f-r. Pi-iiN rtttiin thP df'sheil fVill in p'ni-nlnvine Kt 1 svatPmaH' 'oitlSf5 of inKtriic(ít Fir tprm1. annly it rP-i'VncP, J. V2 Vt [Jv'tv jtwt. Vnn Arbor. Prompt atteution paid Inpinno tur'injr. CIl VMF.K, FRtTKAXIFF COKTIIS, Attornoyfl rt Trvw K. K FÜTTR ACFF. .Tustli-eol the Tenoe. All in!n pnmptly attend(i to. O'fir-p Xo. 9 East Washington -itrcet. Rinseyand Seabolt's block. HKXRY R. HILL. Attorney at L.iw, Dealei ín Real Gtate and Insurance j Attent. Offlec.ïTo. 3 Opera JIoue Blnck, AXN ARBOR. rüEDKIUCK KRA17SF, AUCTIOlsr'EE'B. Kill itten1 '"o nll nies. on ihovt notioe, at reaeonáb'e 8llrw, For further particulars cali at the AhnCh 'H'KICB. nUIlOPEAN HOTKI, Ypsilanti, M!cll. New HOUW, Firtt-CUd" Tibie. Clean Beds, Low Pricpa. W. H. Lïwis, Proprïfitor J. H. NICKELS, DBALKS IN FRESH AVO SHT MFATS, STATE TllKKT OPPOSTTI-: N'ORTTTWKST CORNK!t 'F (JVIVKRITY CAMPUS. Orders e depository for tbeir f"ds, togretber with a fair return in infeutt lor the me. Monfiy to Loan on Approveil Securltles. D f-cron- Ctirifiiin Mack, W. W. Win ei, W D.líirriiníin. Daniel lliscnck, R. A. Beul, Wm. Üeu .el, and Willarrl ïï. Smiih. OFFICEItS : OJRISTtAN MArK, ' W. W. WTVFS, Prfsidnt. Vice President CHAS. E. IIISCOCK, Catihier. EiVIANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. SOUTH MAIN STREKT, ANN ARDOR, has on hnna well selected stock of PURE DRUOS, MEDICIXES, CHEJIICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet ArUrlea.KlinuVler Bruces, Trnsaps, Ac., which be oITctk for le at prices o uit tlie Hm. ttr I'hvsidaiw' Piescriptioni carefuliy prepnred l all hour. LBERBACÏI & SON, Öruggists and Pharmacists, 12Sonth Main St., "" "i hand a large and well selcctcd stock of DRT6R1, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and "Was Flower Materials, Toilet Artlcle, Trusse, Etc. PöRH WINES AND LIQU03S, Jpwial nttention rai'1 to the fnrnis'ilne of PhyP'J'M, niimiit.. diooU.etc, wiili PhiloKoplilcal ' '''"'''"ni Apnnmtii!.. RoV-minn ThcniicaKilassP? "."""'aln Ware. I'ure IipMi?int.s. -'c. til ""''''an' prescriDtmns nretuHj preparod at Abstracts of Titlcs. ,A'''v""i-s "-ho are denirousnf scert.nininfrtlie ' i l n nf fhe '''" to thpii' 'n. "r "rties who : ,,l, '" ,'"ai ney on real éstate will do wellto at tll aegisUi's offloe and consult a CWparod Set of Abstract Books. endfb'okl! are " 'nr lTinoed that tbo Register lurnish on short notice a Perfect Statement as to tlie Titls kówlwi1 of 'and in Washtenaw County a " 6y the original record?. C. H. MANLT.i;p.egiter


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus