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-State fair at Detroit Sept. 1V17. - Sethlíean of MonroespêüksatDi'rdee to-morrow evening. - l'rohibiüon state convention at Jackson next YVednesday. - Pontiac is threatened with a gree' - back uewspaper. A.11 asylum la near I . - Fred Colé oí Tecnmseh attempted to board a train of cars. He has one foot now. - There vvill be a spiritualistic grove meeting, at Weston, on the 4th and .r)th ot' áeptomber. -The Quincy ïimcs hnretofore neiitral iinils thfl liixiicock and Kr.glish banner to its masWiead. - Tlie liabilities of Thos. McGrsw of Detroit, recently assi ;ued are ?2o._.,.)ti7,74. Aseti $87,281,4;. - Two of the wealtliieat mon in Adiian drive stages belween that city anU the lake resui'U of Lenaw .;u. - Hirmiiiiiham is alt agog over a sldewalk war. Jt takes i sniall issue to get up an excitemenl in that town. - The Èausing Bepubltcan will not notice subjocts of lo al scandal uutil the sinners are arrai ;aed in c.onrt. - Seven hogs, the property of ilr. Justus Fowler, of Spring Arbor, were killed by ltghtniug a few daya since. -John Jlell of n yal Oak, aged 15, was drowued in Orcliard lake, Aug. IS, wbile attending a Suuday-achool picnic. - A Mr. Gale of Petersburg, .Monroe county, has a cotton field, and the plante ave reported large, thrifty, and in bloSSOIII. - It may turn out tliat our capítol building is too eb ap. The dome leaks nnd one of the pórticos is tumbling down. - The Battle Creek dtiving park association annonnce hnrse races for 31, Sep. 1,2 and 3,vvith punes agregating $2,000. - Hawldns of the Deerfleld Record was barred out of the contest for the West Point cadetship, being a few nionihs tOO old. ■ - Tim Tarsiioy, the democratie candidato for in the Saglnfw district, was formcrly a resident of Hudson, Lenawee county. - The eightji animal reunión of the soldlera aiidsailor; ( Lenawee Uounty, tooi. place at Tecumseh on Saturday, aboui löt1 veterans participating. - Lenawee's prohibitionists have placed a f uil county and legislativo ticket in the ñeld, and elected a full delegalion to the Jackson convention. - Charles Gates of Weston wHlbe oxamined Scp. 16, on charge of incest Wlth his sister Ida, a ,ed 13, who has givcn hirth to ;i child. Charles is 19. - The queerest failure that has happened in this section lately is that of Inslce and Uuthfon of Port lluron whose liabilitics are about $50,000 and a-ssets none. - The body of Louis Meltzer,drowned while flshing in the lake at Toledo, O., during last. week, was found Sunday. The hands of the oorpee still clutched the fishing line. -John Van Islaricom of ITowell drove his hortes into a pond to water theni whenone of liiem, becoining unruly, draggod the othcr into deep water and l'Otu nere Orowne l. - A 11-j oíd son of Stephen Bomlrie of Monroe was accidentalh shot in ihe !nad by :,bill froni areVolvcr, while piayinc vitli other boy ug. 19. The wannd ia not co i4d?red fuwvtt - idneN Drake of lürmiiiírhíim was aiccovereö arowned m a cistem on Tuesday. He was an old and higbly the doctor's care for sonie time. - -I. N. Underhill, ;i yomiT farmer of LoSfilte, Monrbeeounty, haring become erazud wit!; the idea tliat lie was ealled to prcach instead of plow lias lieen taken to tlie insane isylu n at l'onüac. - The Adrián Times remarked last woek that'tlie four leading physicians of that place had been in Chicago a week, and that the health of the city was never so good as during their absence. - Aftcr Chandler is thoroughly cold in his emve, rx-provernor and eral Ausün Bldir returns to the republican party in tlie hope of wêuring the (k-ad senator's shoes. Ile spoke at Williamston on W'ednesday. - Eüjali Green, a switehmnn in tl Michigan Central yard in Jackson, was Uilled Aug. 18, by beinpcaugtit between platform at the freigiit house, and romo cars. Jlis head and nhoulders were crushed and his body drawn mider the vvheels. - ïhc deatli of George Firth of Coldvvater while attending the Knights Templar gathering at Chicago was primaril; owing to tui attack of cholera morbuF. Ile was w 11 advanced in mar.onry, afred 46 and leaves a wife and to children. - Citarlos VTise and Daniel Paris, of Bènton Townsliip, Eaton Co., got hito b sorious difflculty overa girl. A very hard fight was indulged in, and dumig Ihc iracas Wise liad his left ear bit entirely olf closc to his head. He lias liad bis opponent arrested. -The Granel Trunk raüway company will lócate its shops at Port Iluron and run a line of track along the city's river front, connecting the upper and lower depots, provided tlie citizens will give $50,000 toward the project- whieb wil] thorefore never be anything more than a project. -Tramp bnrglars raided St.Johns on the night of the 20th, and as they were being chased out of town tliey shot Sheriff McDonald in the shoulder. Some plunder dropped by the thieves shows that they liad operated elsew liere. A paiüley shawl, some spoons, etc, await owners at st. Johns. -Sergeant Lindermer, of tlie Jackson Liglit Guante, who was court martialed for being absent from camp -without leave during the Kalamazoo encampment, and of cansinghis men to go with him, was found guiltyand sentenced to the awf ui fate of being reprimanded in the presence of his company. - Mrs. Vandewalker of Ida, Monroe county, recently saw her little girl ritting on the door-step gazing intently at something on the crround. Unon croinir to the door shMaw a rattlesnake coiled on the ground,nd snatched her chiid just as the snake sprang at her. Mis. V. aftervva'rds killed the snake. -The great granger festival at Devil's Lake, near Iludson, on the 18th, was a decided success. The grangers of Dover, Kollins, "Woodstock, Medina, Seueca, Iludson, Rome, Wheatland, Pittsfield, Wright, Ransom, Adams and Moscow townships were represented. Five bands of mtisic and uearly 2,000 teams and 10,000 people were present, but there was rare good order and no accidents.


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