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Let Up-TakcaRest! If you Tvnnt to stiirt on n very cheap and eöjoyblo tour in JwIt, to Ntttpara, the 1,000 Islnntis, the t. Liivrenne, Bloetreal, (Jneboo, White and Franonia Slountains, Hoeton, Newport, New York, up ie Hiuisun, Sa.atO(fft, and return over the best mte, Btopptag whi'ii umi wberfl you want to, with 11 expenses paid. and no "extras," wruo to H. K. EliiatTB. Excursión Acft, 6-4t Casada Southern K'y, Dv.-roit, Micb. Estale of Sarah Aim Latlirop. VATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY -f 'aelitenaw, sr. Notici ia hereby given,ttiat byV order ot tlie rrobuU-Court ior tlie Countyoi Wateürtw, uiiufc on tin Beventeenthda ui Jnne, , ix raonUis frum Lhit date wt-re allowM p to pieeent tbircUtma aaintt tl en at? Ba i ah A.nn Lathrop, late of aaid county, deoeaseland thai allcreditorí ol said deccatd aTe requis lo pre-etu t.Jt-i oloims lo Baid Probute Oourt, t the Probate office m the rity üfAnnAr. br, foiexumiiiütion aml tillowance, on or befoie thesevefeenth duy of December nxt, and that such clnfes will he hearrt bpfore said Court, on hridny, th seTenteenth day of September, and on triday, tnUerentecnlh da; of December next, at tn o'clock n Hit lorpTioor of i ach of iflid days. Duted, Am Ari'or Jnne 17 A ! IWfl. V.'LLLIAMD HA,RniMAN, 2Cw4 Judge of Fiobate. LYMAfWHEELER OU1 ECSTO1T, Teacher of Englisli and Italiiin s:nsra-x:LTGK - AND CULTIVATI01T OF THE VOICE, Will lócate in Detroit during: a portion of the rammel of 1S80, and will be preparen to receive pupils on and afier June 28ih, at C. J. waiTNEÏ'B Muaic Store, Kooms 40 Fort Street west. &$- As Mr. Whreler enn receiye hut a limitíti kdmbkk ot itudents appltcafiooa bould l,e made 18 9OON a (jo.NvENiF.sT eitlier to him, Ifil Tremont ((ireet, lioaton, or at the Miwic Store of C J Whit ney Detroit, where a _booli for wgnalnrc. will be kept and full pnrticulars-given. 21-Gl The Universal 15atli. Prii:e Ui-.iu-Til OW Biuiis Krtitweii, " ? Sndf arruta,,. E. J. KNOWLTON. An Arbor, Mich. Forsaleat the Dru? Slorp of L. S. Lerch, Cook s Hotel bloek ; alao by O.Eberbnch & Son. South Main otreot ; and also by the niünufacturer E T Énowlton.No. 24Nürlh State Slreet, Ann Arbor, Mich. to whom all correspondenceBhould be addreseed. A ET EMPOEIUM And Artist's Supply Depot. 217 TVoodward Avenue, Detroit. AïfDKEAV J. BKOV, Proprletor, Dealer in Picture Frames, Looking Glassrs, Oil Paintiiigs, Engravlns, Chromns, rtlst's Malcriáis, and Art Speciallles. OUl FRAMES RE-GII.DE. To my Friciiükauil fuiruu.: I have Bow ín mock a (.nut Variety of Melis' and Hoy' Ilataund Capa, and 1 know il will bc to your Inter. est lo make your purebaws of me. I ai dcteriiiined to more; a Rood many grouds tliis Spring and Slimmer und have made prlccs llmt nin n-111 ■ it. As I stHted In my art rertUemeiit last AVinter, tbeie tras n u. ense fur high prices tbat was ■ imitli talked of by ome, and airead y ihrcii!,cSiu„iiitrtol('a decline In priem. Hm my return borne, I bare ■ si!i:e snnie hravj purchatei al front TER toTlVKNTY percent, lesa tban Ibcy were bonghl for earlier, my absence wai a benefit to nic fiiiancially as ill as physically.- I candidly belicleve I nm i'llinr siiits f rom M cents 1 $2.00 eacb Ir. tban any otber House in tbe Slate f Micbigan.and Hal from 25 cents Sl.OU less eacb. I bare opened a Branch in DcXter, for a sbort linie, as an oiitlct for tbe heary purenasas I have been niaking rccently. Doni lliink of buying; acent's wtittk uittil yon have seen my stock. J OH T. JACOBS, The lall.Ur. YoungMen lSLoz7hT Business College at KALAMAZOO, MICH. Send for Jouruol. W. F. K&RS0N8, 21"13' President. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALERS I IATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PEN 3 24 South Main Street, .ïsTIT AEBOE, MICH. #$ Special fitten tiun giveu to repairing WHiche locks.and jewelry.


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Ann Arbor Argus