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President Angell Tendered A Reception And Banquet In Detroit Prior To His Departure For China

President Angell Tendered A Reception And Banquet In Detroit Prior To His Departure For China image
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As previouriy stated in ilie this paper, a aumber of prominent citizens of Detroit havo .xuressed their intentíon ol tcrdering Prei lent Anjíell a recepnon and banquet r"or '' bis deparüire lor China. A meeüng oi' tlie piitlemeii interested in the proposed receptioi. ras leld in Detroit on Satuidoy, and wasattendel by Wm. A Butler, S. U. Cutcheon 1'. W. Palmer, Pon M. Dickinson, J. V. Moran. K. C. Wi.lkcr, Mayor Tliompson, H. B. Let.yard. H. W. Lord, C. A. Kent, D. B. Dufti.-ld. Levi Bishop, Hoyt Post, Levi L. Bar. bour, Judpe Reilly, Dr. T. A. McGraw, Otto and ethers. It was decided to hold the reception and nanqnet at the Russell House, aome time in ilie course of a week or ten days. Tlie cominiuee of arrangementa consists of Major ihompson, PJiilo Parsons, W. K. Muir, S. M. .'uiclipon, W. A. Moore, Don U. Diekinson. L'. A. licGraw, and J. V. Moran. The time of the recepuon will be nx a oy the com iniltee, and a bout 300 guesla will be present. Tüe Ibüowing conespondence waa read at the meeting ol ihe commiltee : Detkoit, April 20, 1980. President James B. iuwell, Aun Arbor. Dkaií Sir- In vie.v of jour pui y denarture for Cliina charged willi a n ost hono ■■ ble and responsible trust, and as a testimony of otir high appreciation of your character and of the eminent services you have rendered to the cause of edueatioi) i" Michigan, your friends, citizcns ot Detroit, desiie you to appoint soujo d.iy wüen we may have the pleasure ol meeting witti you for an iuterchange of civünies and an eipression of ourgood will for you perHonally and our confidence in your aliility to üiacliarge accepiably the delicate and important trust reposed in you by the government. Very respectfully, S. M. Cutcheon, Robert P. Tunis, James V. Campbell, John J. Bagley, W U Thompson, V. . Aiouirop, Allred Uu.Bfcll, James licMillan, K C. Walker, Jeurge Jerouie, Hiram Walker, TUeodore ttumeyn, Geo. Hendrie, W. A. Butler, Kmory Wendell. F. Buhl, Alex. Lewis, 0. li. Bulil, Jerome Croul. J. B. M. Sill, 0. J. Reilly, W. H. le!l, W. B. VVesson, D. Betliune Duüieid, Alauoi'i teheley, Hidiard atorra Willis, Aahley Poud, Pfailo Paraous, M. S. brnith, Hemy Russell, U. C. Holbrook, Oeo. C. Hand, Don M. Dickinsou, 0. Van Eusen, Allen Mieidon, John Weldon, Sidney ü. Miiler, James E. Pittinaii, C. I. VVlker, Ht'nry N. Wulker, .1 S Farrand, W. A. Moore, J. Logan Cliipman, James Burn, C. A. Kent, W. K Muir, C!. H Walker, L. L. Barbour, Thomas llcUraw, B. Vernor, Levi T. Griffin, Edwin F. Oonely, tloyt Post, John A. ürwiu, Geo. W. Balct), laiuea Burteusliaw, Francis Palma, Artlnir T. Piereen, E. T. Barnuui, Theo. P. Hall, R. W. Gilli-ti, llenry l. Barnard, Álcx. M. Campau, r.dward Kanter, E. W. Meddaugh, C. 11. ÜaviKm, Alvah Bradisli, Kobt. A. JUggeu, lï S. Heinuiao, Charles Root, SylvtsierLamed, D. U. Ferry, H B. Ledyard, H. il. Utley, T. W. l'almer, Alt'red White, Oitu (Circhner, John V. Moran, Henry B. Bruwn, il VVilkinson, E. O. Skimier, A. B Msyuaru, W. C. Coburu, Jas L. Bdson, Jas W. Rumeyn, K Wetmoro, A. (i. Biyutuu, T. A. McUiaw, U P Baldwin, 4d., 8. l Mm-pliy, Hugl. McMillan, Win. N. Carpciuei, t. W. KUig. W. K. Quinby, M. I. MUI, James Beutly, vv' tí. Moran, Gio. 0., Lévi Bn-liot 1) il. Coa. er, C. K. Bae.vUf, E B Wighl acfl J C. lloliues. Umiveüsity of Michigan, ) May 8, lübO. j Mr. Philo Parsons. Deau Sik - 1 hare received hj your hand thevery kind iriviiationot prominent citizens of Detroit to nieet theiu at Borne time belore my departuie fur Cliina. I am eqvially sniprised and gratified at this manilestaüon ot interest in me and in the work to whiiih I have been uuexpectedly calied. I do not leel athbeny to decline the r.qiiesto! the guod Iriends lor whom I eherish so high mi estteui, ihough I f'eel myselí' quite unw,inh,v tlie honor which they coiiler on me by tlns MVitation. In aueniptmí lo name a d:iy for the meeting, [ am embarraasiHi by the act that I ara liable to be nuimiioiieU tu Washington at any tune to reoeive iny mstruciioiis. Subject to ihat conüugeDCJ I could bo at libeity on almost any lai coUTUUieDt to yi'U. Wiüi inany thuuks Tor the courtesy or my irieuds ia Uuiroii, 1 am Yours very tnüy, JaMïs B. Angell.


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