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Buk'??} ESS DIRECTORY. MIS . TOMVS, Fnsluonable DresBOüis nver Muck ar Sehinul's dry goois stoort. All 'ortc promptly aud satisfactorily executed CL-. R-fiXf! . TIKBIl, Attorney atLiw and Sol tor in Chancfiry. Ypsilütiti, Mich. ñTi VVÏ.OU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DOALD ACf.EAN, W. Tí., Physician andiurRp Oilioe and reiidence, 71 liuron itreet, Ann Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 A. m. md from 1 to 3 P. t. ' __ WH. .ri'KOV, Dentlst. Office cornor Míiínand Washington streeta, over Baoh & Atie"s rtore, Ann Arbor,Mioh. AnestheticBadmiDlstered if dosired. C KR, FKBEAürP & COKBI.S', Attorneys at Law E. K. FIUIEADFF, Juatice ol the Peace. All batlnesa promptly attended to. Office No. 8 Eíist Washington strect, Uinscyaud Sabolt'sblock. HENEY E. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dtiki In Real Estáte and Insurance Agen f. Offlce, Xo. 3 Opera House ISlock. ANN ARBOR. TfaUHEStlCKKItAl'SK, ATTCTIOUEEE. Will attt'Wl to rU aales, on short noüce, at ronponble charees. For fürther partieullrs cali at the AnftCa Office. FJMJROPKA.N HOTEL, Ypsilanti, Mloh. New House, Fivst-Clnas Table, Clean Beds, Low Prices. W. H. Lkwis, Proprietor J. H. NICKELS, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hams, Sausages, Lard, etc, JTATESTRFT.OPPOSITK NORTHWKST CORNEK UN1VERSITY CAMPUS. Orders pr 'nptly fllled. Farmers having meats tose'.lgive, , ira a "cali. EVEL ÏBODY SAYS THAT B. REVENAUGH 18 THE Boss Pliotographor of Ann. Arbor. Fourth Stieet.East of Court House, ltfloor THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BAÏÏK ANN ABBOB, MICHIGAN. 'spltalnld ts --- r.0,000.00 apital security - - - 100.000.00 Transaets a general Banking Business; buys ani - ■llsExchangeson New Vort, Detroit and ühicagn; ells'Siiht Drafts on alUhe principal citïes f Europe; also, setls Passage Tickets to Lirerpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamships, whose ratea are lower than most otlier firstclasslines! This üuik.airpadyhavingalarge business, invite roerchants and othersto open accounts with them, withthu assuranceof most liberal dealing consisent witU safe banking. In the.Savings Department interest is paid semilanually, on the firstdays ofjamiary and July.on lll eums that woro aeposiled tliree raonths previous to those days, thusafiordin the people of this city nd county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a fair return in interst for the fcame. Money to Loan on Approved Sccnrities. Directoes- Chriütian Mack, W. W. Wiues, W. D.HM)ímn. Daniel Hiscock, K. A. Beul, Win. ad Wïllard I!. Suiiih. OFKICERS : TIAN MACK, W. W. VINES, ■ President. VÏoe President CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EMANUEL MANU, tv T Druggist and Pharmacist. S9 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN AKBOR, has oti hand i well seleeted stock of PURE DRUGS,. MEDICINES, l 11 mimo .umi j, CIIOICE PERFUMES Toilet Articles.Shoulrler Bruces, Tnisaes, &c, which he offers for sale at prices to uuit the times. B?y Physicïaua' Prescriptions carefully preparet Kt alï hours. EBERBAgiI & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Raye on hand a large and well selected stock of bilTJGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Artlcles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, PïtfjHal att.ention pail to the fnrniahin? of Phy■ïii.m, Ohpinist. Srhff)!ft.tfl., with Philosophical hn- Chemical Apparatus, Bohcmiiin CliemicaHïlassWare, Poreeiain Ware, Pure Eeatrents, pfc. Phvsioian.-j' prescriiitüMis r.arefully prepared at all honre. Abstracts of Titles. Allnrutifis who are desiroiiaof ascertaininf? the son'lition of the tïtte to lan1s, or parties who wiah to loaw rao ttey on real estáte wilí dowellto anti at the KeistEi8 uffice and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. ?aid bookn are so far advaneed that tbe Register can furnish on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any pnrcel of and in Wiishtenaw CoTrnty as nowu by tho original records. C. H. MANLY, Register


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Ann Arbor Argus