Real Estate Transfers
Rebeeca R. Stedwell to Wm. Hall. Ypsilanti city property. Consideration James Renwiek to Nathan E. Sutton. 40 acres in Northlield. Consideration SI ,-500. John R. Moore to John (i. Schmidt. 26 acres in Lima. Consideration $1,341,"50 . Polly Aun Dunn to Wm. A. and Eliza :eth Wheeler. Aun Albor city properly. Coiisideration 700. QUIT-CLAÏM. (ülman Davis to NicholftB Corday. Ypsilanti city property. 91. Palmer, Linn and Sonv toLydialIubner. 2 aerea in Bri4gswater. fl and ther considerations. J. II. Liiiul toD. P. McCollum. Ann Arboroity property. $;íoo. F. L. Parker to Helen A. Peach. 29 acres in Scio. $1. Elisha Congdon to John C. Taylor. 3 or 4 rods La Chelsea. 2.5. Franklin L. Parker to Noah W. Cheever. Ann Albor city property. ífl. John Ferdon to Benjamin Day. 20 acres in Ann Arbor town. 10. Christine Scluiierle, to FrancesE.Farquelle. Land in Nortlifleld. $1.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Rebecca R. Stedwell
William Hall
James Renwick
Nathan E. Sutton
John R. Moore
John G. Schmidt
Polly Ann Dunn
William A. Wheeler
Elizabeth Wheeler
Gilman Davis
Nicholas Corday
Nicholas Cordary
Lydia Hubner
J. H. Lund
D. F. McCollum
F. L. Parker
Helen A. Peach
Elisha Congdon
John C. Taylor
Franklin L. Parker
Noah W. Cheever
John Ferdon
Rev. Benjamin Day
Christina Schnierle
Frances E. Farquelle