Mr. Turn Bull Declines To Be A Candidate For Office
ïo the Democrats of Washtenaw Co.: Gentlemen - My name havingbeen put forward as a nominee for the oiïiee of Judge of Probate I take this method of infonning you that I am not a candidato for that or any otlier office. It wil] be time enough for me to consider as to the acceptance of an office when the same is voluntarily tendered by you. Uutil then by no act of mine will my name be suggested for oftice. I take great pleaeure in thanking all who have voluntarily eomplimented me by vising tlioir influence to promote my nomination. G. W. Turn Bull. Chelsea, August 18, 1880. At the earnest request of frlends of the gentleman, who has been singled out for repeated attacks by anewspaper professing toTje democratie, the following f rom the Ypsilanti Sentinel is reproduced in these columns: The Democrat copies our remarks in regard to supporting men "whoareDemocrats for office sake," and gives us a "brotherly" appfovaL If this is based in any degree on a sympathy we are supposed to feel in íts personal hostility to Mr. Warren, it is tmdeserved. We have no share in such feeling. Mr. Warren may for oiight we know deserve well of the party for liis labora elsewhere. We know nothing of him, and we used his case sinlply as an illustration of a general principie that we shall apply with greater force right here at home.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus