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Dexter Department

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J. MCÍT AMARA, EditüH. - Tim II. Tuomey will remove lus goods to Jackson. -r Mra. I. Qreen of Ccntreville vlsited her son tliis werk. - Sam Marlelt, leftfor Leadville,Col., Wednesday noon. -The drama " Blow for Blow,'" was. as expected, a sucecss. - II' v. 'I'. Slattery was in Dexlor a couple of days this week. - ('ooi y Reevea will superintprid the ■!-d Ribbon social. - Th? Tí. B. Hrll stnp;o wUl bo fitte.l up for dramatic puppöses. - Joe T. Jacobs has renteii and will occupy the MoGlnnis' store. -Jas. T. Bailey vill leave Dextti nexi week for Livingston Co. to farm it. - Severa] of our young men contomplate a trip to Dakota in quest of- riches. -Mr. Waitbasadded a fine adiliticn to his already spacious mansion on Ann Arbor street. -Chris. W. UHller formerly of Bross, Crampton & Miller has gone to Tille, Colorado. -Captain E. P. Alien of Ypsilanti lectured to a crowded house at ll.R.hall Sunday eveninfc. - Fishing parties are numerous, and judgiug f rom appearances they all have "flsherman's luck."' -II. Wirt Hewkirk of Bay City, is visiting his parents and oíd acquaintances ere this week. - Several of our young fellows were at Ann Arbor to hear Lawrence Barrett, "Wednesday evening. -Bananas and pine apples made their íirst appearance in Dexter this week. and found ready sale. -Frank II. Smith leaves Tuesday foi an extended tour throngb the western states for bealth and pleasure. - [r. and Mrs. Van Riperof Webster and Mrs. John Pulver of Dexter left Thursday fora visit atNew York. - llenry Stebbins lias taken out no license this year, and wlll therefore have no saloon attached to his fiotel. -Box after box of trees from eastern nurseries come-to the depot daily. and farmers are on hand to select their future orchards. -Captain Gorman was at Lansing last week on business relating to Co. I. Governor Crosswell expressed satisfaction and will see to it at once. - "Ockshun" is the way O. E. Iloyt heads the posters apprlsing the people of his sale of household furniture etc, preparatory to his departure east. - The advent of a son Tuesday evening increasing the avoirdupois of the colored population of Dexter about two pounds made Jolmie Jones jubilant. -The wheat market is very ing at present, but has undoubtedly reached a point from which it wiD not deviate over a few cents for some time. - Orville E. Iloyt lias bade the people of Dexter goodbye, having disposed of the Leader office to Rev. D. Edgar a gentleman from Tecumseh, who has taken charge of it. - ïhe commissioners of the estáte of Wm. Sweetman, Messrs. G. Wall and Jas. Ried, met and transacted all necessary business at the homestead in Iludson on Wednesday. - A couple of fellows entertainpd each othei by indulging in a flght apon the street the otber evening and were ciitertaiiied by Justice Gorman next mornlng to the tune of 55 each. -The item that J. X. Priester had " lit out" because an extra wlfe appeared upon the scène is incorrect, as no extra wife so appeared, but it was probably the magnet that drew liim to the i'ar west. - liev. Chas. Reilly, D. T. of St. Patricks chureh Detroit, who is conceded to be the flnest pulpit orator in the state, will lecture at St. Josephs churcli ,'Cathclic,) Thnrsday eveniug May 20, subject 'Ireland." -Mr. Green of Centerville, who had rented the Ilolloway House at the depot intending to occupy it, has changed his mind and will not move to Dexter, and Mr. Ilolloway baring vacated, the place says, " To rent." - A couple of the worst looking specimens of horse-llesh that have ever paced thestreets of Dexter, attracted much attention from bystanders Tuesday. They were owned by a gypsy who was probably enroute to the bone factoiy. - Mrs. Dasgrove and family of Scio, have moved and are permaneutly located at East Saginaw. Ed. who was a general favorito with the young felkv.vs of Dexter will be missed by all, and none but whom wishhimevery success. - Diphtheria is raging in its worst form at Pinckney. Mr. ï. Gilchrist the barness maker lost two girls and one boy, ages ranging froni two to ten, inside of six hours, and another boy comprising the bereaved párente' family lies at the point of death. - Sorae of our saloonists paid their license last Friday and indulged in a little jambore of their own immediately afterward. So exciting were the scènes in tlie i'orenoon, that even pleasant weather would not induce them toleave their respective .couches in the afternoon. -The Dexter Cornet band have always maintained an enviable reputation tbroughout Dexter and vicinity, e.irned by gentlemanly management and courteousness to all, and when necessity compelled them to cali apon the indulgent public for financial aid, or othervvise, their cali was amply responded to by their admirers and numerous friends. 15ut lately they - in respect to a few, let me add, vrith some exceptions - seerned to have forgotten that courtesy which made them so famous in the days of yorc, and gained them sucb hosts of friends. They exhibited very bad taste when they colleet"d lust Saturday evening, and resolved by oontinuous tooting to draw a eiowd and keep tlie people trom going to, or deceive them about, the play of the Ludies" Library Association presented iu the hall that evening; first it ihowed a suporabundance of (Mjici'ii. whicli ;11 good lmiuls exclude from their circle, and again disrespect for an association whose members comprise the very best families in Dexter, and an assoeiation that v.ill thrlve and prosper when the D. C. 13. are among the thjngs that were. Nothing but pure selflshness could have prompted them to resort to so mean but poor a inethod, WhicB must tnevitably gain them many bad friends. and how ehagrined they must have feit to flnd so few followers and supporters in their evil design, but they offered an unealled for insult to the association and participante in the drama that will not soon be fcrgotten. -Chas. W. Gucst asked a certain gentleman for an alleged sum he owad him. The gentleman dwúed it. S'-me wordsensued. Cha. íecei veda reminder on the riglit cheek and the aforesaid gentleman waltzed to the Justice oiiice and paid añice swaa for the pleasure. Time, two hours and forty minutes. -Mr. John Hall father of JohnE. Hall of Dexter Townshípdied at the latter's residence abnut 2i miles fromDexer Fridaj morning at tlÁ advanced age oí 77 years. Mr. Hall was ono of the oíd pioneera and respected by all who i.ncn him. The funeral services weve conducted by Rev. John Arnold OÍ Detroit at the house Sunday afternoon.


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Ann Arbor Argus