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MEDICINAL. ■ To NiTvous Sun'erers- The Oreat European lieiucdy- -l)r. J. 1!. Siiiipson'a Spociíic Medicine. Tt la a positive cure for tpermatorrhen, Seminal Weakoess, Impotency, and all distase nsultmií ___ fiüm self-Abuse, ;ia BTOBS. MeDtal Anxtóty, aiteu. BSv?Í cine is being nHHiíSSf"" - -. wii,[j wonderfu] Bncceu. Pampbleta sentfreetoal), Writs for thetn and t;et. ful] partii i Prioe,Speclflc, 11.00 per packsge, or bíi liacVngfs for $5.00. Addrese all orders to. J. Ii. SIMPPON BÍEDfOTKECO., Nos. 04 and 1 Of Main Htreet, Bufflüo, N. Y. For sale in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & iáon, unn by all drutítíito evcrywhere, NERVOUS DEBILITÏ. GKAY'S Sl'ECIl'IC MED1CIKK. TRADERK.The GT.oal Kn_ TRADE WAK. Univeral Lassitude, Palo in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature OM Ape.and raanyotherdiee asea tbat lcjid to lusaaity, Consamption aud a Premature Grave. AS Ivull particulars in out paraphlets, which we de.sire to send free by mailto every one. The SpeciiicMraiicineis sola by all Druggista at il per packa;e, or six packages tor $5, or will he sentby mail on receipt cif the moncvJ v addressinit THE UBAY MEDTOiNÈ CO.. No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. S-Soldin Ann Arbor by all Druggists, andby druggists everywhere SCOVILL'S BLOQD1 L1YEB SYRUP, a peerl.ess remcdy for Scrofula, White Swellings, Cáncer, Erisipelas, Gout, Chronic Sores, S.rpliilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, Salt lihenm, Malaria, Bilious Coinplaints, and all diseases indica tin? an lm pure Condition of the Bloou. This Grand Kemedy is a compound of vegetable extracts, the chief oí' wliich are SARSAPARILLA and STILLINOIA. The cures effeeted by SCOYILL'S BL001) AND LIYEB SYRCP are absolute aud their record is undisflsrured by failurc. For sale by all Drug-gists. MOTT'S UVER PÍLLS. The 5?sat Cathartlc Vegetable Regulator. Ttiey rectifif torpidtty of the JJiver. They ffive tono 1o the Stomach. Thnj act, without griping, upon the botcelft. They Remove bile from the blood. They purify, reyulate, invUjorate the body, Thcy cure all bilious cornpïaints. WORM SYRUP Instantly destroys WORMS and Is recommended by physicians as the best WORM MEDICINE Ui usa. BAKERS PM PtHiCE. for JflJlJV and SSEJIST. l'or External and Intcrnal Use. The greatest Pain Reliever oí the Age, Zf For sale by ïiM DruK iti. JOHN T. HEXKY, CURRAN & CO., T.OLE PROPUIETOl'.S, 24 Colieec J'lacc, New Vork. U4MIU0D: How Lost, H ow Restoretf. _-#5B Just publbthed, a new edition of Dr. ï:?. Culverwell'g Celebrateil Kay on &jXZm "u; 'iica nire (without medicine) of arrx Sp] i.-matokiíh.ea fr Seminal Weaktu;tjs. luvtiluiitiuy .Seniimi! LoSMS, Imtotency Menta] nd Pbynical Incapacity, Impedimenta u Marrlage, etc.; also, Conaumption, Fitlepb y and i'iTs, induoed by Bílf-indulgenoe or sexual extravagance, Sic. elebratcd author, iu this Hdmlrabie Essay oleorly demónstrate, frotn a thirty years' uioceu' "ui practioe, tluii thealarmirigoonsequencesof pelfnbuse may lx; tadlcally cared without the dungeromuse uf ïnierniil mwlidneor the apjilicatiou of tbe kmfe; pointiiiir out n rnode of pure at oncfl simple oertain a:,d effi-otnnl by mcans of wbich every snfierei, no matter what dis eoudition may be, may cur bimself cheaply, privately, aud radicatly, . This Locture slionld be in ths ham! of every youih and ;very man in the land, ■Sent, un'ier sea], in :i iiluiii anvelopft, to any adIrees, post-uaid, oureceipt oi'oix cents ortwo uoatmpB. Addresa the Publlsfaers, TUK riIl.VriüWKLI, MïniCAL VO., tl Aim St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4580. THE REñDY FAIV1ÍLY SOAP MAKER: LEWIS' LYF 88 PEK. CENT. PURE. (Fatentcd.) FtNEIiY POWBERED. HIGHLY PERFUMEO. The strongest and purest Lye marte. 'W1I1 eemiSvftlímí'PámnrSÍm6a " SüaP The best wat r-soit ener made. Tiio best dislnfectaiit. r.3 ■ olowiuí ar"ö ome of the ndvantagns obtaxned by usina: Jjewua' 98 Per Cent. Powdered ,- -jt First. Itifiparfeedlnanlroncanwith Jfr"ia Bhp or removable lid, eaöily taken off R and leavniMT the coiitntits xpnsed, theret VK ly öavin tlie trouble, aunoyance, and MjfiJD - a-aanyer (from flyint? particles). as S' lïrdWr Wlt" othjer Lyea, which, bcmg Hfi j Boliii iu tlie cans, must be HL _jFk brolten with a hamiaci to get HHn ft the Lyo out. 9 HA IA econd. It beinj? a Une L I ■ Kf A %fcJl?o wder, you can remove the -'Iwfft lid and pour out all the conB tents, alwaya rcady for E '■ BR use. BffWOk Thlrd. A toaspoonf ui or moro can be wF'TSSJX Uriüd. a'j in wator-softenina-. scrubbiutr 2 B ?ic-.adth8iïdretiirnodtothocan,and ■I tberoby Bave tho bulanoe of contenta. ■ ■ With otherLyes all xnust bo diHHolvod S ■ ollce aod used in a shurt timo or tbe kjfiB BtreiiKth is Kone. 031, Foiirtli. Absoluto purity. Tree f rom all adulterations. tSSkS&ïtigiSSjsF to from t . ï i"il,"r0 ia 1'osBible in mtiklnir Soap witxi uu j_a-ö waeu uio Kininle curections inven aro foíloweu. Seycnth. One can of this Powderea Lye ís eqiial to twonty iiounds oí Sal Soda or Washüig KiKhth. One can of tWs Lye will Baponify one E rana inora oí gremse than auy other Concentrated yo, Ball Potash, or Saiionifler Nuirh. ïhia Lyo is S per coot. stronger thaa any otlier Lye or Potafh , i c I1}!' na,to. t-aspoonfuls wlll uoften a hit i oí tho kardcst water. .leventh. One teapi)oonful wIU thorouprlily cleanse Sinks, Drains. or Closcts. '""ru"B"y Jiivaluiible for Boaehes, Mico. Kats, etc. aüü beat articlü íor waelttutí ïreeti. , MANUFACTUREO ONLY BT G.T.LewisiMenziesCo. PHILASKLPHIA. lükwraiii -r itthI WIELIAÜ REÍD, I IftTlTw ■ O I B jÊtlVyBi I Wholoflalc & Iíetni Monter In lylnHulj ow Gfáss, Piale GJass, BKlIBBLtII RibbpJ and Rongh Platp ror 1 M B WBÊ k Bk V% VI S!íy Lialits, Cut and KaamBH 1 U ■ ft ïS eled Olas! Silver Plated II ■ BU m IQy II Sash líars. Freoob ua-l (!-riBMAnUhkHMll !nao Lr.oiiiuíí Gíjms i It'i'f g 5 B1 Él Tffi M -J.ll mII Ltüiti ani Oil, Colorí, Puttv, li]ltiff THe PiwCTCTI T 1 l:""lilijaf, or Ín wfvnf L --'trrJHLftgjl oi sujthiug write tur estiÍS & 14 CoBgrsse St. Ea3t, Detroit, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Argus