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PpSINESS MHECTOKY. Ml S. B. .TOïl'VS, Fashionshle T)tp mnlior. Rooms over Mnck & Bchmid's dr Koofla store. All worli promptly nnd satisfactoril; ëxecuted CI.ATtl'XCK TnKRH, A'fnrnpy jtLiw and Solicitar in Chnnonry. Vpsilanti'. Midi. BB. XAVr.OR, ATTORNEY AT I-AW, Chelsen, Mioh. DONT,IÏ !WAlfIÍA'V -'T. !., PTir-ian %nñ Kvircpon. Ofiop ailfl residpncp, 71 lfuron strpot. Anti Arhnr. Office hou rp f rom 8 to ! A. UT. nn- from 1 to % p. m. WH. Tr:HiOf, Dentist. OrSoe corner Mnin anti Waahinirton Btreets, over linch & AhnV toTe, Ann Arbor,Mlch. Anestholicn udminiterel if dosirpil. CRAWER, FRUEATTFF & COBBIN, Attorneys at Law E. K. FRTTF, AUFF, Justlce of the Peace. 01 bufliriesfl protnptly attended to. Office Xo. 8 E-ist Washington street, Rinsey and Seabolt's hlock. HENRY R. HILL, A.ttorney at Ta.-vv, Dealei in Real Etatete and Insnrance Agpnt. OfBcc, fin. S Oppra ITou- Block, ANN ARBOR. pilEDKRICK KRAISI;, ATTCTIOKTEEB. Win attent to nH sales, on short notice, tt reaponihlr eHartren. For further particulars cill ut the Anr:rs Offick. piüROPEAN HOTKI,, Ypsilanti, Midi. New House, Firat-CW Table, Clean Befls, Low Prices. W. H. Lswis, Proprietor J. H. NICKELS, ]K.U.KU IN FRESH AND SALT MFATS, llamü, Sausaïjps, Tard, etc, lrATESTREF.T.OFPnSlTF. ORTn WEST COR NHtt OF DN1VERSITY CAMPÜ8. Orders prontptly fllled. Farmers haviug nieats to se'.l give hitn a cali. EVEEYBODY SATS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH 15 THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Conrt House, lt floor THE ANN ARBOK SAVIMS BAÏÏK ANN 1KBOK, MICHIGAN. Capital all in - 50,000.00 Capital security - 100.000.00 Transacte a general Banking Business; buys an i aells Exehangeson New York, Detroit and Chicago; sella SÏgfht Drafts on all the principal cilies of Europe; also, sells Passage, Tickets to Liverpool, Lnndon and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Bteamships, whose riten are lower thaa most other firstelaefllines. Tlii Bank, alreaayhavmg alargo busiimss, invite merchants and others to open acoountp with them, with the aasuranceof moet liberal dealing consisent wiiii safe bauking. In theS!ivin(;s Department interest is paid semianovially, on the. first days of .Tanuary and July,on all lums that were deposited three months previous to those dayö, thus aftordinp the people of thia city undeonntya perfectly snfe depository for their Cunds, together with a fair return ia interst for the 6%me. Moncy to Loan on Approved Securities. Directobs- Christian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D.ITarriraan. Daniel Hisowk, E. A. Beal, Wm. Deubel, and Willard B. Ki.iith. OFFICEE8 : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, PrealdeAt. Vice President CHAB. E. H1SC0CK, Cashier. EMANUEL IAFIN, Druggist and Pharmacist Ï9 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ABBOB, ha on hand a well sclected stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, ToiWt ArfinW,Shniilder Uracos, Trusses, Ac, which h offers forsale at prims í' cuit iho times. W Phviciana' Prescripüons carefully prepared ut uil hours. EBERBACII & SON, flruggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., H?e on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL.S, DYE STUTTS, Artists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Arlicles, Tr-.isses, TCtc. P!M WINES AND LIQUOR, Rpeoil nttpntion rni'i lo the fnrnishinf of Pliyj Mefans, Chemists, Rcliools.etc., wifh Phlloaophlca an-1 Chornir-ftl Appftratas, Bohemïftn ObemïcaliJrhiSBwar, Porcelain Ware, Pure ElMrntB, pn. Phvsif.ïans' prescrÍDt.íons ftarefuljy prepared iit all honrn. . ll)stracts of Titles. A.11 DfiTÜes who are desirous of ascertaininptïie ïonition of the title to theit landt, r partiefa who Wih to loan mcney nu reiil estáte will do wel] to Jall at the RegiteiB office dnd consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. aid books are bo far nvaneed that the Register an f urnish on short a Perfect Statement as to the Title


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Ann Arbor Argus