Bach & Abel
C U U II I I U N O Eepartineiit l AT THE DEY GOODS HOUSE OF In order to reduce stock before making Fall purcíteeg. Ve I desire to aseare the public that tliey can buy anything Spring and Smumer Goods from 10 to 25 per ceilt leSS than regular prices. PARTIGÜLAR ATTENTION IS ASKE3Í To tlie BARGAINS to be had in our Dress Goods,Blacfc Silk, Black and Colored Bunting, Fringe, Passemeñferíe, Butïon, Hosiery, Lace, Merino Underwear, Embroidery, and White Goods Departrnents. Frices Guaraateed t&e Lowestl Values Guaraateed th.s Best! fW Your Inspection Respectfully Solicited. „3 BACH & ABEL 36 SoxTtJi TVXain Street, .nn Arbor.
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