Deepest Canyons Known
A pnrty of prospector, un reeen ui muuuer 'went tVom WiUbuinou vftlU'v tu ttie Bill Williams imii-c, íiii.I heneo to Piue Spring, a snmll waterna placo suri'ouiKlcil i y :i [jiiie lorc-t. [ero Lliey found every lu licatlou ot h, ,,),! sea' bed, Hie graVel :ni.l rocks (oiii'J round .'iir.l tinubtlt, simltiir to hose iu tlie ocenn bwl. Fmm 1'"' S ■)i-in" the party ilircctol tUeir course the Avtt Supfti village, which is reached by iiesoini ung uuiu i w" ir mesa land dowiionc of the rougnest inils ever liwrell by man for a tlUtiiuco of fourteen uále, dvoppuig 3U00 1"wt. At nac9 ttlouii Um tnul, vre nro told tlïat it is uot over twcniy luehea widc, and wiiuls arouuil t-lw heri6udicular walto of suidsione Uiat loom above for humli-e Is of teel, wlulc on i lic. ollit'r s'ulii, liarla dcop canyoin exisl limidredsupon hmulrods oi tcot doep, wliei-e by ouè Ealwe stop orraove, 111:111 or lieastwould bc mt totrnity. With gveat care ftiul gotxt iuck toue-f the party Bucceeileil in reaohih the villa-e, llii'ee of their DUtuber ï-ÖtiiVHing tlwu nui the gaautlet in iiftssiJi'f clown inlo tliis awlul vol nmrvelüiis crcviou in the carih. The Ava Supais practice ixrlygamy, ènch male huviug about three wiyes ïhfey have 1,000 acres of fanuing teuu, whiéh is 'duseribed as beiug oí a yellowish color and niostly coinposod ot saml, liowever, it is suid to pi-oduoe Kood coru, i)umpkiii8, noelous, beaua, cLc, witli ilio lul of irrigatiug water, OjL -wbieü tliey luivc au abuudauce, (Uid ai)proiriate by weaits of a 'gooU ditch surrouudliig their tann. ïney have a peacü oroliavd of 250 trees, which were, on tlie lst of Aril, loaded wuii sinall neuohes about the si.e of acorns. ïhe party was well reeeivcd' uy tlicse red people, wlio etatcd their ..■reatest üesire was to bo lelt alone in Ihe on myinuiit oi i"ul1 Jauu """ V , Thuir houaes are built wïili polcs iii a vuile mainicr and thatched over wftb. Imï gras and tule. Tlie oiily stock thoy Uave are a íew poiiies. Tiie party nttempted to exploro Cataract cvoek to Lts coufluence wiili the Colorado, but Weío uiiable todo bo iVoni tbc tact that tboy encounterod pitcipico aftor pi-ocipice li-üift-WO W ÏOO iwt perpaudicular, ojid u was m the foolharay atteiupt of D. VV. Moouey of Wiliiaiiis Vadiey, to descend one of these perpendicular precipuos, 100 ieet down, tliat be was dauhed to n. Biidden and iueky tomb, wbero bo novv rosts as lie föH, hifi couipanione boiiK' uuable to resscuo bis boay trom tliat awlul aud abyssnial grave. Mr. Mooncy was persuadcd by lus coiuuauions not to atteinpt sucli au absurd umlertaliiug; tlieir uuportuuity availcd ïiot. Hu took a sinali rppe, Jiardiy balt an iuch in diaiuetor, tkd ouu end to a busii, suspcuüed itovör Uic brmk, tfaen takiug hold oí Lho pope, was soou dangling unveun the bright heayeua aud the dark, üisiual gore below. Evuk'utly eramps cama in bis anus or hismihd gaveay.und he feil trow aimost the top to lus rockyaud loneiy „nive bulow. ïhe party ï-cmanied iiearly fwo dnys, dcvisixig niewis aud uhuis to rcsciiu tha corpge, but witli !: -uit UDOU LUC C.Uv il"'' "" bceiit ui'1. , ,,„ „nri.v that 110 ni-ui bad over uassed ÜirpugU tlio ca, hi vaicrl descriM as ua ncU-al yanlsucir; stil!, Ironi the elcvaled WOW of the exfllOTWV furieus stpam appeaced to lw b Ivei tU-cad of oniy a lew niches m vvidiii. Dr-rraU, of Albany, has a horse leotioiiery. Every monung a di n ell to Ue bankiug bouse ot Hciuy it. fnaster he turna bis eye iwttUwwd to eoifhis ruaUiseloar. 11 M anua no osuclo inthe Way He walks ici-oss Che strcot andpavBhadarcto. U.eWseum corner Fromb be otetainsaáiickof cundy,auilatlei uuno t"ta?sthei-eumil thc ductor A Nastvilleslio'winnnhircda marliis uatuml elemuut by catcliwg coia aud dyiug oL pucumoma.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus