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"made Of Paper."

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Wp lirivc so long' clierisliod a wellfoiiink'tl prcjiidicc anaiiist pnper, saya t lic 1'apcr World, as a fllinsy and unnibstantial gubstaiicc, thnl we aresurpriscil at its rcccut utilization in mmiy ways where strcngth and ilurability aio the mora important requisities. Many articles, if wc loarnod tliat lliey wore made eiitirely or in part tVoni paper, iwmediately lost favoi: in our cyet, and wc looked atthem askance. When llio solos of 0111 shoes 8on wore out the (het was otten attributed io ilit' use, by the unscrupulons iimkcr, of shoddy strips of paper in ihe place ut' i nside laycrg of doublé leuilier, aml tliis is only & single Ilustra t Un aniong iiinny that milit be given to show to what miserable, if not despicable, uses paper lui been lnt. daily tea ring; up oí' newspapers and Ught wrHp[in paper tor ihe puijjosc ot' doilig up pareel has híso done uiuch to mpres us wiih the iragiljty of tlie ficqucntly hiindleU material. U was tuiuial tlïat we liad cour' uj regard paper m a cüeap and reliabl Eubttitucc. As a conwqin-ilce, we cannot readily conoeive of the successful applicaliou of paper where great stivuglli, icnacily to witliatuud powerlul Btraius and ilurability are icqiiired ol it. lint t lic one procese of eoiiipressiou, euornious Lu its power, gives all these highly desimblu constitnenU to a Lolid compact su batanee, wliicli,iillhough harder thau wood aud Uking, to ome extent, the place of ion, is lurnicd of the buine material that niakes the fragüe ïiewspapcr sheet. l'aper car wlíeeH are uceessfully lUanui'uctureii und usuil, paper bricU uw becomiU;4 desiruble uk u building material. iJroJ'. Cireiui, of the Troy l'oly technie insütiition, has erected u ireat revolving dome whose light irauie-work is covered wiüt hard eud uring papier mach only one-sixth ui' mij iiicli thick. l'aper lias beeusuccesslully employed as au anti-loulhiL lor iron vessels and iu otliur thiugs aluiostag unexpected. il must be ob;rveti iu connection with paper, howcvereuiployed, that it possesses two very uian i testad van lage - lihUiciis and che:ipiiess - and wheu couiprcesed inio a soiid substance it u alsu au hard und durable as scvcrul other btioiigand niorucosily malcriáis. iSo one wilï bwitate to employ paj)er lUateul of ion iu any eonsiruetioii, providetl that the loriucr can be showu 10 be siiüiick-ntly itroug, lor iis lij{ktBCüt anit chcupneis are most important considera liön w its favor. The range und mutability of paper are remarkable. The saine material that forma the delicate valentino enters hito the stal wart car vrheei that sustains the wciglit of tons and euuures u constant i'riciion as it glidt's alou the irou rails. AccordliljfU i-aper ma y be proparai, it ranks tmong the must ïragile or the Btoutest iiibsLa net-a. llarder than wood and impeivious to waU'r. Just think of il! livw people fll'ty ycais ao ivould iiave uoeu surprised at such accomplishuieuts. iiut established iacts, tliey aie iraugJit vkh grcat siguiflcauce. Tiiey iiara enlaiycd the pussiüilitie oí paper "wondciiully. Tliuy have openeü a wide lield lor experiïüent and inveiition. l'aper U üeslined to takc the oi' niauy substances ihat wlU Lie found inierior to it, wiiile iis appüaition iu uuincrous uiideveloped ways, wbereia nothing else can be uscd, may be conüdeully expected. The uses of paper have within a short time cxpauded 'woiideriully. Iu the shop v iuduws luay bc scon quaiut and turious arlicles of Japanese jiiauuiacluie - paper napkins, paper platee, paper tun-shades, toyB, etc, etc, aitititb iraj;ile, and anieles impeivious to heal aud water - uil of paper, iu capabilitics are liniilless, and thejauxe ol iuventiuij hun Uil a wiiic


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