The University
- The studente' gymnasium f und nov contains $1,028.28. - The Rev. Joseph Cook lectured on Friday evening at university liall to a large audience. TheStudents'Christinn association realized $30 f rom the entertainment. -The annual convention of the Psi Upsilon fraternity will this year be held in Ann Arbor on llay 20 and 27. when their handsome new ohapter house will be dedioated. Clarkson X. Potter of New York, will deliver an address, and (liarles Dudley Warner will read an essay. -Prof. Payne of the chair of the Sc'ence and Art of Teaching, has issued a circular calling attention of the public to student?, who designing to teach, are fitting themselves expressly to becomt superiiitentlents and principáis o' schools, instructora and assistants. Applications made for teachers, recommendations wül be based on stated re qairements, special fitness, and no ree ommendation wül be made that doet not receive the sanction of the Presi dent and heads of departments. - The stndente' lecture associa+'vn nv Saturday morning chose ths t 'lowlns; offleers for the ensuing vear: President, C. W. Sessions, lonla; vice-president, Fred A. Robinrn, Detroit; correspondinft secretary, R. II. Renick, LaGrange, Ind.; reeording secretary, J. H. Grant, Burlington, Ind.; treasurer, C. Hutchinson, Ceresco; assistant treas i r, V. E. Renick, Detroit; senin' oommittee, man, F. McNamard. Jjapeer; junio' committcemaji, Liobert West, Auatin, Texas; sopliomore coinmittecman, ï. W . teers, Collinsvüle, 111.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus