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Ocean Icebergs

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During a recent passage of tho stearuer Helvetin iVom Antwerp to Nbw York, the wiinl blowing' o uice breeze iVom the wcstwtird, a siidden chango in the temperatura was noticed. Au liour betbre tlie weather was quite suilry, awnings being spread toni and aft; luit ut aboul three oVlpékiu tlie altornoon, although the sun was shining btiüiautly, a cold blust trom the nurthwost scl in. ïlie rapidity of a chango trom a swdtering sununer's lay 10 an Arctio fröst nstuniliy cuusó'd considerable aniazeinent, espochilly aniong the gtttoti&r iiieinbei-s of the crew. Tlie more experienced knew what was coming, and when tho cry of "icebergs on the starboai'd bow f" folio wed iminediately by the nutiiieation thut othei's wure visible on tlie wort stde, the niystery was explaiiio,!. 'i'iu'ii, right in the 'track of vogels wen; seen nionstrous rnouutiin.s of ice, gumu of tboui pure white, others crosse.l in nuuiy clirectiona by broad 8 tripes ot blue. öowe of them were ÍÜU eet high and 1,000 ieet long. Tliere were at least thirty of theni, exiending for ïnany niiles. The sea broke against thein, forcing torrents of spray up the steep accliviaes oL their sides. The rays of tlie SUU had nielted tlie upper Jart8 of nmny of them in'to the t'uucifui Bhapes, and iinaginary likenessed of crags, éliffs, and castles eoukl be traccd in those parts more exposeil to the luios ol heul. ötreanis ol' water in piuliiresque cascades weire fluffiíy üown into the lea, ana thc liugv, majes! iu masaos sceined to bo jiioviuj slowly to Llic toutheast. Tno llc-Ivo" tía pussed hear enoujfh to scverul ot' tliom to dístiiíguish piainly the noise ot'tlio wavesa tney tnroke ayainst tlie ruggod sidos ot' thu bcrgs. As uight ulosud in and tiio moou aróse tlio silit was imieeii bsautU'ul. Tlio Briüsh steaiiier Altmorc. froni Liverpool, encountered a uumber of iceoers, probably tho saino tlio i-felvetla inet wnli. iler connnander, Captaia Watsoñ, describe oue as boiiy a íuile añil 200 loot higU. Some sainpíc-i ui' aiiitinj on hvn reeonl yoffefed for tbc tnspeotion uf ('. Petersburg; nrtisw. This lava i iuuipeke vitl) iii,s.ú; i 11 uf all the Brptist ■ i i eoiint y :;rc in che f ' ■ :■ n iij ui the tie■ ■ .1 UO Ü"IUt il'l'll 8t U.'S )S i,u -,.jj , ,k v ujiu atw,ouü ara cuioreJ. Rov. Cli irles JJ. Runsdeil, &n enet-Pi' i '.'' 'rian divino uf V'.-isli u ;- i, iS'ó'uc oí favoí uiiii his cimrcli. ■ ■ . i-.' ,:iiiti,'.1 a iludí ui Catüoliu. ■' tiü to lier cliurou, imd üe wiil llJl, t'L'Stil tiilj ilis. pcople oi stpeneur County, Keniciiy, txslievB tii.u there is a huga simKe, eigiitccn leot loii. in their musí, ana tiierc is a u-.idkion Üxat mch i repule escapod froin a circus in ;lmt counLy mauy years' siuce, aud tüat it btiü lives. Ciclor is made In Texas from toma;ocs, and sclls at $1.25 por gallon. For weeks past niorlality of Lcuxlnn has been only tweuty to the housaud. Cows are aroiiu blind in tho neigh)orhood of ,1 ickson, Tenn., and nó au se can be assigned lor so ï-cniarka)lti a (JMttMfli


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