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The Península Mili The uDdoríigned having leased tha PENÍNSULA MILL ATDEXTER. H renpectíully inform the people resiaing in tlie vfcinity of Dexfer that ho oficits a share of the niRtom trad ThM he will try and pleaee all the ola patronsaDd confideotjy bclievc from an experfenreof thlrt ycarB a a miller he will be able lo secare many now ones. He will keep Flour and all kinds of Feed On band and at the lowe&t current mariet rates. J4.1l LTICAS. Dexter, July SO, 188P. 31-4t. SlierifT' Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, CüUNTY kj oí Wtifthtcnuw, 88. John Ií. Frice, i Morris H. Peuk and j f John Atkinson Clark (ornwell I vs. vs. The Michigan Paper The Michigan Paper [ Conipuny. Company. By virtue of a writ of exeoution in each of the abo ve entitled causes, isstied out of and onder the seal of the Circuit ■ ourtforthe County of Waahtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I did on the 19thday of June, A. I). ISbO, levy upon all the right, title and interest of the Michigan PapT Conipany, in and to the iollowing deseribed real estáte, lands and tenements to wit: All those c-ttain tracts or parcela of land situated at Getïdesburg, in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Washtennw, Stato ol Michigan, cominencin at the poiut of iniersection of thenorth and south (uarter uecliun line of aeetion uuinber thirty-iix in township two south and ranue ix e.-st, in said State, wfth the nouth Una of th Michigan Central Railroud, running thcuce south alonjr smd [uarter Bection linu tour cliaina and fifiy links; ttiencu north tighty-seven d e went aeven chana and thiriy links to an ouktree; thenc uorih ne degret? west fif cliains umi nhiety-five linke ro thf suutli bank Of the Huron river; thtuce do vn snid river aloug the souih bank tht-reol to the southerly banK of the taü race whuru sittü racetmpties into the rier ; (henee up suid tHil rum1 on th - nulh bsnk t beroof to the center of the high way; thence southciljr tí the south line of uld ra il ruad ; th-nee weaterly aiong the line of saiti railtoad to the phice of bezinning. Also that parcel of land desenhud aa beginning where the higbway above m nttoned crosses the railroaj on suid sectlon thirty-ix and running trom the tast side of Buid highway mat parallel with the center line of tho present main traek of said rail roiid tweuty-ñve íeeL; thetu-e north parallv] with suid highway Hity feet; thenct west twt-nty-tive fuet to the east liue of the bitibway ; theuce south Ül'ty feet to the place of bezinning. Aleo that otber parcel of land beKtnning at a [loint tlfty í eet south oí the said Michigan t'entral Uaïlroad. and on the Wfsterly line of the sa u highway whieh crosses said railroad and the Hnrou river on suid setion thirty-six, und running thente parallel to the railroad west niuetj-two feet; Llience south two hundred feet ; thence east one hundred and flve feet to the west line of said lrighwuy; thence north on the wei-t line ot said highway to .the place of beginning, together with the milis and buildings tbereon stitndintr, and all the machinpry and tools placed nnd useá in and at-out suid milis and every part thereof and also the water privilege perlaining to said milis und property as the same lina been heretofore enjoyed, with all the rights.interests and privilepes mentioned ir loau M. i;oiiKiins aeea to Jame l'nsey, Jr., and öuorge B. Koliy, hearing d.ite the tifteeuth day of May, A. I). 1S72, excepting part of tho flrst atiove cleicripti'in n a ripof land f uur rods n width long the t line of Die sanio nd soutl) of said railroari ; and alo i xoepting the lande oscupnd by the Michi:in ('entiul Ruilroad Oonipany aa aruilroad. Al8o all tbat c-rtuin pteee or pareH of land sitante in tüe tuwnship of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, ötiite oí Michigan, and described'as follows, to wit: Beginnini? at the southeast corner of tho northeast quarter of section thirty-üve (35), and running thvnce north on the east line of said section to the south side of the Michigan Central Railroad ; thence west to the center of Mallett's creek (so cnlled); thonce northeasterly aiong the center of said creek U the enst line of swid sectton thirty-five (35) ; thence north on Baid section line to the Huron river; tfcence up said river to a point forty-one and one-half rous caat of the north and south quarter line of said soction ; thence south parallel with siil quarter line until it êtrikes the cast and west quarter line of said aection ; thence cast on said qimrtor line to the pluce of bezinning. Wliich snid ld nds and tenements 1 ehall sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the north door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, (that being the place of holding the Circuit ('ourt in said county), ou the Elkventh day op September, A. IX 1880, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Daled, July 3, 1880. JO8IAH S. CASE, Sheriff. Kc-al JSstate for gala. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washlenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Morris Orcgg, deceaaed. Notice b hereby given, that in parsuanceof an order granted to the undersigned a.tmimtstratrix of the estáte of said deci aBed, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-sixtth day of July, A. I). 188'1, there will be sold at public vendue, to the hisneot bidder, at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said 8tate, on Tuehday, the FOUKTEKNTH DAY OF SEPTKMBEK, A. D. 1880, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrunces hy mortgaje or otherwine eiisting at the time of tbe death of said deceased) the following described real estáte, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situted in Hiacock's addition to the city of Ann Arbor according to the recorded plat thereof, knowo, bounded, and describec" as follows, to wit : All that part of the west two-thirds {%) o( lot number three (3) in block number six (6) Dot heretofore conveyed by Nehemiah P. Farsons and wife to said Monis Grcgg. Dated, July 20, 1880. A UGUSTA GREGQ, Administratrlx. Lake Superior Transit Co. Stearaers lea ve Detroit for Sault Ste. Mana and Lake Superior Ports on Mondays, Tuesdays, WediH'ptfays, Thursdays nnd Saturdnys, at 10 p. m. Railroad ccnnentiona made at Duluth for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Bismarck, Manitoba and other points North, fciouth and WBt. Steamers also leave Detroit alter June 26 on Suudays (to Cleveland only) at 4 p. m.t an 1 on Mondiiys anc Fridays at 9 p. m. WcdncsdHys and Sftturdays, at 6 P. M., for Cleveland, Erie, and Huffalo, connecting with railroada thereat for the East nnd South. Fur tickets and furtber information apply to J. T. WHITING, General Agent, " ' "Detroit, MlchT"1" City Seaveng-er. The undersigned oflars hiB services as Seavengcr. Vanlts, Cesspoois, lic, &., cleaned to order or by the season, at reasonable pnces, llouee diains made to order. Vuults made, Orders may be left atJ. H. Nichei'u Meat Jlarket, Ktate Streat, 47 Wouth Thnyer Street, or msde through the Postotfice. Work wili be done as eheap aa the chespest and all orders prouiptly attended to. WILLIAM ACT10N. EDWARD DUFFY IVholesale and Itetail G-ROCER A Large, New, and Clean Stock of Staple & Fancy Groeerie;ALJFAYS ON II AND t ToEcther with a full and complete stock of BOOTS, SMOES, AND RUBBER GOODS, Also a choice assortment of I.iiriics' and ents' llnderwcnr, HokIci j , Cïloven c. Bpecial inducements offered cash custoroers. EDWARD DL'FFY, Cor. Main and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor 83 Cash paid for all Farm Products. ]7) t iTc eT Notice is hcreby given tlmt I hereby forbid any persou to truüt my wife on my account. FLUTCHEIi W. JEWELL. Ann Arbor, July 14, 1880. GREENBACK CONVENTION. A National Greenbck Convention for tlie coimty of Washtenaw will be held at the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tíiuiisday, August 8, 1S8I), at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose ol electing si xtt en delégales to the State Convention at l.urisiup on August 11, and for tho iransactiun of puch other business as may come before t.he c-iiventlou. Each township and ward will be entitled to delegates as followa : Ann Arbor Town 4!Noïthfield 4 Ann Arbor City- Pittsfleld .....4 First ward 4 Salem 4 Second ward 4 Saline... 6 Thiid wurd 4 Scio ."''s Fourth warJ 4 8haron 5 Fifth ward 3 Superior 5 Sixth ward 8 Sylvan 6 Augusta 4 Webaier 4 Bridgewater 3 York "5 Dexter 3 Ypsilunti Town „.... Freedom 3 " City, lst w'(i..8 Lima 4 Seoond ward 8 Lodi 4 Third wnrd J Lyndon 3 Fourth ward 3 Manchester (iFilth ward 3 liy order of the County Coinmittee, t!. F. BATES. Chairman. -tU 'JL1 JN A. INSURANCE CÜMPAE Capital. - - $3,000,000. Aséete Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inolndiij Re-Insuranoe Reserve. $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includin Be-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. HACK, Agpeut, Ana Arbor. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. 'IMli; LABGEST A.M BEST STOCK OP PAINTS, OILS, ALL KIND8 OF Painters' Materials, &c, AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WIXTDOW GIiASS AU Sizc. -A-T SOEQ'S. G and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. The Iiiterary REVOLUTION. The most suocessful revolution of the eentury, and, to American readers of hooks, ihe inoat important, Only b oks of the highest elass are published by ns, and the pricesare ]ow bevond eomijarison with thecheairest books every before ssued. To illustrate and demónstrale these trtitha, we send the fol!o-wTing books, all complete and unabridged, postl;ül, at the priees named : Mncanlay's JAfe of Frederick the fíreat. Foimer price, 11.2S. Large brevier type, beautiful print; price three cents. Carlyle's Iife of Robert Bnrns. Fornier price $1.25. Large brevier type, be;iutiful print ; price three centp. Liig-ht of Vsiin, By Edwin Arnold. Former price $1 .50. Beautiful print, brevier type; price Hve cent, Thos. Hughes's ManlineBS of Christ. Former price $1.00. Beautiful print, brevier type ; price three cents. .John Stuart Mills's Chapters on Socialism. Essays of exceeding interest and importance. Price three cents. Baron MuncLausen. His Travels and Surprising Adventures. Former pricE $1.6. Bönriïeoise type; price five cents. IHnry Queen oí Scots Life, by Lamartine. Former price $1,25. Brevier type, beautiful print; price three cent. Vicar of AValsefielcl. By Oliver Goldsmith. Brevier type, beautiful print ; pnce live cents. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. TConrgeoise type, leaded ; beautiful print ; price six cents. Private Theatricals. liy author of "Sparrowgrasn Papers." Small pica type, leaded ; price two cents. Stories and Ballads For Young Folks, by Ellen Tracy AMen ; with very fine illuetrations. Selectiona complete from her buok. Largetype; price five cents. Leaves from the Diary Of an Old Lawyor. Short stories of thrilllng, luaghable, patbetic interest. Price three cents. Booksellers Ererywhere (only one dealer in each town) keep these and our large list of standard books, whirh are scllinp hy tfie million volumes, becanse the people believe in the Literary Kevolution, AMERICAN BOUK EXCHAXGE, Tribune Building, New York. JOITN B. ALDEN, Manager A ET EMPOEIUI And Artist's Supply Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, DetroitANDKETV J. líROW, Proprletor, Dealer in Picture Frames, Lookinff Glasscs, OH Pniutlngs, Ëngravlngg, Chromos, Artist's Materials, and Art Speclaltles. OU FRAMES RE-GII.DED. To niy FriendaandPatrom: I hare now in stock a ftreat Vnrii - of iHens'and Boys' lints and Caps, and I know itwill be te jour interest to muke your pnrchatei of me. I ain (Ictcrinlnrtt t move a cood many goods (his Spring and Sumnicr and nare ninde prlces tliat Mili in■ureit. As I stated in iny advertidouien t last Winter, tbeie was nu excuse for liigli prices tbat was so 111 u cli talked of by some, and already thcreis tobe a decline in prices. Since my return home, I have made some heavy purchases at f rom TEN to TWBMTV per cent. less (ban they werc boug Ii t for earlier, henee my absence was a benefit to me f inancially as well as physically.- I candidly belieleve I am selling suits I rom 50 cents to $2.00 each less than un j other House in the State of Michigan, und Hall tram 25 cents to si. ík less each. I have opened a Branch in Dexter, for a short time. as an outlet for the heavy purchases I have been making; recently. Don't thinkof buying-acenl's uurth muil yon have seen my stock. JOi; T. JACOBS, The Clolhier. fiEST IN THE WORLD! AUD Bi-CARB. SODA WTuch is tho samo thinc'. Impuro Salrrnt ns or Bl-Carb Boda ly dirty wnite color, ït may appear wliite, Mamiiwl by iUelf, bút a. COMPAKISO WITIÏ CIIURCH & CO'S " ARM ANDHAMMEB" ÜRAIfU trlll shovr the dífloroncc. Beo that your S.ileratug and BakIng Soda Ik white and PURE aa Bhould be AU, SIJtlUjLK. SUBSTAS. CBS used for food. Housekoepors who prefer bread made witti reast, wiil improve ita qaality, make it ris betterandpreventít írom Bouring. by aiiding ono-halileaspoonful of Church èc Co.'s Soda or Saleratus. Be sureandnot use too inuch. Th i nso of this with our milk, in preferecca to nakliig Powder, Baves twenty timea 1 ts coat. 6ee one pound packago for valuablo iaiormtvtioaodroicarefully. r - -


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus