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"berlin Under The New Empire."

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As pie tu red by Mr. Vizetcliy, fhe fity is di" fiítinr ieftlfu:irtcrs of íleme's "Trtuffe among Nnttoiis," tlu brand-new irou-handed, urnzcn-hcade(ï crtipire of craft and forcé, lis appearaitcc is ostPntetious and tmproposses?" iirjf, pretentioua an I unattmetive, ."'iris!! an I yet not brilliant. 'J the ii cunes it is the "Samlbox of Gcrmauy," to Hís own people it is llie "Alhciis oí' the Sprec." Tu the World at large the samlbox qnalUy of Berlín is agreal deal irfbreappnrent than the Athcnian : and il. has wilh:il a íuinuled llavor oí bnttility and scionce, ot' priilc and vulufíu'ity, of poverty and aíllueiice, ] .-'.- u i ia to itsolf, ;un glving it a piuco apart among cities. Apparently, it is built of solid stoács; actually it isa town of slucco and piaster. Appn,'rontly it wíB flcsined for the uso of trade and society; actually, it is arran.ícd for a military de8potism aud an oye to Üie prompt suppressioi) of revolution, Apparently, itis nniversally eduented, exce])(ioually intelligent, abnormally )n-;)('ius prcl:;rnal!irally pi,ou iicili"in. content to bo Lhe ceñíi r of a "rand military system ; actually, its roughs are the worst in Éurope, i(3 prcas and its theater aro paltryand corrupt, its niisery is excessive, it is v headqilar tere of pol itical and theological scèpticism, it numbera st)tne60,0u0 male socialista alone among its popula tion ; apparently it is su pp lied wiih all kinds oí' modera improvements, and governod and onlcred on tlic purest modern principies; actually, it abounds in open debauohery, its roads aro Bcandalously bad and coml'ortlcss, its stenches are as jjross and multitudinous as thosc that Coleridgecounted in Cologue. It is almost nredless to add that every second person in Bcrlin is spectacled. Youth glanoea amoroasly at beauty through one pair of glasses, and beauty returaa the message coyly through another. TliePrussinn Cupid is not blind, btit only short-ts.hted. - Possibly this is the reason why he should be lhe sharp hand he is'at a bü-jiin. Of Berlín is not wilhal a healthy city. Mr. Vizetelly conli'.Icntly expeets it to be one of these days a prey to a violent epidemia. There seenis to bo no monoy to spare on such a common-place matter as sanitation. Sewers are useless froin a military point of view; and not a penny from the L21,000,000 Prussia received as hersüare of theflve miniareis ton Id be spent on anyfliing wholcsome, Tlie Iierlineso areextremely thrifty. They live choaply, an officers dinner costing him no more than a ninepenca or a shilling; and as they have a hard time to make bothenus ineet, economy takes vory sevcre shapes. Add to tliis they are divided into castos, which castes are themsclves dirided inio sectious, wliich sections in tlieir tura are sub-divided into cliqnes, and It will be secn tliat the diilicu Ities in the w.iy oí' spcial are maiiy and great, Tlie Emperor is tho allliitjfhest ; and after him in a gentocl diminuendo, rerninding ono ot the mouse'a Cate in '-.Miro in Wönderftil," Jiis anxiona rabjeets troop. Jlr. Vizetelly proíesses 1,0 liarsteen a c&fQ iiscribed with tlie style and dignity oí" t'ie roya! swpepereásof tlieapartinents; and declares tluit lla shopmaa or dojnestio entering the service ot' a gi"ocer who during Uie whulo conree ot' his career has by some chance or other once snpplie.l the royal palace with a pound of collue, will be coinpclled to address#his imsier on evcry occasion as 'vílcrr lloílitíMin - purveyor to the court." And then every inale is privileged to exteud the style he bears to his témale, aud it is etiqnette to adtlress theui both by it in mil. It will he uoted how adiniiubly -the Emperor's v, c.i-i.iDwii principies ot'Diviuu right ftiid the auiliority of kingship liuve come to caricature vos.


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