Real Estate Transfers
Sarali J. Hall to Alexander K.Zaehaas. 80 acres in Superior. SIS.OOO. August Trockenbrod to Forst er and [ardinghun. Ypsilanti city property. 1 1 1 ii t. Wm. Denman to Abrarn S. Polhemus. im Arbor city property. S8Ü0. John W. Ffower to Eliza Flower. Ypsilanti city property. $250. John W. Flower to Eliza Flower. Ypsilanti city property. 82ÓÜ0. John W. Flower to Eliza Flower. Ypsilanti city property. $350. Francia K. Snackeltón to Samuel T. Dentón. 53 acres in Augusta. S1000. QuiT-CLAnr. ITudson T. Morton to James Galick. Ann Arbor city property. f25. John J. Walker to Abram Polhemus Ann Arbor city property. .] . James Galick to Abram Polhemus. Ann Arbor city property. $25. Wta. 'Watts to city Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti city property. $ I . Eaton Wilson to Same. Ypsilanti city property. $150. Samuel W.Pafsona to City Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti city property. $900. Joseph Ilauer to Wm. ü. Moffett. Land in Augusta. $S25: Klmira Gilmore to Xoblo Gilmore. 40 acres in York. S2ÜÜ0.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Sarah J. Hall
Alexander K. Zacharias
August Trochenbrod
William Denman
Abram S. Polhemus
John W. Flower
Eliza Flower
Francis K. Shackelton
Samuel T. Denton
Hudson T. Morton
James Galick
John J. Walker
William Watts
Eaton Wilson
Samuel W. Parsons
Joseph Hauer
William O. Moffett
Elmira Gilmore
Noble Gilmore