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Míipifl Hftrtt mada (tova the wip of s tree in V.' i i iiniistovt 11, tito roota of whVli liic l)iiii' ('rom tho t'iinncrs beef and poi'k barrels liad becn emptleu last autumn, V8S so sulty as tu bü usolesa. The thvee 80tw of Z. D. Bowon of "yuli( y, ;:... ni1 use iTiiiclios. Tlieir boíles re so soft and brittle as to oftPii break from even Bllght jar. The oldegt, Sylvestcr, has alieady sustained 2o fractures, A oandidate for thd oíllro'of Record er of Jaapor County, Ü., solioitod votos on the ground that,if elected lie w mld rcturn'lialf of his salnry to the public U'easlu . l'(' "IStlLni, üiiu nv, i.pvenie Cotirt luis declarad the eleution voiil, beeause tlio tnducement that ba offered to votera was in the nature oí' a bribe. Mr. Warinp:, ft recent candidato at art EugHsh clcctioii, ndoyted a neat raoAis of stigiuatizing au opponent. Ho he addressed what they cal led a luán who made such and snch charges, laiovrin tlioni to be false.- The response carne hack': "X liar. "Well," aaid, tho caudidate, "I will uot coiunulict you." Crucifix, tlic winner of the Öaka tot Lord (jeorgo Bcatwick, did mué in less time thon auy liorse that ever had appeai-ed on the Bnglish turf up to his time. He run iwelvc Unies in aa man y nionths without ever having been beaten, and won ten thousajid two huudred and eighty-goven pouuds iu ïinhlif. abikes. Tho t liuinuhs oí' cifix were all achicved between July 9, 1839, and Juno 5, 1810, considerably less than twolve montks. Avchbishop Purtiell Baid in a recent sermón at Cincinnati : "1 uow soleinnly declare bulo re Alraighty God and tliia congregfttioUj thut not onc dollar of the mouey that was iutrusted to my care was luvishe.l in luxury inyself or ageiits, or expended in any maiinor forour personal benefit; Rnd no matter how unworthily 1 muy appecu' in yonr eyes, 1 humbly ask tliat you pray to Alnüghty Go.l lor me." His liealtli has been very bad since the ümuicial disaster in his diocesei The will oiMi'. Alfreil Gilboy, -win tnerchout of London, was lately prova ed at $1,750,000 personal estáte. Mr. Gilbey otved his succes.s lo ionusty and advertising. On nu occasion a ■vealthy baronet resolved lo have soma chcap and excellent sherry sold to hitu by Gibley, iiuending if lound iinpuic, to publish the tact. It toroved Bbsolutely pare, nnd tlie letter he wrote to Gibley aboat it Bervecl m a spleudid advenís ment. Tho firm oocupy iuimeíise preniisea, íonneily the l'áiithoon liazaar, ut Oxford streel, Luudoii. Langdon Wj Slooro, the ■womlerfuilysueeeestul bank robber, who made ís'ijuu.uuo by bii aking into tlie vault of tiie Ooncüitl NutioDal bank, and aftérward Hved iu sumptuous style at a villa near PhiüadclpUia, has at last been cüiivicted ni Bostpn, and senteuced lo sixteen years inipri-omncnt. He is not so lunch appalled by the - , !;.u. ver, as by mr Faut mui ETii vr are several cöTïvlcts in tiuit prisoi) whom liis disloytilty has seHt tiierc, mil wiio hae swoiii; lie saya, to mui'der him. lie believes tíiey aviII keep their word, nnl begs to be sent lo Bomc oilicr prisoo, uut his prayer is uot to be yraiHed. The Sovoreign Count of Erbach-Erbach, who claims descent froni Charlemagiie's daugliter Emma and hor midiiiglit lover, Eginhard, has offei-ed liia hand lo a garueuers daugütcr, Fraulein Luck of Bessungen, néai' DíiriusUidt. llis Higluicss' impCrirtl HiicosU'Css, whusi: stonu cuüin, in wiiich slic umi her luwly bowi consort wcre iüterrod togetlierneariy eleven contorii.s ago, is jiivserved in tlio vcnrrable cas tío oí' Erbach to tlio presen t day, sel lier descenduuts an exainple, by herBelf coi)tractin a rnorgnnatic hiarrúige,, wliicli thcy Uave uot proved rejiúai iu í'uIIuwíul;. Considerable Iight has been tln-owa on the cause oí' tlio faoility with whioh the Nihilista havo benn ablo to proviua thenjselves witli pasaportó, and thu.s to travel about Russiftftt pleasure. Au official employed as courier in theMinistry of Doinains, has, it has beci discoverèd, boen instrumental trlth the assistance of bis wife anti sou. in procurinu' no feweï than 14,000 passports, made out in falsa names,all wit.hin Lhe past cí_ílit vea.-. It is esthnated ihat ibr bis services in the matter ho ïinisthave pocketed largo sunis, as much : 9,000 roublea having been fouiid in. hls possession, supposed to have beenuiosily receivod as passport icos. In 1486. Joan de Grouchy, aidel bf 400 inlmbitaiits, look Haiflour trom the Eugllsh, who had held that towu for tweuty years, Jeaii hiiusolf perlsli-ing- on the uunpavts. Sinco tkatepoch on eacU áuuiversary oí: Uu; recovery oL Harlieur, it has 'beun usual íbr thtf Grouchy family to distribute 400 loavea of bread. ïwo years, tha uihabitants iu a suddeu lit oi' patriot-' isjii, erected a 8tatue to the hero wko feil more than four centurics ago, thussliowiuy that national gl-atitude niay ■waken up alter a very sluiiiber. - ► The Marquls uc Grouchy, accusod of having caiised the losa of the battle of Watevloo by beyhig; the1 dwtiuct orw era ot' i4apuleoji, vas u uieiuber oi' ihi fuinUy, Tlie death is annoqnced at. Cijou. ii NorLl era Spaiu ut a very old ■t;iHle-r man indeed, wlio had coinpleted his li-li ear only i lew days belbre he qiiite unexpectedly paid the debt of nature. UnüiioMr. Weller, Sr., tliia reven nd lüeriiian was by nu uieaua the 'wiiLiiu of uonuubiality," tbï he suc--_ eessively stood thu wear and teav of ' tivo successive ïnari-kyes duriiig' his loug h. e. 1 i is Last WOJiiiüg day was al-o the cihty-ninth aiuaversay of his birth, upou wiiich occivsiou he es d a eoii.ely inanien of '"swüctfccveiiteen," whose union with hini re-sulted il) the additiou ot' two slurdy boys to his already nbineroua fiwniljf of six-auü-tweuty sons, the fraita of liis prerious uiftiriiuouial ulliances.Ötatisties üitod by the l'uil Mail Gaihow that thevearo 1,08,010 men)herí of rcligiuus orders iu Frauoe - 127,7ö.) Wumen and 30,887 men - the' iiuniense niajority belouginlouiu-horizetl orders. TiiCWJ are 41ü assoeia- tions of niin only lij ot wllioh aroaiuUiorized; hut the members ot' t lic .'i'2 aro iar more nomerous than oí' the Ü84 unan thoiHZOil, the "llrothers" alono couutiny iü;óiï nieinber. The .'!S1 uuuutiiorized assooiations only eount 7,Ü4 ïneniüers Uieludiug Jesu'us; and in aikliiion to the jesuití aro th ■ Doniüiieans, Franeiseaus, Bareiootcd Car-n. eines, Capuchina, Traopisls, r líedemptorists, Eudi8t8,M irims, Oblates, etc. Tne jiiunuer ot' uuui belongin to autholized orders lld,70, aud tc( I unautliorized ordei's oiily 14,00& -r, ,,


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