Personal Glances
- Miss Mannie Neely of Chicago, 111., is visiling Miss Addie Marsh of this city. - D. W. Palmer of Bridgewater, and landlord Lewis of Ypsilanü were in totrn Monday. -Dr. Merwin of Detroit was in the city Wednesday looking aftei a farm snitable for peach growing, -Editorial Bro. Allison of the Chelsoa Ilerald let his beamii:g conntenance shine upon our sanetum Monday. - Lawrence Barrett was c mp 'lied to ride from Ypsilanti to tliis city in a carriage owing to au accident on the M. ('. 'il. R. - Kdward Ilenning of Chicago, 111., is in the city making arrangement for tlie construclion of an apple house at the M. C. R. R. depot. -Mr. Martin Haller has gone to Colorado in the hope of being able to recover his old-time health. His system haa given way to g;-nera! i:ebility without the encroachment of speciüc dliease.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus