Wit And Humor
Tn cnncliKliii'jf :m nrticle on tbo .last corn drop au AKb-imi e litor ïvinarkcl : "Wc have on exhibitlon iu ontf sknctvini a in iLüiil'u'i'iit, jiilii' üf ;arS.' Jitnes II. Oillup a"1' lv'nni Canteï W( -re manir I :il (JiMinj U:ipi'ls, a fcW dttys'ago. Give 'eui time, and thoy il Hiakc t Bpmiking team. ptüace; "I futí göiai? to sec Clara to' dav. llave yon auy message?" "I wonder IloW yon cali VlSlt til if ineaii ful ifiil. G-ive hei' ui.y love." A Youn '. Darwinlftn- Jfwk ((o nw marrted gister): "Uit Polly! Look 11 Herö's youï i 1 1 - tryïn.u; to walk 011 its liini les Í I f Í"- Punch. A Disappoiiitment.- li .Iwin: "R"ll paper this Hioniin?, uiii't it, Any ." Angel iun! -Yes! Kot a soul ono knowa nicntiaii"dl not ovun iu the deatliíí"- Punoh. A St. Louis rioh man drew up a will wliir.U was so patlictically woi-dG,l that it moved all his relatives to tears. Itleftall lus pvopi-rty toan oi'pVmli asylUiiii-'Boso l'ost. Miss II. (who Has chosen vueiTíóTífe as a proic.Hsion) to professor, (wlio lihfl o-ivoii the class au ox'a heart to dissccl): "Oh, professor; ciu't we havo forka to haiuHü it vrith?" Tutor- "Coiné, now. Mr. C , give nio a fiwuüiar eample of llo.uarih's line of -raco. Uan't you think ot' it? It's a cui-vcd article tliat you seeevevtf day." Mr. B (dcspcrátcly)- "A - a- preizel." A littlo o-irl in one of our pubhc Schools the othcr day had oco ision to Darse tlie word "an-el." Oominx to he s.he stopped dismayeu, aw isked hcr teacher if "Uierc are any nen airíels." Cuttlnjr- Major Moi'iiingcali : "Novr Tiy MUs Laiicytt, whilst I enjoy i litile M:uteira, favor me w.th y.nulates song." Misa Laiicytt: "Ortainly, Uijorj niy hist is 'DnllU puppy, dviuU,' you Unow." A lavvyer üuqo rulied up to Jei-rolil in the street, and aaiid, wiili a flushed face, "Mr. Jerrold, I've just met a gcoumlrolly bamster." Jorróki looUed Bt hini with ablaml snúlc, aml simply aiiswerod, "What a coiiiöUieiicie!" "I make only 0110 coinliiion- that I shíUl always play the I om l ing role,' moilestly exclaiüied a young autor to i aiauagoi' ot whoin he soug'nt an cngageraeut. "All ruin," wás tho ready l'eply, "theu 111 niake you prouiptcr. Twó yonng lúothers talked of thc futuro of their babies several wceka okl. "I," said one ot' tlie nmthers, "I cainiot dccule what to make of íny son." "Olí! I," said the othur, "I will make mine an aulhor- very cclebrated!" . , ADout this timo thc woinan with a lazy and suieretilious hu'sbtuid persuades a spirit mo.iuin to teil hun that there ia a great treasure ludueii somowlicre in lui -arlen auout twu íeet uiid.;r lii-oiuid. Tuis sajrtjs lnrni a man lo spado up tho land. Not luiíí a-o, in the eourt of ap peáis, an Irisü layvyer, whiie arjpiiuj} witli eai-ucstiitós üis cause, Stated a puint wlucli thc coui't íHiled ont. Wetl," said the ittofiiey1, "i f U pjaze conclusive." . , „ ÍLoW wouid yon pronuuu c t i ii -v ?" I'roi'cs.sor Stearns uskuu WUucr tUe.woivi applied to im or a bee. (io to tho iicad, youny lollQMaráraa secks to consolo her chUdj .'WUydoyou cry, John? hateas hurtyou?'1 "Mañana (und he bawl alore mstily t-uu. ever), .jree eMay dav ! Taca wl.y do you cry to-da ." ■Oh, becanso you were uot at Uonic yCXlíLn, I pn,,i, nevé, git con ni 'O io uno i"J fc"""" . aoven iu Oe riuber and suya . i clU's timo d.u üarky loous uUcv ln.n-.ol . You Uun'i play Uuue oí Uom gamcs ou ""i t, ricllcclual boy that ot i examino bia Hoaa' Pruna ther"Joiumv.NvIiat büirtpa havo yon gol r ï've M tlio buinp ol enting, ian?, , gave me ou thé noJ bui liuUiu ior hiui." .
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Ann Arbor Argus