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Vice-president English Speaks

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Oh Monday evening the lemosrata oí ndianapolis ratifted f Haucoek and Englisli. Ex [endricks presided. Speeches wem í by ex-Gov. ETendricks and oí icluding ont candidato for vi e-presien1 W. II. English, who spoke as Mows : My Fnraaros kisto Fkixow Cittzenb -I need hardly to saythai I am Riad to ee vori, and tíiat 1 fullj: apprpciato and ordially thank yon for your frii meeting. T attríbnte your entlvusiastic emonsïration mainlj toa deaire to exiress, in un empliatic mam aith and conlidenoe 'i' tho greal 1 have in pari boon chospn to represent - agreat cause befare wbicli the petty ambitiona and ■ "i' mota alirink nto insignificance. I also attribut the reimarkable unanimity vvith wincfi I was nomiuated to thn seoónd highest office In the gift of Lhe people not so much to any tnerit of my pwn, as totne confidente and admiration which the National Convention entert ained for the state of Indiana, whi h was known tobe mynative state, and astatepreeminent for her unswerving Bdelity to the great principies of constitutional liberty advance bythe democratie party. Such a nominátíon was none the ess a compliment to me personnlly, and it Hllsmewitli the pi-ofowndest gratitude. But it was at the same time a comuliment to every democrat in ma and in sisme sénse to every citizen of the state, for whatever else I ain. I am still an Indiana production, a growth il' Hoosier soil, a native member 01 the rreat Indiana household, and l believe there is high authority for saylng thai "be who provideth not tor his own household is worse tliati an infidel." So I conSdently rely upon the sympathy and suppori oí my natiye state. Gentlemen, cireximstances whicli are notatall to tiov. llendricks' discredit, but which no agency of onrs could control prevented his noniination at Ginoinnati. It was not liis fault, nor the Canil of anyoí bis Indiana Iriditis, bul bis nol beíng nominated bas not hnrt liim in the least, and he stands to-daj higherenthronedthaneyerin thehearts of the pe'ople, and yrill undoubtedly stana high in thè con(i(lence of thenext democratie adminjfitration. .Uter lus aame had passed f rom before theconvci'tion. and nol before, yaa my name pres'entcd for vire-president. Jl.ow unanimously it was approvéd you all know. and I am proild t'know tlial it was most cordially approvedby Thomas Ili-ndricl;s biin-i'if. Haviüg )een ko nominated. I Ceel thai jlie unanimou; voice of tlie represe nial iT3 of a majorityof 1he Vmerican peoplf i -nol a voii to be di ;reg:irded hyany [rian's per onal (dirMcralions, íhcivl'oiv I rhoose to ranklyto on, nv, neiglibors and friendo, tlmf when the nominalion i formerly enderod i expcci lo íipc r,d 1 have not apartide of doubt ba! J bhal] bc elected. Il' 1 am l shaU atléud Lo public affairs as zealously as I ever attended ta my own.and ii will be the aim of my lire to discharge every duty honestly, fsiithfullj and .o ine very bes', of my abilit; . nol a a bigoteil Varti an, lint in tlial brnader and ej sense of pai I b ma%liií which lahors ahvays ft1 Ih.e ritíht. al: ways for Ihê rnaintenance 01 tltoeorreet principies of JeffersonlKn Dernociacy, always to prompte the happiness and prosperity of the people. l believelhat the best way for a partj or amiui to achieve soecess i - to deserve,it and that lie serves his part; best who serves hia country best. For inyself I hope ilic canvass wil] be condueted in that dec ncy aml order bi llttinjí ai; ruühieiied, law-abidini, lïberty-lovins peoplo. I hope we símil haven fair andhonpsi election, and that tlie l'airly expresed wil! of the people v.iH be faithfull; rarried into exeoution. 'L'hat (en.Híuicock wil] be tlie ehoiceof the poople Por presiden;. ! have uo quesfcion whaiever. He will beelected becansc heought i.o beelectèd. I believe Oiebesi mie of the country require Ihai Fie shouhl :. ü( is : mau in even1 way fittert forthe exatted positioa. He nasa record as purea;; the untrodden si:oVv upoii the mountain top. Ele is a graad, i lear-headed, clear-heajled muu, a brave soldier, a greai comroander, a rent;lH '(il e ".n i'iesenoe iive minutes without feelin; 'ie is a man lit to be the rnler of ; people. The only caarge Uiat tire republicana liave aatle asaiust biin ia that they imposel a paintu] diity npou liirn, and" be performed il. aait wfi liis sworn dntj I loer to do, aiid Ehat is all. We noi onlj Imve the right man lor the pla e, but the time bias eom wheri ilK'i'c oughl lo be a i iiange in the administnitron. 'tl ie repiiblican1 have been in power aixteeu years witli ilie approvai of üts people, and aearly four years undei Hayes witlioul Lhcii' aprovul. Tweiity ycarr wonld be loiic enougli to covritpi anj party. We have mi Iha ol'eniail 'nere wliii-li ierpei:iates wealtli ii' :ui fatn'ily, or power u nuy i nc man. or in anyone party. The iiveat and good men whofonnulated mn system of governmeiü and om tnvilitions were jealous of atrong itovernments and long leases or power. A change nmv cöuld not i'ail to be beneflcial to the people. The day fren. Han(ick is elerted tlie gos))el 'of sccli.inal hate and jealousy, bo long preacued bj tlie demaiío.ríues oí' tlie repuWican party, will be forever elosed. The liaienü bloody shirt will be buried bevond the power of resurrection, and thi' bric;lit and glorlons banner of peace and good wil] throughout the laud will lloat on every bree.e. Gen. Hancock not only onght lo be elerted, but he will be elected. Greater hannony exista in tin1 democratie party tlian has beïor for a.quarterof a c-entury. We were badly discouraged and disbeartpüed in 1876, aiid yet weeariied this staie at that elección by over ,i qúarter gf a million votes, although vve were dieated out of the fruitsor our vlctory. i'es. history records the truth. It will go into hi story and down the strearn of time to future, that two demócrata, the peersof anystatesmen in the land, were fairly elected president and viee-president by the people; that they werecheated outof theirhigh offices and theplaceswere held for four years by men who were not the choice of the people ; that the men who perpetrated this great frand were in vast nnmbers rewarded for their corrupt aad di8graceful acts wtth offices which of righï belonged to other and better men the worst politica] crime of the age. This smircli upon tlie fair f ame of our institutions must forever rest upon the republican party, and it is tlie business which tbe live millionsof democratie votes of the United States now have in hand to rebuke theauthorsqf this great fraud and to make üs repetition at the next election impossible. You need have no fears that the men I d next time will not take their seats. When they do you will have a pare, económica!, constitutional government, and 1 trust a prosperous and happy people.


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