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An Immense Conservatory

An Immense Conservatory image
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Perhaps Üie larsest privaie conservatory in tho wotlil is thnt jnsl completëd for the Kiiiiï of Holland in the Soliloss Pnrk, adjoin!u( his favorito country rosidenoo. Itsdimensiotis we, indeed, euorruous; for it eontains above forty-six thousauda cubic yards of gpaco, wliilc its glass domo is nii!"ty feet high and one himdred and cilny in diainetor. This imposing; cupon i-i finnked by two lofty, reeemblittg Turkisli minnvts in s!i:ipi',wlnc,h give au Oriental ehaiw.tcr !o the vvholu atructare. The hot water pipos httd down for the heating of t!ie giantic grecuilionso are 110 less tlian fifteen tliousand feot Ion?. Aniong the tropical plants which havo been purcuased by 1 1 is Majcsty for tlio ftdornment of his new conservatory are two huge palm trcps, from tlie Boyal nousea at jsngmen. xweuty-one nores wcre harnessed to the platform on vaheéis whereon reposed the smaller of tlicse magniflceut trees, the triink of Which incasnrcs lbrty toet in length nnd its crowd of fronda twenty-tbur foot in diameter. Thia tree weighs two tons and a half, whilc its coinpanion, a much largor spcchiieii ot' tlio date palm, sixty leet inheight, weighs nearly a ton more. Tliey liavo been plantod nnder the very centre of the great dome, wbere there is plenty of room tor theui togrow as last as tbey please tbr the next hali-ceiHury. -


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