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A ww fron i-UIróail ti" !rC Vwwn on exMbitlon rccontlv i" P!]i!'Vi:!'.i", wliiob disppiiHoa wítli the uso of Rpikes, bolts, mits' (iv RhIi pl ites an'd witli tho dr'ilHng :i!.1 of rails, and avoids tUc conscjniMit ilMi::vrsofrcak euiug (W l'racturo IVinii sucii crtuícs. Antotypes, marte by a nevr pvoccs of photo-eiyra'vln'jf, are tino pietures, having the aocurftcy, tlieliinmteuetaii, the perfect clcfln.itiou, the briUiatit eïfeets oí' the bost photographa, ■with tho aiiilecl advatitige of Iwius; pprnwneiit- ns enJuring hs tpcr and Luk oau !'. Experimenta ceeently made in Ilunpftvy with a pn'):ira:i(i!i callcd vènolin liiive bien regaruwl as vöry satlsfaotjrv. lt k"o win pcrfectly cleat aiiii in good prcsirviition for an intloiluite time, mi will, it is clúme;, au importaut Influpuee in increa tli export of liunarian and other ■wincs. A Bfir instrument, callcd the spliyinunophoiM) consista in an spplioation of the teleplione principie whereby the moTementt of the auricular pulse ure convcrted iuto audiblo sounds. 15y cxtcndui.u: the tolopliDiK! wires in connnctioi) witli tiic instrument, h pliysicim can lisien to the pube ol'a paticut u ïnilü ot two away. S A new sphere of uscfulness for tlie supevabumlant product of tho oil vrella I Í3 said to be ineluded iii adiscotery by ' which a suucrior qnallty ot' reilncd iron can be proAuceu t'roni oomruon gurop iron. Éither crudc or rcflnod oil ínay be employetl.and thc procesa by wlucH the iron is made, is kiiown as the oil fuel in-ocess. Celluloid is novr emploj'ed to consi,lc-;ible ex ten t in the ïnauuMftuge of uve tflaas fmuw whieu aro Sftid to be uwcti lighter than any otliere, twenty-iive ot'them only weirfhing nn ounce siso stvongev and more dunible. Tliey e:in bc droppod on the hardest subBtancea witliout lujury. Tüeir beauty ia equal to tli:it o f tortoise shell, mil not being affected by atmospberic changos, they are adaptad to aiiy clima te. Experimenta have vecen tly been made it CoH's í'uctory at Hactford, on now substitute torsteíiin boilers, particularly adaptad for use In picasure yiiclits áml imnll craf'U gencraily. It is ni autoomtic Mlf-fbetliug appáiutua, farni8hing great propelliug toree in a little SDftce. T.:; steaia geuaratlng inparatus weighs only 36ü pounds and the englne ouly 40Ú pounds. Tno w:itcr supply is only four or live gallons and the water ruus back to tliu iountiiiii and U used over again. It bas been snpposed tliat gimlct poiuted screws were a modern inveution, but sonio were receutly taken ii-oni a piano at Woreesier whiehwei-o mado in Londo in 17Ó5. Tiiey bore umuistakable evidences oí" a.;v, and of having been made betbl-o serews wcre turnea out by maehinery. ï'ue most curious thingabout tiie matter is that tliev tlid ïwt at once tmpercede the blunt poinLed serevv whieh ooutiuued in uso lor neurly a cenlury longer. A new procesa for making artificial Rtnnc. invonted by Ternikoll". 3 tlius describtíd in Le Monde da la cieuce: A mortar consistiría; uf equal parta oí lime aud sand la exposed for n lew hours lo a tompenvture ot' 160 degroea Ceatigrade in the presenco of water vapor. The paste haviug buen kaken oul o f the furnacc is now passed undor the cylindci-s of a machine hUe tlmt used for molding bricks, and it comes out in the ibrni ot' cubos wliioh, ou buiag exposed to the air, beeonies dry and hard. In the coui'so oí eight or nine hours these cubes are as hard as jrood stonus, and are lit lor ase Tilia artificial stoue is, in tact, a or't of brick of mortar Uiked at a low emperatnre, aud (lie cost, too, isaboul ,lit same as that of brioks.


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