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Sauxe, Ang. 1 7. - Xew wheat is coming in sïbw at 00 to 93 centst - Mr. and Mrs. Surine, á danghter. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears, a son. - Mirss Millie Camp of Ypeilanti is the guest of Miss Minnie Bnrkhart fora few daysi -Peaches plenty, but, oh, such a prioe for a porir devíl to payi We t hink ' we wout pay iti - President Wade of the Detwftéiub Willtalkfoï the reform Clt(bon8unday öigbi next the M. Dan il. shier orpanized & tem peranfce dub at Lutnbertsville, neaï Toledo, on Tlmrsdav nitfhi Amr i-. - S. s. Tripp caugbt a ttlrtie last gat iinluy below the dam of the Saljpe milis that weighed a trille leas than fort y Ibsi An old settler perhapsi - Mr, ftnti tí, g, I'. Ëarpftr.iir.and Airs. B. I'. Davenport have gone up the lffkes tor health and rfeöfeation, We wisli thetn apleaSant trip. -We liear that Dr. S. V. ('i.andlei waBühablë to gel any fait her lliah Ami Arbör on bis trip up the lakte on account of prnstiatioii; We hope that he will soon be able to resume his jouinéyi -Is there not urne way to coax our city fat iicrs to pui a stop to Sim!ay saloon opening, in open violatiorl of tha aWB of the stdte. if hot We tliink that It is high linie that we had some new nen at the mBnieipal helmi - Sid Tripp'a-wifesajathai the'-soonest" move she eVer s;v hef hüsbaltd make was on Siihday the löth. Tliey were walking up the R. R. trach and sat d(-ji to rest on a bahk They weré ustfairlyseated wheli sin; ■i-i'- fati snal;c. He looked down betweéti hïé ligfeet and there was the spotted reptilè ïight between them. Jt was only tWo feet longbut it caused a lively" jmnp we suppose. He had live rattlea and we expect looked nasty, quite, yes quite" liastj'-likéi


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