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Ln;g and Kmiuíotdf.kies.- For nll otlier pnrpose tlian tor tnnimuiiï, Bpaiiisl) !:■, bolk black and white, is still in liiuli favor, ftml vails, scurfs, hrsscs nnd sleovcs ot' the sanie i.rovi.'e i jrracpfni fluisli to hamlsonie toilet. VV'hiU! liiee of tliis kind la murh used en iliess bonnet, anti the black on honnols for strcot -wear. Breton and Lunguerloc ave still popular mateiiüls for j;ibois and fiohus; aud ccrue has proved so acceptubl; ft simde in the laiter lace that it wiU prölaWy appcar in otlier vai-ieties. The okl lace points, Mahncs Auffleterre aml uiimi-e are more and more in in PariSj and Malinos WHJ (l-oubüess bc soon oxlensivciy mtroduced here by lefeting house. Ficiiua and jabots difier puly in sitebt particnlars froin those heretoiore shown. Swiss, muil, ulaln or "gï erepe ue chiue, often laaodstHuely embrouleml in colored silks, are tinioiK the ïiinici-ials einployed M center; A new fichu receiitly obmred was 111 cano íoriii, fiiMshed hy a very luli staiiding ruffle of lace a,t Uk; thvoat and terimniUing iu front in long fltwlho-'cndB. lniiuuiuiis of Uiissinn lacus ave atti-actiye to tlwwe wlio desire incxponsive tor tnuiiuuig undcrclothing, and tor the same puruost; llainburgs are provided m a Kreat vai-iety of unusually ploasmg patterns, aud in sets convoiiienlly arrtireil to spare the shopper troublo in niatching edgings and iuertinxs. Another material especialry adapied for a flnísb to miislin is indian embroidery, wbich mtich resembles Hamburg, anti is said to be as durable na xv leu are called "evcrlastnig" niiuys. Ciui.dken's Fashions.- The cbanges in childreis iasiadw ave never radical Tliev nierely Üistingwish ehange by a loon mure, a ruffle or tuckless- a saali vrori) low dowu, liigli up, uolie at í'ho pvinccss drcss, that displaced thc Loijg-íavoreii; (oóselj'-flttiñ'g EngJ'isb úreas, competes witli the long vost aiia jacket suit; these, and the panter tunic costuiíu'.s, aro the most Btylish tor litLlo nnsscs at present. SkirU are vei-y sliort, and the pautalets quite invisible. Kvery chiia siioiild wear a waist ot stroii" ñiLislin, witll a BtoUt band well feupuüedwith button-, to which all tiie undër-garmeuts are buttoited, thüs bearin ■ the weight ot them upoii tne shoulders. and lejiviug the peraoB iree to glOïf as 111111110 intended It should. AsDtlie clnld duyelojl inio thu "miss" the waist can be Bitaped, and aman thu di'iiity ol whalebunes as a sort of demi-corset. Tlie yniaual training of the human body is as neeessary as the traimug ot a vmc. Tlie broad-bruu ltubcns bat, worn somewhat oh the back of the uea,., ana slrWitly on the side, is still the most favoied. The face slu.ding and proteoting Directoire forin vies wuh the cüuuiitüall toque for the seeond piaoe. Largfi, üai ooüars uro Uuukiüul.y Slylia!. . Faiicy colors in dress fabrics, sucli as uiiik, Hglu blue, etc, are not worn in tlio itjeet. Vuivet mui bitU) n"u less used tof trimiulug cliilareu's outdoür gariueuta iMn lonnoi'ly. DarK biues, biowiis, and llussian green, tnmuicd wiLh plush ot' the saniu ghtuios, are tlie yrevaUing styles. Dart guita, trinnned wiili aandsonie white lace, HM nmoh in Vogue tor little boys under rive yoars of age. NotüiHg auout a dittlii girl displays a nioUior's peculiar taste more ihun the waf the hair is arrauyeu. nic scverciy ueat motbei' will epmb tne UaiT sniouUi.y back from thebrow; the Tiiiu moihur wiücurl aiui twist ït; tlio ul%,ant luolner will "ban" a uretty lim-e ot' huir over lier duld s aiiLoUecLualrow, brush the rost back, sii"hiiy brak! il, lcavni an euü Iree to kxaü or curi, with a protty-colored ribuou bow Uiat liulds tae hair in place.


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