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Living With Nature

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Robert Inarersoll says there is ,a qniet about the lit'c of a farmer, and a hope of serene oíd age, that 110 business or profession can promise. A professional man is doomed sometimos to.feel that hls powersare waning. Hu is doomed to sce youner and stronger men pass him in the race tbr lifo. Ho looks forward to an old axe of intelleetual mediocrity. He will bc last where once he was first. , But tlio farmer iocs, as it were, into partnership with nature - he lives with trees aud flowers - he breathes the sweet air of the fields. There is no constant, frirhtful strain upon tlie miad. Iíis ni rhts are íilled with sleep and rest. He watches his flocks and hcnls as thoy leed upon the green and hilly slopes. He hoars the pleasant rain fhll upon the waidn? corn, an 1 the trees he plantod ia Ii is youth rustle above him as he planls others tor the children yet to bc. A felloAV stopped at a hotel in Leadville, and the lan Hord chnnfod hira S7 a day for fire d lys. "Ditln t yoti ut ike amistake?" "Ho," said the lamllord. "Yes, yon did ; yon thought yon jroi all the moucy I Ixad, hut. yon are mistaken. I have a whole purseuil in anOthgr pocket."


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus