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MlLATST, Allg. 18. - Mr. Iliiltmrt from New York is employed in C. M, Blackmaa's store. -David A. Woodard has been sick and is novv in a very feeble condition. - Ernest Throop is again employed as clerk in N. C. Putnam ft ('o's store. - Tliere is considerable sickness in this vicinity, prinoipally of chill-fevers. - Mrs. Marvin, wife of Milton Marvin of Saugatuck, is visiting friends in this vicinity. - Amos Lampkins has bonght three lots of Mrs. Addie Dexter, two lots on the Monroe road and one on the county line road. -The engine of a train on the T & A. A. railroad killed a cow belonging to Ilarry Jacobs, at the crossing near the Detroit and Butler juuction, on last Friday. - The. Leonard Fruit Company have commenced work in their dry-house for the se.ason tipoii apples. The company have put in another elevator in their f actory since closing last season's work. -John Bray has bonght the log house ,uk1 point of land owned by Charles Stevor, betwcen the r & A. A. railroad and the Wagon road at the Detroit and Butler railroad crossing south of Milan.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus