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Hillsdi h ;, i'Mii',;s at tSOO, --The four Adrián jail breakers have 1 een captured. ■- 1'hePoitHuron bard liifwi net of new uniforma- in pawn it tho express office, -The erop in the nriphlr$ bood of Albion is said to l:e very heavy this year. - Oaklahd"S r-piiprvifors will have their annual picnic at Orehard hike, Aug. 19 ... . J - Wrs. A. M. Hark. of Port [Turen, ii to be matron of the Orel. arel Jakë tailíary aoaflemy. - Tho poptnffice1 at Erip, Monroe POtlhty, tv88 rol, l,od of (.vrr 81.1 (O the, ..; ïighl of i i V:tv . . AVinfi of Moriw hps ■eceived an appointöient in the eengtis biirr:: - Prnth of twit childreB , Mrsi Sarvey r(■T)ona. ' of Jacksou ■iazj,'anil sheis iiow in au asyliirn, - ThrCehimdrod pouiuls of kíppI are 1sod ttp pet day Kt Jiukson in the _ manufacture of corsets, "The trial of un Adrián ftiftti tinder arrest for keepinf; a gaml Ing house las boon adjouniPd fovir times. - R. Í)il3ii1lock,phoristerof thp Jack" son BaptiRt ch-tireh for the pas,t20yeara, has resigned tliiif Itierative posltlóti. - Itisicp and Kat]. non of l'ort Iluron, Cotntriission metchant are reportéd as ; failing for $-50,600. Assers nofhing. - Cotnpctltion ahont ])ovcr. I-cnatt-ee county reduces price of threshlng oats to $1.00 per htmdred and wheal to $3, - John Smitb Hnrd, a resident of Jackson fbtthë past iOe;;rs. SH8ÏI at ' the Huid house, Aiigi 7, aged (") years. -The l.'Uli annual reunión1 of the Isth regiment of Michigan volunteets Will be held at Fa'.myra. LeBaWee connty, on the 26tb inst. - Lev.-'s (iriiïin. of Slièridaii, ('alhoun county, shot himscjf Sui'.day in snch a mannei' as to tiecessitate the amputalioii of his right hand. - A ó-year oíd son of C'apt. Marke6 of Port Iluron, was drowned in St. Clair river W"ednesday morning. Jle was flshingand feil in. -The death of Ada GaulkiflS, of Battie Creek, frotn at) over dose of poison, is said to báVe resulted from thn use of drugs to beaöti her complexión. - In the ehooting contest at Ilowell for 100 birds bi tweèn C. G. Jewett and A. II. Bogardus, Jewett killed ninety birds and BogardÚB killed ninety-three. - Mrs. Alva Butler, 82 years of age, a respected pioneer of Troy Township, was found drowned in awellon thepretniseá of her son, Samuel Butler, of Troy. - James Dernnan, who resides in Blaökman and from wliom gallons of water have been taken during the past few weeks, is verylowanditisthoilght cannot survivc -The Methodist ehurch at Port Huron was ddicated last Sunday. The services were corlducted by Bishop Bowinan, assisted by Dr. Baylisof Detroit and ötherS. - Gessie Byce agedfotir, qf AfatteSort township. Branch Co., was instantly killed by discharge of a gun. the ball entering her mouth aud passing out of .- scog.aouiisi ii vMini iiiBötn Michigan cavaln aad 22d Infantry will meet at Birmingham, Oakland connty, and revive the memory of hard tack, weary marehes, and desperate tighting. - C. E. Corwin of Grasa Lake, lost two ftagersby too close an acijuaintance witha circular aaw, a few days since, and Samuel Sackrider, of the same place, lost two BngeM in a mowintf machine! . " -The barn of J. Van Kuren, in the town of Burton, Genesee Co.,vas struck by iightning Möhday hight. ïhe barn w as tilled with grain and was totaliy destroyed, Loss over $2,000, insured f ?1, 000, - The Adrián Times Baya that the positioiis of the buildings for Michigan Befortn School for Girls, at Adrián, have been established, and that the contractor for the erection of the buildings is ready to begin work. - Ilon. K. G. King'oí Brooklyn has erected á new bank building at that place nnd Bssociated Win. A. Waldron, of Ilillsdale, with hint in the business of banking. The latter has taken up bis pprmanent rosideiice in Brooklyn. - Jackson's last "church scandal'' has been bOiled down to a more noth Ing- only Öeacon Palmer kissing good-looking Sunday-school teacher oí icholar hatned Nellie Bigelow. ifellie told her father, and himof made an awfúl scabdal of it. -John XI. Horning, of jTofvell townsliip. lost a valuable cow, death result mg from a rattle-snakc Inte, of a day or two previolis. John Green, Of the saine neighborhood, also had a fine four-year-old colt die fïom the same cause, the same week. -The inanagers of the ï ri-state fall association, of Toledo, offet a priïe fof the best drilled eompañy from eíther Ohio, Indiana or Michigan. The prize consista of a banner Wdrth S"00, and the compptitive dfül will takc Jrlace ort Tuesday, September 14. - Therriptherof Mr. MéCdy of Parma, tvho was poisoned f rom eatíhg toad stools supposriug them to be mushrooms, has recovered, but liis wife and ehild gradually l'ailed and iinally MrMcCoy, who is a native of Norwayf states tbat liis íalher. brother and sister died in that country from a Similar" cause. -The Httle village of Mosherville, llillsdale counly. lias abrnit 200 itiiiabitants. 110 saloon, no hotel, but a redribbon club of 175 members. It has ft clmrch. a nice school-housè) two dry goodSstofes, a grist and sa-U-mill, art excellent cornet band, andis snrrounded by large and pTodactive.ffflít fartüs - Thore fire two sides to' the story of the family Iroubles öf Rev, Ira G. BiÜ-man of Jackson, Ilis and he ciaiHi.Uo be alile to furnish abundani proof thereof ( ie to the effect tbat tbr thirteen years he has heen the victim f the ungovértwblè tempt of MrSBillman. and tlia! slie bas frequently inflicted personal cbastísernent ttn hittt, He could live so ïto loifger, rtnd töld hr SOv - Tbe claims of little Willie Kice, whose parents were1 killed by the rail road accident at Jackson last f all, haVÖ been satisfactorily settled. The eóm' pany glvea him f12,000 for tbe death of his 'parents and 2,E00 for his own iniuries. Miss ihity Bobera, hís aunt, lio look care o 1' biin, has also been iiven SI. 000 for the services and appointed bis guardián. The little fellow is not quite four years old.


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