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MEDICINAL. nervousIIbTlTty! GKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK'Ti,eOr'at En-TRADE MARK jgPgid5tfh. easesthai follow (2W Before TaJrfngLOí8or MSwLAfter Taking. Tniveral Lasttudtt, Pain io the Banlt, Dtmnesa i 'inlos, Premature o ui Age, aaid many utln rdisena ithftl lead to lusanity, Consu uption and n 1'itnntnre Gríive. -&ÏT" Full purticulaiB íti our pampMets, which w esirp to senil free bv mail to everv re. The Specifir fc(iicine h ld by hII fit il per paeküie, or six puckapes for 5, or wil'be' ent by mail ou receipt oí' tbe mont-y v mldreesinK tük a ha y akdivinb ro. fo 10 Mechunictí' Hlock, Detroit Mich. ay-Soldin Ano Arbor by all Prugglrt. n(m by rugff ' 'v '■ ' ■ ■ ____, scoran BL00D1UÏER SYROP, a jtccrless remedy for Scrofula, White Swelliiigs, Cáncer, ErySlpelos, Goi:t, Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, arbnncles, Salt Kheum, Malaria, Bilious ('üiiiiihunís, aud all diseases ai'. Impnre Condition of the Blood. This Grand Beinedy is a compound of vegetable nxtracts, the chief of which are SARHAPAKILLA and ST1 LLINtilA. The cures elfected by SCOVIIiL'8 BLOOD AM) L1VER 8YBUP are absolute and thelr record is undisfisrured by failure. For sale by all Dmggists. Éjiiiiit"Tric iwiy e i o "IÍVÍRPIILS. The hú Cathartic Vegelabh Regulator. Th e ff rertify torpidity of the JAver. Thvy íive tone to the Stomach. Th oi act f without {ripiny, upon the boiveftt. They Remove bil o. f rom tJic blood, Thcy pttrify, regúlate, inviy orate the bod ij. They cure, all biliotts eonyplmnt WORM SYRUP iñstantly destroys WORMS and la recommended by physiclans as the best WORM MEDICINE Ín use. BTO'S PillPMgj forJUlJVand XÈJE1ST. Tor Externa! and Internal Use. The graatest Pain Reliever of the Age. CS For sale hy rM Druggists. JOIIN F. IIEXltY, CURRAN de CO., SOLE IllOPKJETOKS 24 College Flaxe, New York. BEST IS_CHEAPEST! LEWiS CONDENSED STRICÏTiY PTTRE! We will ffivc ,$1000.00 for out; Alum or vthcr artulteration found in tiüs j'owimu. bjSJW Inrtorsed by the Brooiclyn Board ssSSF "f Ilcaltli, and by the best chemil3 VE lu t United States. H IS STROJÍOER thnn f." Spj, a!1y V'-t Ponder la isaffTft It KEVER FAII.3 o sUfft, kma!ke liSIlt toread vkeu HgaR tsuücd as flirccteü. tËSjgMtQ ItlsCOSIMENBBD'byeYOiT . MB - housekecper "vlio lias glveu it a &Ww It Is an NEW ITTVETT,ÏB Tl01i,j-ithoutanyof thebadqiiallmffl tlcs of soda or salcratua, yeast. or lg W otüer baking powders. MLj It lias In itselt a tendeney KEgggti) F.iistaiu aud nourisU tliO systein. Good food ma!:e3 good health ; and healtli Ss lmproved or iïnpaived in proportion as tlio ïood we eat is nutritious or othei'vvise. LEWIS' B.VKING rov.DEll alnujs makes good food. One can ot tais is wortli two ol any otlier baklnj compound. It makea bread whlter aml rlcher. More than hall the complaints of bad flotir ari3e Irorti tlie use of common baUng powders, wlitcli oflea rnake tlie best ol Uuur turu out clark bread. The mo;t delicate persons can eat iood prepared wlth it wKUoiit injm-y. Wcarly every otlier bakinof powder 13 adnlteráted and is absolutely injurious. ÏBlS is made trom IteUned Grane Crenm ■ MT Tartar, and is PERIí'KCTIiY PüllE. It makes tlie BEST, llghtest, and mout nutritious , BREAD, BSSCUIT, CAKE, CHULLE3S, BUCKWHEAT, IHDIAN, AND FLANNEL CAKES. Aslnsle t-l!lwlH prove the supcrlorltv oí tüia powder. MANÜPACTUKKD ONÏ.T BT GLO.T.LEWBS&MEliESCO. PHILABLLPHIA. - -, WIELIAlff EEID, 'li P'hole'inle Sc io ■. '-%! ['ÍEIVC A AMKK1CAN ■; ,r- Window Giass, Piate G!ass, : i : ! Bil k I :ui,i Bnujh Phiie for ■■ ■ ■', Rki LiKn:, Out ml Km Cb . SMïOl K . ■ O K .--.-i' 1..:.. I'U': h .-il ii.l 1 M ,TT9 J fc. JñJrA man to..iiii.K I"" ■ ftmTSCSSMWZlrjIlmi lc .-.nd (JU, Colon.Puu;, '43JJ Foints, cic. IW5.iy'TMPlg#aNWa I liuüilinp, or in wnnt I W I a'ïly9A HJ g ol Kujthioe, nrilc for eiI uil, n - J mats. 12 & 14 Congreso St. Eaot, Detroit, Mich. -■ - k t ■- ■- 1 t i i.iJ-S. Witliou hi ü'ih tilt' is a f'uilii!'-. Yki.uhv i.yi-; . C()Mr;.x:xioN, Loss OF Ai'i'i Tl r io, !)v-n:i'iA, !k ui:, BtTitoCSWMs; atld COKSTIPA'■■ ticin igllie nsuii ol' a"Wftipííiining LlVBB, MA KCKA l'S IaVí r i.vü A nti-Üii.ious (.'li'il'nl M) ;iii;:i(j'. :i 8Ulfe Clr lor lili; ■ nii ebled sj'slem. Pim ' "i ' ' ( AÜA S.UÜÍA DA," ■ i ii Í) II llOl OU - .; .i' dil Ut I, 11] il ail ill r ni'ily lor Kquai.izinu i i UNJULATION, purifying IImjod, üiid i tu i'Ki.'KK i' the üi. 75 ctnls per liuitle. luwn'ri lirón ■ ;i;tl Synip cure all Lung, riiroal ( . si l. -a-es. 75 ci-nts ar ltui.il1. PaKii.vxti '■ im.ia:ís & ('o., Wliolesule For ale by II. .1. Iticou 'Ti t:n. 'llie Universal lint h. ? Pri! Hi'duced 'l'i ií:ttiia Kciit-wed. s.,j„rr,„„!(,„. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mlch. For sale at the Uniff Store of L. S. Lerch, Cook s Botel block ; alio by C. Eberbach i Sen. South Main Strtvt ; and nlso by the miDufacturcr, K. J. Knowlton, No. 24 North 8tte Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. to whom all oofreipondeDOOHtoald be addresBeti. Young" EY!en w'a1ttenaingotIne5'by Business College at KALAMAZOO, MICH. Send for Journal. W. F. PARSONS, 21-13t riosiduut.


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Ann Arbor Argus