Salt For Stock
But I'ow fermers p'a-'í ri proper estU mate u pon salt as n daily woossary ibr stock. To discrimínate the qnnntity nceded to the différent domeatic animáis, numerous and careful experimenta have been mode. Rocognizuis' the importauce oí' the subject, the Fivnch Oovenimout, not many yenra atfo, eominlssionod a nuniber of' practical and scientiflo persona to inv&stiite aud ref)ort upon it. In theii1 report tlie tblowing scale was flxed upon as the minimum daily allowances for the different animáis, in ordiuary coiulition, viz : OLTÍOKS. For a worliinfr ox or inilch cow, . . ' For fnttenlng tftll-ffd oxen, . . . ''A Si Oí Kor fattcnin pigs 1 c$ 2 Forstoreshuep ('Unible for f;H sbeep), }4 (fo % For hortot and mulea l A dairymau fonnd, after mnny trials, that wkli two ounces of galt dáily liia C0W8 iiivc the most milk. The careful cbemíst and fhrmer, Bonssingault, once l'cil six steers í'or thirteen montbs in two lots. giving tilo same kind of fodderaud water toeach, bat giving ono lot an ounce and au eightli of snit daiI v and the othcr none. A rcmarkablc dilFercnco. waa at once manifest. Tlio flrst lot wcre all slenk, smooth-oonted nnd in perfect conditiou. ïhe other became rongh, mangy, anil ill-coinlitioned, and weighed at tlie end of the test, 140 pounds loss tlian those that had been supplied with galt Manv otlicr similar results niiht bc citctt, but these ure siilBcieut to induce tluwe ■vlio still doubt tlie value ot' salt ibr all kinds of farm stock to test tho matter ibr themselves. Not only is salt an aajceabie and ncedful article of food, but it is in some disoases al most a spccin'c rcmedy. For those parasitic diaeases to which sheep are subject - sucli oa the livcr rot (flukes in the liver), verminouj broncbitis (worms in tlia bronchial tn!)cs) and worins in the stomach and intestinos - salt 15 an unfailint; remedy .-is wcll as an effectllrtl prevcntivc Tlie iii'itnting worins whicli sometiines infest the rectum of horscs are removed at once by an injoctioii ot'a solutiou of one onnce of aait in n qmrl of water But it is as a constant addition to the food that it is most useful as a preservativo of tho he-iith of our domestiy una Is.-
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