A Frustrated Nihilist
Amon" the storics which aro tolrl in Sfc letembnr of the atteppta ma,lc by Üio Nihillste W poncl ra o mtü tlm Winter Palaoe, is tho iollowW Gen. Gourko, wben Governor of auPetersburg, lil the riïl. tof entering at any tiio Into the Empero ■ÖL without bciannoanoedOuco liowuvcr, theftoorlieeper, swing ■""- S inusual about hU appearance ao-reedto lus beiug auaounoed. TU doorkecpcr thcn to.d the Jiaipcro ot_ his doubtt; apon whioh iho nttet ,n„t. t„ a writinu-tablc in lus ïoou, vhcl i was oouwoted by teiegi-apu With Gen. Goi.vku's residence and AUiom,.," was tho rep ly. This ol „ourse scitlod the pöiut; the aise (iourko was at once arrestfid, aml turuod out to bo a . nicniuor ui Revolutiouary Comnrtttée &tm Kingsbary went into a ProV-, Mem gambling-rooin wxth 10.;jOQ , bis ticket nnl uu ovcrdoso o' wisky Lu Uiff stomach. His "l'u'.,t(ivcss t:nableil the Bhafpevs to biá ínoney quickly. After tft $1,200 l.y pi-cbsnse of wlunng itj un;y esovted to, the more iauy. nulo QÏ gniüiug iL by tvje IvwiituS. A hanwterutio' ieaI avu vX' tlie caso was tliat ouo ot tbe i cmmblers, wiio seouroJ $', luKl I wlion arrested, lost all but $öOÜ pUty';iu5 agaiust a Bostou taro bank,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus