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A rood smoker Ís an absoluto essential iinpleniont in cvery apairj. ïlic crciniitory at Washington, Pa., lias n í-oiínlar iixctl rate of chai-ffes- f 35 pcradult. Tlic State ofPennsylvíinia pnid $1,20ü,GG4 last yuar as interest on its public debt. l'rovidence, R. I., has nearly 4,000 clnldrcn of school age who do ñot attend school. _ The street-sweeping-s of New York city are dclivered 011 Long Island furms at SI. 50 per ton. A colorcd man who cooks terrapin t the Maryland Club, Baltimore, earns over 82,000 a j'ear. Modesty is tomerit as shades to fiilire in a picture, glviag sti-eugth and beauty. - La liruyere. If a man will toll me what he tliinks ofhis Jicighbors, lean tell liim what Jila ueighburs think of hím.-Joíh liiltllíS. Lo ve requires jiot so rauch jji-oof, as cxpressioiis of love. Love demanda lililí! clsc than tlin power to ícel and rcijiíite lovc.-liichter. Silgar was nnknown to the Grecks aiul Koinaua of antiquity, or onlv as a cm-iosity. AVo owc the'first iniíln,._ tion oí' it into Europa lo tho Saracens. Whüe hls mother Uves a man lias onc í'riend ouearth wlio will not desei-t him wheu lio is ueedy. Her afíootion ilovvs irom a püre íbmitaiu, and ceases oily at the ocean ofcteniity. A buzzard captured in Logan Oounty, Kcntucky, liad un oiie of his feot i stcol tnip of peculiar pattera, wliich AA-as ideutifled by Mr. Tranghber as Jiavmg becn carried away ñve years previously. --... Gnard college contains eig-ht huurt red and aoveuty orplnins. The college has up to this time eduoatcd three thoiisand four hundred and flfty-four orphans, a uumbor oí' whom liavé "-aiucd distüielion in lile. - In Podolia, Ilussia, a scrrunt-girl latoljr brought suit agaiust lier nustress ibr dctaniation. Tlie presidkur judgo was the latter's lui.sband, and he coiKienuied liis wifa to pay üity silver roubles. Tlie cx-khedive, Ismail Paslia, is reponed to have been so afiuid of pbison tlie past few vears. that fin ..,to only oí' íooil propared by las owú mothcr, and conveyed to him In a box Oí' which shc and Jic alone kopt keys. The total number of both written añil pi'iuted copies of the biule at the bcgiuniiijf of tiie present century did not excued i,UUÜ,OU0; but siuce' that tune llü,uuo,ouü havo been priuted by the Britiwi and Aisenoau societies alone. _ A court-martial sitting in Paris has just scuteuced to five years' penal servitudc a man named Charles Drouhin M'lio was convictod nina yuars a-o of liaving givc, iníormation' to theGernmns the siego, and who. iiaving escapea íroin prison duriug tho communist íusurreotiou, was rooaptured iindcr vory peculiar circuiustances. ._ - . -.--_-., Charles Dickcns the secoud promises in .!-. i. .. - " ■ . r inanages 0110 of the largest printiug offices in Lomion, or in Europa j hchas vory siiecessftiHy püblisheü tüj "Londoii Dictionary" and the "fcruide to Loiidon," und is now preparing a "Dictionary of tho Thanios." He iuherits liis íather's love í'or piinting offices and ïiewspapcrs. It has been decicted by the Post Office Department that stampa on misdirected letters stopped in tiie otiice of deposit and retiiniod to tho sentier for Dotter cürection, sliall, providud tlie letter liasnot been iransiniued througl the mails, be accented as good íbr lor■wiu-diiig-, although caucelled ; also tliat stampa on letters for eountries thatare Btopped for deiicient ostage, sliall bc ïegarded as au iustallineiit of xu-oper piepaymcnt. A negro Hercules, Brown Aiken by name, at Columbus, S. C, lifts without artificial aid, se ven huudred pounds of' iron, and can toss on a wagon a bftff of cotton weigliintf four hundreq pounds. ITc is well built, but not of unusiial size. A young woman in Glon Cove, L. L, has a hen that singsMIold theFovt" ■vith all the unction of Widow Van Cott. Slie lias only to start the air, when the pullet joins in and singa along with lier to the end, ibllowiiig notes and minding all the rests. The lionso in New Haven in which Benedict Aniold at one time lived is still standing, though in a somewhafc dilapidated condition. Arnold's statiouary shoc-box still reniains in ono oí' the halls. One of the attractions of the tl welling is a secret stairway, witli the lowest sec t ion of steps running o a track, so that it can be pulled int o the room whon necessary. Poor Kluns, the jockey, who was thrown at the Vesinet races, and diert in a Paris hospital had a sentimcntally sad funeral. The hearso was drawn by two l'oundored horses that ho had once ridden under colors, and behind it walked hls fellow-jookeys, "attired in black, with their neads üncovered. little thhi, nervous individúala in tight trousers, deeply crcasixl about the knees." The notion of putting a light insido tho body, so as to soe what is goiug on there, and to take remedial or preventive ïnea.-jiircs acoordiiigly, is not entiioly ew, but it is very interesting-. Tlns is the aira substantially of tie "polyscope," au invoutiou wliich, it is asserted, will render au examinatiou of every part Of tho hmnau botly tbasible. ïho namcs of frwmty-nine ladios appear in tho list oí' candidatos who passed the matricqlation exaniiiiatiou of tlio London University in Jajiusuy. ïwo of them are in the Honoi-s JJivisious, and oim of these, Alico Elizabüth IjCo, of Bedford College, London, is at tho top of the list, uut is disqDaüfied byageibrthe ürst exhibition. tíuv enteen ladiea passed in the lirst división and live Lu the socoud divisibju. The London Examiner eontains tha followiiig statomeüí in regard to the ïmmber ol" wumcu who votó ia Enghuiil : -'Insixty-six municipal eJectiüJis out ot'evory 1,000 womeil who eujoy squal rihts with men. on tlic register, 51Ö went to the polls, which is iorty iight loss thau tuu proportionato numjer of men ; and, out 01 7J4J waaien legistered, whew a coiitest occurrcd, 1,4,416 voted." It costs $üö0.000 or less to build a llrst-class irou n-üiiit stamyr ot' y.,oOO tons, thai. will rate A 1 twenty cars. Six weeks are allowed for a ouiid trip l'rom Xew York or Philalelphia lo Kurope and back lor a teamcr of tliis olass. a, liii. ml ailowanco for layfng up tbr rewirs the ship will makc eeven round trips a ycar. The average vahie of hor outwaul cargoes rnay be ikirly cstimated at $100,000, and the treigtit lista Wil! average not less than fl6,UOO. Tour Cliuiaincn recently appeared bcfore tbc Supremo Coiirt of New lorkns the Lucorpomtors of "Lon WeïoKEng Wi' which was dis" coyered to mean "ïho Order, and JLJrothcrhooil of Masons." Xaturally euoutfii, in view 01 thü discoverv of socalled Masouic emblema under our "Gleopatra's needle," and the consequont discussion of the aatiquity of Masonry, this curioiu fact was investigaiod, aml the Chinese incarporatow said tliat they were Masons beioi-e ther carne to America; they had been tried mid proven as such by American and iuig-lisn Masona ; ihat they have evidence to prove the existenoe of Mason. ty in Cliina for i tliousand years and that the sigiw and gripg are the sama as those of other Masons. ïiio passvroi-ds, although dilfereut in sound nare tlie same sigufleance as those tuf other Masons.


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