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Fool Friends

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Nothing hurta a man, uothing hurts party s- lerriuly as tbol frieuds. A ibol frtelld is the uwer of bad news, ot' slaiider and all base and uupJeaatut things. lle tul Is you of the good luck your eneuiy bas bad. lle implioitly believes every etory agaiust you, und kiiKÜy suapects your delonse. A fooi friend w alvraya fuil of a kind of stupid ::uilor. He is so ca nd UI that he alvrar bolievos tlic staieuients of au enmny. ile nevcr suspeots aiiytlimg ou your sidc. Nothing picases him like being shocked by horrible ïmvra coiiceruiii soine good man. lle never üenies a lie unless it iá iu your favor. lic is alvvays fiudlng fault witb hls party and is uonliuually begging pardon lor uot belonging to tiie otlier fiide. lle is frightfully anxious that all liis candidatos should stuud vrell wiLh tho oppositioa, He is furerer seoking the faults of his party and the virtuus of tlie olhor. lie g-unerally shows Ina OUltdor by scratching liis ticket. lic ahvaya seardies cvery nook and corner ot' liis eonseienec to lind a reuson lor doëemug a lïieiid or a priuoiple. In the nioiiient of victory he ismagdaniinously on your si. ie. In dyfeat, he consoles you by repetttilljj; prupecies made alter the cvent. A tooi frieiid remanís yi)iir reputation as conmion property, as a conimou prey, lor all vultures, hycnas aud jackals. lie takes a sad pleasure iu all your misiortunes. Chambcrs1 Journal tclls us : "Ludlow Street, a very unsavory quarter of New York, is inhabued chieily, if not wholly, by I'oles. ïliey are the cat tneat purveyors of that city, hunting the streels at night to capture cats for sausage. Tlirce ot them especial ly devote theinselves to getting, feedincr and breciling cats for the table. Tho cats captured are cai-efully examined. Tliose in good plicht are at once killed. The ut her are fattened. When kept in a yard, the vralls are smeared with so obnoxions to the feline nature, that 110 cat will pass it. A recent visitor to a Ludlovr street yard says : 'It presented a most ainnsLng spectacle. About oue hundred iais of all sizes, colors, aud ag'es, were i ileeping-, eating, quarreling, and catirwaulFujf; all grades : sd, froni the liandsomo Angora and i VLiltese to the hoinely backyard Torn. ' W'iieii coiisiilered fit for eating tho cats are sola to stnall butcliers who makc a specially of cat sausage. Tliodelicacy has a reádjr sale, which is ever increasing. Tliose who indulge in it declare cat meat superior to any rabbiU' " By the victory of Lord Hasting's Master Kildare in the City and Suburban, the admirers of the galluut Irisli horse eleared as high as L00,000. Archer, who rode Parole tlíe winiioi-, last year, got L1,000 Ibr iandIng the winner tliis year by a íhort neok, making liis earnings ibr the season up to tlio L4,000. Tüoujfh he lVoely declares tliat only the oxuellence of las moiuit enabled hira to snaLeh tlic race out of the fire, it is universally (leclared that his win was the moet niasterly of his lyauy acliicvcujejitá iu


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