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English Prices For American Goods

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One of the commercial puzzles vet to be explained is the reison why you cnn buy excellent "Blue Point" oysters 111 London for a shillinj a dozen : why the Atlantic and ScrUmer's Monthlieê can be boii'íht there for the same price ; how it is tlmt American butler, and beef are now to be found in nearly evcry village of Scottand and England. The greater part of the soa-coast popnlation ot' Wales live on Aniericnn canned soods, all of whlch can be boiight for for less there than licrc- a ood cut of American beef, for instance, costs two penco halfpenny (or live cents) a pound. Developiag our cominera; 13 a rood tliiiiT, but is there any reason wny we slioukl not bo able to rot tilines producod hora for at least ihe samo price that our Britisli cousins can? [f the Atlantic and ScrLbners Monthlies aro to be bought in London for a shilling-, -yhy should wc pay more than a quartcr of a dollar for thom? or, what is a more vital question, with American beef' at iivo and six cents a pound at retail, why is it that the lowest price in the wholesale market hcre is seven and ono-eighth cents a pound, and that without tlie addod expense of tranaportation and othor inciden tais? An explauatiou is in order from the producers. . A terrible battle ivith rats toolc place recently at Bostick'.s Mills, noar Poe Deo, N. C. It seeins Gen. Bostick and ouo of his employés, Anderson Wayles, wont into a coru-house whioh liad been storcd with corn tbr nearly twolvc months, and whioh liad boen closed tbr thnt len?th of time. A f ter g'CUin in they fumul that the. placo was literally alive with rats, wlio, so far lVom showing terror, began to attack tiorcoly thotwomen, who in v-iin attempted to beat them oír. Thoy carne npon them in tlrovos, bitin t!iom about tlio liauds and face and les, several actually o-ettin jf ander vayle3' s'airt. In the struifglo Waylea tilinten turnea over a heavy bale ot fodder. whioh blocked up the door mul proveuted thcir rotreat. Botii mon oried for help, and were resened frota thcir perilons sltuntion. The wliole of Gou. Bostick's lor't o;ir was oiUíii olí", and liis face horribly gonged. Waylea presentod a sickeninaf 8i#ht; his nose and 1 i ps betng litorally eaten so tliat his best friends could not renognize him, while his leffc eyo wís toril (rom its socket.


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