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Dexter Department

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- Ttev. L. L. Gage FwtBtned froni his visit east last Tunsday. -Miss Lizzie Blake of Detroit is visiting Miss.I. Moiiks niüvr Pinekney. - MissM.O'Brien oí l'inckney , is visiting relatives and friends at Dexter this weck. -The Miases TCttie and Jessie Hidden of Detroit are visiting Miss MatUcUeal tbis week. - T. R. Tuomey of Jackson was in Dexter revisiting liis old pleasure hauiits i er Sunday. - TheM. E. Sunday school scholnrs ipánied by the band liad a line picnic al Whitmore Luke Wediu'sday. - Wioket, not cricket, is the R ime al Dexter, and as It is a free for a" kind of a síh"1' " club wili be organized. - M. C. (iuinan of 3eio killed a huge ratüesnake while mowing Thuraday. 1 1 was over 5 feet long and had 26 va Ules. -The Democratie caucus of the ïownship of Scio will coitvene at Dexter Exehange on Saturdav 7th. -The co-partnership heretofore existing between C. S. Gregory and K. P. Copeland has been mutually dissolvcd. -The snit of Tuttle vs. Coleman for alleged damage to bovines by illegally impounding thera has been adjourned for one week. -Au elegant little steamor has been purcliased and launched on Portage Lake, forpleasure purposes, by ageutleman living at the Lake. - The R. H. club of Dexter will give an excursión to Lansing on Tuesday, Avig. 17th. The fare for the round trip has been redueed to S1.2Ó. - A number of Dexterites were at Port Hurón Fnday, but none were so Imfortunate as to be left there as some of the excursionista from Ann Arbor were. - Pinckney lias a good reputation fot dances, and mainlained its celebrily Friday evening last, by giving the most (leliRlitful party'of the year; nearly 80 Couple ijarlicipated. - Will J. Tuite for a nutnber of years deputy county elcrk and late of the Résister of DBÏ9 oilici'. lias Koepted a poaition as book-kc('i;er i'or S. 11. Baird & Sou & Co,, of Detroit. We wish him success. - An excursión train of eleven coaches stopped at Dexter ennincipafHin da; and Rathei-.'d in a nurn' er of our colord citizens bound for Windsor, Ont., to aiticipat : in th celebration of emancipation ftt that city. -Errata.- Mr. Coleman and not Mr. Copeland as we erroneously fstated in ist weeks Ar ;rs,viü enter in co-partership with Ilarry Rokers in the Dexer milis, and Jamos Lucas wil! run the 'cninsul milis aloné. - The market for nevv wlieat opens quite steady, notwithstanding the fa;t luit the supply is much greater than lad been anticipated. The price rangea rom 83 to 88 cents. Old wlieat iinds ■ -adv sale at 95 to SI per b'ushèl. - A horse driven by Micliael Iloben becauie lïihtened at someobjoetin the oad aiwl ïan away throwiug Irs. llubiii over the dash-board injuring her to gome extent. Mr. Ilobeu was unnjured but the buggy was transformed uto A complete wrack. itteuded thè'Liqupï Dealer's ABsocifllon which convened at Laksing Ifèt we;jk. They claim th ■ fttsociation are oafidentandprepaiedfar the cotüins ampaign and will undoubtably carry tlieirpointaud 6ll thc legishitive beiicL)s with men partial to their cause. - People attending excui-sions which eklvertise a'stay of 2 or3 hours at a oertain designated point should use extreme caution, and be at the starting point at least 31) minutes after unloailLng unless they wish to give tlie place a more thorovigh invostigation by being left, the so-advertised S hours generally dwindles down to 40 or M minutes. - Keal is out with an open let', er in tho Leader,calling upon themembers of the band to come forth like nu n and charge him publicly with chirographic aUach nients. whatthey have taken the troubl to do privately and if he can not viu dieate hunself to their satistaction 1. is willing tü abide by the consequei ces. This we think is candid and fa i and would remove mucli superfino; ill-will. -The Lumbard troupe concert imder thfi ausnices of the Dexter rel'onn club and supervisad ly Cooley Reevea vbt) was given at Costello's hall Monday evening was a complete success in every sense of the word. The ladies and gentlemen of the troupe acquitted themsclves in a commendable manner asdid the young gentlemen frora Dexter Who took part in it, Some comieal hut redieulous "give aways" were administeivd to a few of our village nobs and theroars of laugtiter wbicta followed pistor? showed that tlie great audience appife'Ciated what our erestfallen nobs did not. The net pioceeds willperhaps amount to f20. - Obituary.- Miss Mai7 II. Raadolpi au estimable young lady of our villa-e died Friday, after the short illness o one w ek. The fuperaJ was from the M. E. church Sunday at 2 p. m., Rev. L. P. Davis ottkiating. ïho peonliantyof Miss B's case wliich rendered ït more distressing, wbb, as publicly ceedert to be a mystery as to the nature of her disease. A rivate post-mortem revealea nothing to the people, for as private it was, as private it was kept. ; Edward Litchfleld one of our oldest iooeera departad this Ufe Saturáay at jis son's reaidence on C St. Mr. LiU-heá carne to Michigan in 1838 and set!fil in Freedom, from whence he renwed to Dexter in 18S0 where he lived ip to liis denth. The lunt vul was from he M.E.'chuih Mondy; lie was 81 yearsold. Mis. LÜelly, mother of Jas. Rielly of Dexter townahlp died Saturday JulyMat. The funeral was from St. JoBeph's ohurch Mondaj . Rev. Fr. ffcrlf of Aim Arüor otüciatin .


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