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- John Broujham the great actor ilied Moníi a y. -Chicago Democratie primarles were a clean svveep for Saymour. - Over two thousand emigrants r.rrived at Baltimore, Friday, and left for íhe vest in the evening. -The Chinese areraisinglargebodiee of troops on the Russian frontier. Wax is expected almost hourly. - It appeara that the Empresa of Eussia died while asleep. Koneof the roya! famlly were present. - C. W. Scofleld of liew York city, a dealer in iron faüed on Saturdáy with liabilitiea arnonnting to $2,00O,CC0. - Bobert Lincoln, Fred Grant and 8teph6Á.] cuelas each tookapc. I of nis father to the Illinois headquarteis at Chicago. -More than fortypeoplewereinjured by the falling of the church roof at Mount Cory, O., on Sunday, but as yet there have been no dei - People are dying of fumino in the ataréete of Diarbekir and Bagdact- Women sell their cbildren to obtin food. and man? live on rats and vermin. - Mrs. Belva Lockwood advocates two separate purses in tlie household, money transactions betweénhusband and wife as between ar.y other '". - "If I should moet the dasferffly rebel that shot me,"eaid a Boston war veleran, on drawing $1,600 in 'pension arrear s, "he'd have to swallow half a bottle of wine.". - Among the other honors wbich President Hayes will enjoy in t!:e fuis that of the vico-presiclency of the American Bible society, to which he has just been elected. -Charles W. Scofield, an iron dealer of New York, has suspended, with liabilitiea of $2,000,600 and nominal asseta Of $3,000,000. The failure is dae to the recent extraordinary collapse in tl - A young lady in Fond du Lac,WÏ9., who disáppéáred from hor home I weeks ago, has been found dead in 1 he office of a specialist physician il Chi(■:,',). Tiie coroner is investigating the oase. -Mrs. Hammersmith of MaJison, Ind., pursued some chlskens oa Mr, Smiths premises. Mr. Sinith ordered her off. Mr. Iammersmith stoned Mr. Smith's house, and Mr. Smith shot him dead. - Miss Bigney, a school teacher at Lincoln, 111., white, married the Rev. I, colorad, and her relatives orin to ■ d h( c to an asylum, on the ground that her love fpr a man-ia. - Old Mr. Mei 7„ of Cambridge Ctty, ■ snea a weaíthy widow of Richmoit'd, in the same state, f orbreach of promise, claims $2XX) damages for liquors furnished by him and drank during the courtship. -That baby elephant is proving the Btrongest attraction ever presonted by a show in this country. The circus to which it belonga is drawing enormous audiences.through New England, and In some places three performances a day are given. -John Meadow's parents consented to his marrying Miss Pinard, at Memphis, and all the preparations were made for a fm'e wedding. Two daya before the appointed time, however, they found out that her golden hair bad been made so by bleaching. Begardingthatas a deception, they forbade the banns, and the son obediently hroke the engagement. -John G. Thompson, Jr., of Ohio, son of Sergeant-a t-Arms Thompson of the house of representatives, wíís probably fataliy shqt, Friday, at Highland Falls, N. Y., hy Beaumont Buck of s. Both were appllcanta for adon to the military academy at West Polnt, and in attendanoe on a preparatory school. Buek had been sed," and, hecoming enraged at some remarks, drew a revolver and shot Thompson, the bullet passing hr ough the latter's body.


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