Our Social "badgerers."
To "ask to bo asked" was me - what cyntcal but hlghly practical ucltlenien unbitioai to tótfcc the i bort Booiety" thi-ougU the golden ■ o I Fitó Boodle" papers the gvpat sativUi-o-iveaanamusiiigdéscription.öftUe mañeuvers of a geutlemau trom juroKr on a visit to ttils country who Suiouslyperauadea a duketo invitó the lliolihuuls. Hiat tUo ai t ot aak' to beasked la still cultiva cc in tlils a'-c of reñnod delicaoy au4 dulcet culture seemsplaiB froin arigalfloant vënlhKlerapp.Lleatotheomayrogramme pífang George of Ge tortheomiug receptioii at Gu kUull oomraittee naveanw.j """r;""." ofaueststobeiimted on that occagioi and that "no npplioatiuii for 111vitations can be entortaiued or replied Io 'i'nis wiU bo a sud blow "to tí pJoplc Who aro in the fiabU.of asking banqueta. Ünlesa our iufonuau oe m enor, mon thau two thoasand ] ca Un.s wen reeeiyrf by the i.o.d M-ivüi-'s private secretai-y on the ooca siou oL tllc viic Of ttw Czar to GuUdliall.
Old News
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