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RAILROADS. MlCIHtíAS CENTRAL KAILROAD. MAY 9, 1880. gomo wbbt. - XAX.ONS. " fá J f __ ? ; cM --w r. , .. , A. M. A.M P. M. p. 51. P.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 5 53 4 05 8 3) 9 Po (1. l.Junction, 7 18 10 00 6 10 4 8 45 10 10 Wayne Juuction ; 52 10 28 6 42 4 46 0 16 10 42 Vpailar.ti, 8 20 10 48 7 05 5 05 9 38 n 07 Oeddce, 8 30 7 20 - _ Aun Arbor, 8 40 11 00 7 35 5 22 9 55 n 24 lelilí, 8 63 7 46 Dexter, 9 04 7 56 5 38 10 14 Chelaea, 9 22 8 11 S 52 10 30 Giubs Luke, 9 50 8 35 6 12 10 52 t , A.M Jackson, 10 20 12 18 9 00 6 55 11 "0 12 55 Altann, 1104 12 50 7 40 1150 138 MmuLnll, 11 SO 130-3'g 8 08 12 21 155 BattleCreek, 12 18 1 55 Y 8 37 Í 45 2 20 Gulesburg, 12 52 9 10 KalBmnzoo, 1 1S 2 8T 6 00 9 30 1 30 s 02 Lawtoa, I B3 5 3S 2 05 DeCiitur, 2 10! 5 50 2 21 Dowagiuc, j 3,, 6 2 2 u Nilfs, 3 05 4 07 6 ÍS 3 10 4 38 Buchanfin, 3 19 7 07 3 23 Thrue Oaks. 3 49 7 32 New JSuffalo, 4 03 1 4 53 7 45 4 05 llicl.igan City, 4 30 i 5 20 8 10 4 88] 6 55 }MÍe, 5 18 G 02 8 53 6 17 6 48 Ker.MOKton, 6 00 6 50 9 10 fí 05 8 18 Chicau, arriTe, 6 50 i 7 40 10 30 6 55 8 30 OOING EAST. __L_XZ_ó&_ 5_ A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. p M Ohicago.lenve, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15! 9 10 Kenoington, 7 50 1 9 50 4 50 6 05:10 00 L'ike, 8.18 10 30 6 42 6 50 ! 10 43 Michigan City, 9 20lll3 8 80 7 40 11 SO New Buffulo, 9 49 11 32 6 58 u 57 ïhree Oaks, 10 03 7 18 Buehanan, 10 32 7 40 '. ' NileB, 10 45 i 12 15 8 10 . 9 00 12 48 Dnwagiac, )1 18 8 38 1 1$ Decutur, 11 3) 9 OS 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 , 9 22[A. M. 1 67 Kalamazoo, 12 33 1 40UO 00 6 50 10 28 tu Galesburff, 12 o.Ti . 7 08 i Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 m 7 40 11 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 25 3 00 f 8 08 11 37 3 46 A.M. Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 11 59 4 12 Jackaon, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 30 18 45 5 00 Ornas Liike, 4 101 7 38 9 50 6 25 Chelsea, 4 401 8 0210 07 Doxter, 5 00 8 16110 19 6 05 Delhi, 5 10 8 25i Aun Arbor, 5 22 5 07 8 45 10 35 2 05 6 25 (iMitU-s, 5 29 8 62 Ypsüanti. 5 38 6 23 9 OfillO 48 2 20 6 41 Wuyne .Tune, 6 02 5 45 9 23 11 08 2 44 1 7 05 G. T. June, 6 85 6 16 9 55 11 35 8 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 50 6 30 10 10.11 50 3 35' 8 pO 'unütiVK r-xoepteü. lyaturuay and üunday ex opted. tDailj H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Weniwobth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday February 22, 1880. GOING NOnTH. OOIHO SOUTH. Mail Mail Mix. Exp. STATIONS. A.M.IP. M. P. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 8 10112 OS 6 10 TOLEDO 10 00 3 05 8 10 8 13 12 08 0 13 North Toledo 9 57 3 0Ü 8 07 8 20 12 22 ti 20 Detroit .Tunction 0 5U 2 47 7 58 8 29 12 35f,30 llawtliorn 0 41 2 33 7 48 8 37 12 48 6 4ü Samaría 9 33 2 20 7 39 8 50 110 655 Lulu 9 19 168 7 24 855 119 7 00 Monroe Junction 9 14 151 7 18 9 06 1 35 7 10 Dundee 9 05 1 35 7 10 9 16 1 57 7 '2- Azalia S 54 1 15 (i 55 9 30 2 27 7 35 Milun 8 42 12 50 6 41 9 37 2 40 7 42 Nora 8SH12 88 6 M 9 45 2 55 7 47 Urania 8 30I12 25 6 28 9 56 3 17 7 68 Pittsllulil June. 8 20Í12 06 6 18 10 10 3 45 8 10 ANN ARBOR 08 1 1 1 40 6 06 All trnina run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster tbau Ann Arhor tirae. J. 11. ASHLEY.Jk., Superintendent. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. OOING WK8T. GOING EAST. Mli.lMAtllExp. Iíxp. MaillMiy STATIONS. A.M. A.M.IP.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 7 30 8 25 5 45 Ypsilanti 10 40 5 15 S 10 8 00 8 44 6 02 Pittsfield June. 10 22 4 68 7 38 8 3(1 8 57J6 13 Saline 10 10 4 48 7 12 9 00 ! 15: C 30 Bridgewater 53 4 3316 35 9 50!); 48 Manchester 0 35 4 15 5 50 1 00 11 2' 8 22 Hillüdale 7 58 2 45i 2 50 1 15 U 30 8 HO Bankera 7 50J 2 0i 2 15 Trains run by Chicago time- 20 minutes slower thaD Columbus time. W. F. PAUKER, Supt., Ypsilanti. CAÑABA SOÜTHKKN Ft'Y Ï.INKS. The Ouly Anirriean lï.mte Through ('anuda Traías leave M. C. R.B. Depot, Detroit, city time, as l'ollows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, rlaily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New Ymk ancl Boston. Lightntng Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., AVancr car to Búrlalo and Rochester. Toledo trains teave 7 i0 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 10 p. m. daily : 6 60 p. m. exi-Pt Siniday, For Fayette ( 80 p. m. except Snnd'ay. L3r For inftrniation and tickets apply to II. W Hayes, agent. M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. HOACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. ÏKANK K. óüOW, üeu. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Detroit. fKEAT WESTERN RAIL WA Y- VT .Depots foot of Tiiird and Brush streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. Arrive. Atlantic Expiess, ï a. m. J10.00p.rn. Diiy Express, 8.35 a. m. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, 7.00p.m. tÖ.45 a.m. Detroit ICxpresB, 12.45p.m. Stearnloat Express, 7.00 a. m tüttily. "OailyexceptSunday. tExceptMonday. 'i-KS" For informatioii and tickets apply to H. V. Hayes, Agent M. C. li. R., Aun Albor. W. H. l'TRTH, WK. F.DGA.R, Westeru I'ass'r Ag't. General Pass'r Agent nnANd compam, Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includiiL Ee-Insurance Eeserve, $4,735,092.86. fifet Surplus over Liahilities, inoludin; Ee-Insurance and Caijital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Ageut, Ann Arbor. r IJiSISY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on band BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c.' For Wholesale and Ketail Trade. We shall also keep a suply of DELHI XjOTTIR., J. M. Swift & Co's Best White Whcat Flour Kye Flour, lïtK'kwheat Flour, Coru Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At Wholesale and retail. A eeneral stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS oonstantly on band, wbicb wül be told on as reasunible lerins a ut any oi bör hotiSE Ju Ibe city. Gjj C;uh paid for Butter, Egga, and Countrj Prodticr gencrally. Goode dellved to any part of the city witb. out extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan.l, 1879. pARM FOR SALE. Forty ncres, cultivable every acre, and located about two miles nortlmust of the city in Ann Arbor township. Water running throuyh it the year round, within six rotls of barn. (iuod house and barn. Orehard of lüu trees. For sule or exchange for city property. Apply to ï M. BUHI.INGAME, 22 Thompson St. Ann Arbor, Tab. 10, lfifaU' 7-tf LEGAL NOTICES. Mortpago Sale. I-EFAULT HA VING BEEN MADEJ in the conditions of a certain mertzase beat ing date the Hrenty-fiíst day .f Jannarv A D 187i, marte and executed liy Cllauucej ii Millen and Barah M. Millen bis wile, of the city of Aun Arbor, mthc cuunty of Washtena uncí átale of Michigan, to Wiilium H. p.irkcr of Lowell, Massacnnaetts. and recorded in thc (.Hice of the Jíc-'isier of Déedsof Washtenaw eounty aforesald the eTentcenlh day of July, A. D. 1878, at 11:40 o'cloek A. M., in libar 56 of mortga'es on page 257, and the amount claimrd lo be due at t h.; dale of this notice ís fourteen hundred and twenty-nve dolían and twenty-ejght cents, ateo thirly dollars aa a reasonablebolicltor'sorattorney'a fee, In addittontoaU other legal coatí if any proceedinn should be taken to foreelose thia mortgage, and no procoedHigsat law orín eiiuity liav ing been inatituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is tberefore bereby given, by virtue of the power ot sale in said inortgiiee contained, 1 shall sell on SaTUHIMY, THE .SKVKNTICF.NTH DAT OF JlILY HEXT, at two o'cloci In thc fternoon of sald day at publio vcndue to thc bjghest bidder, at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor oounty of WaahtenaMforesaid (that bcins the building -nheriin thetïrrciiit Court for Waslitenaw is held), all those certain jiicces or parcela of land ttnate in the city of Ann Arbor, n the county of nashtcnaw and state of Michiean, and described wit: Being hits No. four, flve and six m hlock No. i-ix (R) accnrdinf? to a recorded plat of Eansom S. 8niith'e2nd addition to said city of Ann Arbor as recorded in the Register's office of said cunn ty of Waslitenaw. Dated, April 22, 1SO W1LLIAM H. PARKï:n, Mortgagee. N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. ChanceryiSale. State of Michigan, the Circuit Court for tbc County of Waslitenaw- In Ohnneery. Luther Jaines, complainant. va Edwin I.utherMoGee. katic V.KcGee, .lames C. McGee, Charles H. Kempf Reuben Kempf, James }!. Watson, JaneA.Corey and David Weiland dsfendants. ]n pursiianceand by virtue of the deeree of this court made and enteredin the above eutitled cause on toe 7th day of April A. D. 1SO, the undersigned, a circuit court comiiiisMoner in and for said County of Waslitenaw, will sell at public vcndue, to the hiphest bidder, al the south frontdoor of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, on Satimlay the 12th day of June next at one o'clock in the afternoon ot said day, tiie Mlowing to wit: all thone certain pieces orparccls of land sitúate In thetownBhip of Sharon, County of Washtenaw, state of Michigan and described as follows viz: the sontliwest quarter of the north-wost (üarter of ection twenty-two (22), the rjorth-west fuarter of the north-west quarter of section twenty-seven (27) and twentj--four acres off of the west slde of the west half of the south-west quarter of Bection number tlnrty-iour (iWj in lowiielup nuinher three south of range number three east containing one hundred and four acres of land be the same more or less as described in aaid deeree. Dated April 29 1880. PEED A. HUNT, Circuit CourMiominissioner, "Washtenim county, Micli. Geo. 'W. TüenBoll, Coniplainant's Solicitor. SheriíTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Washttnaw, ss. By virtne oí a writ ot execution issueil out of and ander the seal of the circuit courtfor thecnuntyof Wayne, directetl and dclivercd to the Slientf of Wuahtenaw County wherein George Babcock is plaintilFand Johanna Gutzmanlê defendant. I did on tho twenty-first day of April A. . 1880, levy upon nli the right titleand interest ofthedefendantstberein Damedln and to the following described Keal Estáte to wit:a parcel of land conirneneintwo chains andsevi-ntyflve links, south of the sou west corner of Davla addition to the city of Ypsilanti, thence east three chains, thence south one chain, thence west three chains, thence north one ehaln to the plaoe of be. ginlng in the city of Ypsilunti, County of Washteua-w und state of Michigan. Wbich property I Bhall exposé for sale at public vendne to the high est bid.lor at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arhorinsaid county on Friday the eishteenth (18) day of June A.l). l'SSC, atteuo'clock in the forenoon of said day. JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff. BylX W. Thompson, Deputy Sheriff. Clarence ïinkeu, riiiintifl's Atty. Cliancery Sale. THE CIECUIT COÜET FOR THE County of - in Chancory. Luther James, coinpluinant, vs. James C. McGee, Ann J McGee, Edwin Luther McGee, James B. Watson, John U-. Merker, John F. Merker, .Jane A. Corey, John J. Robison, and Wiiliam B. Osborn, defendanta. In pursnance a' d by viitue of a decree of said court rendered on the second day of April, A. D. 1880, in the above entitled cause, notice is hereby given that I ahall sell at public auction to the hihest bidder, on Tuusday, the Sixth day ofJui.y, 1880, at II) o'clock in the iorenoon, at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw atid State of Michigan, aií those eertain pieces or pareéis of land Bltuated in the township of Sharon, Couuty of Wnshtcnaw and State of Michigan, knowti, bounded and described as follows, to wit : l)ein the east half of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter of tbe northweet quarter, and the north sixty acres oiF from the southwest quurter of section nuniber twenty-aeven, townabip three south range three east, containing one hundred and eighty acres of land. Dated, May 20,1880. JAMES MoMAHON, Circuit Court Cominissioner A. Fetxit, Esq., in and for said County. Solicitor for Coruplainant. Estáte of Klizalíeíh Laiie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY oí Wa&htenaw, ss. Atü session of the Probate Court for the County of Wasbtenaw, nolden at the Probate Oitice ïu the cH y of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twonty-second day of May, iu the yoar one thouy;:nd eiht hundred uud eiglity. Present. William 1). Harriman, j mitre of Probate. In the matter ot the estáte of iUizabeth Lane, deceased. Onreadins-and fi!ins;the petition, duly verified, of Jantes Sage, praying that a certaïii instrument now on tilt in this court, purporting to be the kist v.ill -.nd testament of said deceiwü, may be admitted to probate, and tïiat he or soine other suitable person muy bti appointtrcl admimstrator with the will annexed of said estáte. Thereupoo it isordered,that Monday,the twenty-flrst day of June next, at ten oclock in the foienoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and'ija'ecs.and bein at laif of said deceased, and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are rtquired to appear at a session of said Oonri, then to be holden at the Probate ortioe, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i f any there be.why the prayor of the petitionar should not be prranted: And it is further ordered tliat said petitioner give notice to the persons inttre&ted in said estáte, of the pendency ot said petition, and the thereof . by causmg a copy of this order to be published Ín the Ann Arbok ÁBGU8, a newspaper printed and orcxilated iu said eounty, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. "WILLIAM D. HARHIMAN, (A truecopy.) Judge of Probate. William G. Dott .Probate Iiegister. lístate of Morris Gregg. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw,BS. Noticeis heieby given,Miat by an orfter of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, rauiie on the fifteeotb day oí May, A. D. 18ád,six monlhs froni tiiat date weru aJlowed tor creditojs to piesent their claims against the estáte of Morris (rtegg, late of said ccunty, deceased, and fchat all creditors of said deceased arerequired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance.on orbefore theflteeotb day of November next, and that such clairfli wüi be heard bef ore said Court, on Monday, the sixteenth day of August, and on Monday, the fifceenth day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaeh of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor. May 15, A. T. 1SS0. "WILLIAM ü HAIUÏIMAN, 21w4 Judge of Probate. lístate of Junes liush. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY kJ of Washtenawss. Notice ishereby givcr I v un order of the Probate Court for tlieC'ouuty of Waahtenaw, made ou llie twenty-lifth day of May, A. D. 1880, aix montbs fruni that dato were allo wed for creditors to present theirclaimaagainst the estáte oí Jamea Buab, hite of Raid eoünty, deoeased, and that all ereaitorfl oí .su ï deceased ;ire required to present thelrclalma toaald Probate Court, at ilie Probate Office in tlie city of Aim Arbor, for examlnation and allowance, on or before the tveuty-fltth day of November next, and that nucb claims wil] bebeard beforessld Court, on Wedntsday, the twent y-liflli day of Ansust, and on ïhursday. the tweBty-flfth day of November next, ar ten o'eloek in the forenoon of each of said days. Pated, Ann Arhor, May S0 A I 1880, WILLIAM D.HARRIMAN, '2w4 Judge of Probate. HOW TO ATTAIJf MTCCESS. Without health, life is a failure. Yellow Jïyes, Saulow CoMPLEsroii, LOSS OF APPETITE, ÜYSPEPSIA, SlCKHeadache, Bij.iousness, and Constipation, is the result of a complaining Livek. MAKCEAU'S Livek and Anti-Bilious Compound is acknowiedged as a sure cure for the enfeebled svstem. Possessing " CASCABA SAGKADA," with other nicriiorioiis ingrcdients, niakes it an infallible rcmedy lor Equalizixg the Cibculation, purifying tlie Blood, and restoring to Pekeect Ííealth the enfeebled svstem. 75 cents per bottle. luwn s lironchial Syrup cures all Lnng, Throat and Ciiest diseases. 75 ceuts per bottle. Fakrasd, Williams & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Agonts. For sale by II. J. UKOYVN & VO. 'XTSmt WgU for our Frlce List f..r D HF Bfif 1880, Frkr tü any a ."Uldrexs U]nTi apBi AB B Hl pMcalion. ('onc-iina HalH mhB descriptloiiB of evt-ryAdfiBBr BKv tliinjï required for personal or famlly use, wlth over 1.200 Illustralluns. We sell all goods at Wholesale prlces in quantitfes lo sult the purrhasur. The ouly Instltutinu iu America Wlio thls their special business. Actdress. MONTGOMERT WARD & CO., 37 & 2a Wabiuh Ave.. ClUcago, 111. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, Eaat of Court House, Ut fluof LEGAL NOTICES. CJimioery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE V KJ cuit Court for tlie County of Washtenaw thaneery. LutherJame, eomainan "í EraJ T ft i lred ConradKrtttfïJ Charle H. Sheppard, detendants. ín ,,m'J, í and by virtue of a decreo of said court So aM en ered on the 19 th day of April, 168. "„"L2 abo en itled cause: Notice is hereby giveñ, that 1 2 solí at puhhc auctinn to the Élghert bidder MoDAY.THKFoUlíTKENTH DAY OF JTOl. .sa, 10 o dock in the forenoou, at the cast front dootd "ef ne in the city of Aun AtbOT, count, of Wllhten and state of Michigan, the (ollow ingdesoribed I real estáte, being the same mentio5 and desoribed in said decree, to wit: Being 9 ccrtain tract or parcel of land known md describa asfollows, to it: The north fractional ha f 0 jectionNo.sixtown one south ranLe six eait S thetownshipof Northfleld, county Öf wïsMei.'j and state of Miehigsn, except the pan ,1 decdedb G.W.Dextep irom the northeast corner thereof Hnd alsoa triangular pier.e of land conveyed bfc LSheppardtoWilllam Cook by deed dated í vember 18, 1856, and of record in the county S Híishtenaw.contaiumgin all three hundrcd anJ tlnrty-Mx acres of land more or leas Aun Arbor, April 28, 1880. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commissionor in andfni uashtenaw County, Michigan Joim N. Gott, Esq., Bolicitor for Complainañt, Mortgagc Sale. rvEFAULT HAVING BEEN KADÏ i-J in theconditionsof a certain - mu dato thoflrst day of June, in the vSu ofom Lord one thousand eijrht hundrcd and sevcnty-,i and executed by Oiauncey U. Milieu ati ïr,ï,h Y Mlüe" of the city of Ann Arbor, countof Washtenaw and state of Michigan, toAiui-,. Rice of the same place, and recorded in the ol" of the Register of Deed8 of Washtenaw cou ' aforesaid on the tenth day of Jnne, A. D. 1870, h SU o'clock p. m. of said day, in líber 52 of mor gages, on page 585. And the amotint claimcd t, , due at the date of this notice is thirtcen hun. dred dollars, and no proceedings in law or eqnit, havmg boen instituted to recover the same o' part thereof: Notice is thercfore hereby piTei that by virtue of the power of sale in said mor! EHRe contained I shall sell onSATUEDAY, n TWELFTH DAY OF jDKlt, 1880, at 2 o'clock in the f. ternoon of said dav to the )iihes1 bidder t tb soulh door of tlief'ourt House in .the city of Aan Arbor, county of Washtenaw aforespid, (that behii the building wherein the circuí court for W sh. tenaw county is ]iuld,)all.íhat círTaía piecenpa cel of land sitúate in the cuy oí A,., Árbol in the county of Washtenaw and state. i'jMichiíran ano described as fofcwe, to wit Tot Vnmbor nine (9, Ln Wook nuniber sevon .7 '-Hh ir nmou stren range numbor ihirtei'n (l; . lt aocording to r. r coidedplatof C. H. Mllïi'rt ftrcl se of the son, cast part of the Land Con int', iddition to Ui city of Ann Arbor aa reeoR M in tue Eegistei's Of. fice of Waphtenaw county, lichiKan. Dated, March 25, 1880. ' A MANÍ i. RICE, fortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for i-iortgagee. Kstate Ef .Jolin C. TíiA üliardt, Sen. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTI oí Washtenaw, as. At . ession of the robau Court for I he County of ' ishtenaw, holden n tho Probate Oüice in the ciy oi Ann Arbor, o Tuesday, the twonty-fiftí. day of May, in tli yenrone thousnnd eight hunarcd and eighty. Presen t.WilliamD. Harriman.Judgeof Probat In the matter of the estáte of John C!. Burfc baret, rten.,deceased. Onreadingand iilincr the petition, duly veri. ■ of Emanuel Manu, aduiinistrator, pniyíng ti. he may be licensed to sell the renl eriate whert said deccased died seized lor urpi.: of distril tion. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tiiesday, B twentyrsecond day of June next, at ben o'clocl : the forenoon, be assiyued for the hearing oi sa' petition, and thut the heirs at Inw ot ss.d deceased, and all other persons mterested 9 suid estáte, are required to appear at a seMi 1 of said Court, then to be holden at the Pr bate (J.fice in the city of Ann Arbor.and ohoir lamí, lf unythere be, wby the prayer of the - titionej should uot be granted: And it is further orde-d that 8aid petilioner give notice to the persone terested iu said estáte, of the pendency of mij petition, and the hearing thereof, by causiöe copy of this order to be published in the Ann Aibc Arguh, a newspaper printed and circulated in t' omity.three auccuösive weeks previous to Bak of hearing. WILLIAM D.HAERIMAN IA trne copy.J Jud(te of Trobt ffa. G. ÏJOTY. Probate Regisier. lístate of Miilspaugh- minor. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNT of Washtenaw, sa. At session of the Prob. Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdt-n atl Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbf r,on Wedu day, the seeond day of June, in ' he yeai 1 thousand eicrht hundred and eiglity. Present, VVilliam D. Harrimar., Judge of Prob, In the matter of the eatate of Minnle E. idill paugh, minor. Beymour E. Hill, the guardián of said wart, comes iuto court and representa that he is now pn pared to lender nis fiual account as such euat aun. Iherenpon itisoTdered.that Saturday, the nin, teentb day of Ju oe i nstant, at ten o'elock in thefon noon, be asaigned for examining and allowingsuc account, and that the next of kin of said wai. and ;iil other persons interf 1 in said estáte, are required to apptjar at a fsaid oourt, then to be holden at the Probate Offll'ï, in the city of Aun Arbor, in Raid county, aud flhow cause, if any there be, why the said account -bould not be ri lowed: Andit in furtherordevca , jatüíüd guardián gire DOtioe to the persons iutïfested iu said estáte, of the pefidency oí said tccount aud tb hearlnK tbereof, by causing a cC t oj this orrfe. be publiabed in the Ann Ább rgus a díwpapel [.ri.iti-u ttint Clrcuiaung tn aij . .tr, two suecesáive weeks previous ■to said day vi hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKKI-MAN [Atruecopy.] Judgcof Proba WM. G. DÖTY, Probate Regtstt-r. Sstate of Morris Greggr. STATE OF MICHIGA COÜN' of Washtenaw, ss At a sest od of bate Court for the Countj of Wa8htMia,Luidethe Probate Ofl3ce in the city of a n'n Avbor, Tuesday, the firat day of June, in tve y x onetbouaand eiffhi huudredandeighty. ■" Present, Williain P.Harriman, Judge of róbfte. In the matter of theestate of Mon. -5regg Ou veidm and filing the petitïon, duly " ñ&ti, oí' Augusta (iregg piuying tbat he mtvy l to sell the Real Esiaté whereof said decei 1 tlUd seizd. Thereupon it isordered, that Saturday,tlj iitenty sixth day of June instant, at ten ocloct fcj tbi torenoon, be assigned for tbe hearing Öf said petition, and that tlie beirs at 1; "" oí aaid deceased,and all other persons intereïii saia estáte, ave required to appear at & sess.n oí said court, then to be holden at the Pr'ibsti Offlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said cc. inty, aud show cause, if any there be, W05 v prayer of the petitioner sbould not be gra ... And it is further oidered, tbat said petiti -a Live notiee to the persons iuterested in said es .te, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof by causinga copy oi this order to be pub lishcd in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and ciiculated ín said county, three suc cessive weeks previous to enid day of henviug WILLIAM D. HAREIMAN (Atruecnpy.) Judge ol 1'robc' . W. G. DoTyProbate Register. Estáte of Tl'iHIam Myers. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UN1 of Washtenaw, S3. At a session of the Prob Court for the County of Washteuaw, holden the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, Saturday, the twenty-ninth day of y y. in thej one thousand fight huneïred and ei 1'; esrnt, Williarn D. Harriican, Ju. , .; of Prol In the matter of the estáte of WÜliam M) decoased. Charles H. Kempf, executor of the iaat iriiï testament of said deceased, comea mto conrt ' represente that he is now prepured to rendei tii);il iiccount as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that öaturday. the r teenth day of June next,attenoclock in the noon, be assigued for .examining ai i such account, and that the devisees, ees, uiA heirs .t law of said deceased, alíother jjaint" ested in said estáte, are required to appt lkr nt a ; Bion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probáis Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be. why the snid aeroont shoald nnt be allowed : And it is further ordered, th;it Siiid executor give notice to the peTsca iuterested in said estute, of the pendeDcy o' wi account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copT of this order t,o be published in the Any AbW Augus, a newspaper printed an JrculatiBfi ' suid eounVy, two successive weeks previous iO3-id diy of heaiiDg. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (A true copy). Jude of Prob&. 'm. G. Dott, Probate Register. Estáte of Samuel W. Dexter. STATE OF MICH1ÜAN, COUNTÏ of Wasttten&w, ss. At a session of the Probati 2ourt forthe County of Wasbtt'uaw, holden at tb Probate Ottice in the city ofAunArbor.on weanw ihiy. the twenty-sixth dar of May, in the year one thou&andeighi hundred and eigbty. Present, WilliamD. Uarriman, Judge of Profiat In the matter of tbe estáte of Samuel M'. i)ex tor. deceased. Jlillisáeut Dexter and Wirt Dexter, execntor o the last will md testament of said deceased, cffJ iuto court and represent that they are now Prepared to reuder their final account as sucb execc tors. Tliereupon it is ordered, that Wednesdayt tt tweaty-thlrdday oí June next,at ten o'í:lock in th1 fbrenoon, be assigned for exaniining aiy, .lïowini.' Buch account, and that the devíseos, iegátees ai.heirsatlaw of said deceased.and all other persoc' interested iu said esta.te,are rcquirrd to ftppèsT . ' sessloB of said court, then to be holden at the Prbate Oftice in the city of Ann Arbor, in sj;ideonr' and show cause, if any therebe, why the said oountshould not be allowed: Andit isfurthendered tbai said exeoutors give notice to the pers Interested in Baid estáte, of the pendency ofs accountand Ihe hearing thereof, hy causing ace of this order tobe published in the Ann Akb Aiuius, a newspaper printed and circulatlDg saidcounty, threesuccessive weeks previous to si day of hearinff. [A true oopy] WILLIAM B. nARRIMAN, Judge oi Probate. TVm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Kt -;i l Kstate lor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNX of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the tate of Lizzití Kellogg minor. No tice is hereby g' en, that in pureuanoe oT an order granted to t nadersignea tíuardian oí suid minor by the Hf ,T'.ul:o ol Probate for the coimty of Washtensw, f the thïrd day of June, A. D. 1S80, there Till t BOld at mblic vemlue, to the highest biddei, at tn east front door of the court house in tho ity Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, íd Bt State, on Tuesday, the Twentieth day op Jui A. D. 1880, at ten o'cloct in the forenoon of tlw day (subject to all encumbrances by mort gage J Otherwise existing: at the time of the sale the "T towing deserfbed Beal Kstate, to-wit: The eqaw ui]'hvi(lid une sixteenth part of the northeastqu ter of the north cast quarter of seotion iiuiiiM eighteen in township foursouthof Kangesix 6&S (York) in Michigan containing forty acres of 10 be the saine more or less. Dutcd Juneard 1380. ALBEBT C.'KELLOQÖ Guardian.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus