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Real Estafo for Sale. OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washiènav, ss. In the matter of tlie estiite of J.izzie lícllogK, mincr. Noiice is heieby given.that in pursuance of uu order granted to the uaiirroipriied Rimrdian of said minor by the Hon. .ïudfre of Probate for the courty of Wnshtcnaw on the tbirtl day of June, A. D. 18SH, tlierewill bo 8o]d at public vendue, to the bijfhest bidder, at the tast front door of the court h'Use in the city of Ann Arbur, in the coulty ot Washteuaw, in said State, on SaTUIUMY, TIIIC KlGHTEENTH DAY OF SHPTEMBKK, A. 1) 18RI), at ten o'clock in the f ore aoon of that day subject to all encumbrtnces by mortgage or nthcrwixe exHtniiat the time of tile sale) the followinp described reul estáte, to wit: The e]uul uudlvMed one-slxteenth part of the northeast quar ter of the oortheaat goajler ot scction nujnher eiffhteen in towDsbfp fcnir oouth of ranL'e bíx tut (York) in Mtoliifiaji, oonialning forty ucrea of laud be the .same moro or I sh. Dated, August ■". l 90. ALBEBï C. KELLOGG, Guardiau. ' _ Kstate of Ezra C. Scaman. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J ►J of Washtenaw, sa. At a sesnion of the Probiitc Oourt for the oounty of Wushtenaw, holden Í t the ProbuteOüiofiin the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, tho lilth ilay of August, in the year ] oue tnouêand eight hunáred nú eighty. Preeent, VVIUium D. Uarriman, Judgeof Probate lu the matter oí thu tuititte of Kzia C. Seaman, H-d. On renchng and fliing the petitjon, duiy verified, of John M. Whei lor, as ex-cutoi' oí smd decadent, prayiug that he may be ordgred ann authorized to , s.-ll ■); shares of capital siöTk in "The Industrial V. i,i :, , ' at liuy City, Mieliigan, for nasons tberciu I stated. Thereupon it is ordered, that Snturday, the twenty-eightb tlnyof Auaint instant, at ten o'clock in the fowoooxi, be assiunrci for the hearing of aaid petition, und llial the dsvlseea and heirs at law ot said deceased, and all other persons intereted In sairl estáte, are required to appear at a session ot said court, ttiento be holden t the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any Iberebe, 7liy the prnyer of the petitioner should not be graoted: And it ia Eürther ordered thai aid pi'titioncrive ootice to the stiici partios and persons in'pipsled in aid estáte, of the pondency of said petition, rtnd the heurina thereoí', by cansina acopy of thiü order tobe pubjislied in the Ann AkhoeAraus, a newspaper printed and oironlated in nsA jounty, threeaucoeseivo weeks previous to said day oí hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRJMAN, fAtrueeopy.) .Tudge of Probate. Wm. O. Dott. Probate Registor. Ivt;ilu of Anthony Gallaghr. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 of 'a.hten:w, ss. At Reoaion of the Probate Cnurt. for the County of Wnnhtenaw, holden at the Probato Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Baturday, the tMrty-first day of July, in the yeiirone thousand eight hundred and eighty. Present, WilliamD. Hiirriinan. Judfre of Probate. Tn the 7nntter of the entate of Anthony Oallairher, dr reuspd. On readinsand üling the petition, dltfy verified, "l Uwen Qallatrher, administrator, praying that he may lie licensed to aell the real catate wheréof eaid dcopaacl died Meized for dlatribution. Therenpon ït is orde d. that Tuesday, thithirty-first day of August nsxt, ateten nvlock in 1 he forenoon. be assined for the henrlnp of said petilion, and that the helrs at luw ot muil iea, and all other persons mtereBted in anid eatflte, are reqniied to ayipear at a eesaion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the oity of Ann Arbor, and shnw oauee, if inythore be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not beiirnnted: And it i further ordereo thnt snid petitionor L'ive notice to the persons interosted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, nnó. the hearing thereof, by cnusinï n f.njiy of thlí or.lcr lo bcpublished in the Ann Arbok Ahoü, a newspaper printer] and circnlnted in said county, threesuccuMive weeks previous to eaid day of henring. WILLIAM D.nAKKIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Jiulfta of Probate. Wm. O. IIoty, Probate Register.


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