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From Gen. Hancock's Letter Of

From Gen. Hancock's Letter Of image
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anee: "The war for the Union was suceessfuTIy closed more than flfteen years ago. All classes of our people must hare alike intheblessings of the Union, and are equally concerned in its perpetnity nd in the proper administration of public affairs. We are in a st ataf profound peace. Heneeforth let ife our purpose to cultívate sentiment:; of friendship and not of animosity amone: Owrfellow cifizens. Our materia I interests, varied and progressive, demand trar constant and united effort3. A sedulous and scnipnlons care of the public credit, together with a wre and economical management of oiir governmntal expenditures, should be maintained in order that labor may be lightly burrtened and that all persons may be protected in their right to the fruits of their own Indnstry. The time has come to onjoy tlie snbstantial benefits of reconeiliation. As 'one people we have common intorests." Slncetheday of Garfield'snomination t nh!Mfo he has been constantly on the defensive. Himself and his friends have been Ttept bnsy annwering or aftimptingtoanswertheTushingehargps brougbt against him by Dernorratirpapers and speakers. The fact that all Diese charges emanate from republicnn sonrees malies it impo';sible for the Credit Mobilier candidate or his fiïends to satisfantorily meet them. If the ebarares originated wifh the democracy the repnblican managers would have the heart to meet them with more of a sbow of assurance. As the matter stands tliey can only frame weak exenses for the shortcomings of their candidate. The spectacle of a presidential candidate issuing books and documents to prove that he is personally honest is a demoralizing and pitiable one. Hon. Eobprt McClelland died at his home in Detroit on Monday evening. He was one of the prominent men of Michigan in herearlier history, havinp held the position of representative in congress in 1843, member of the eonvention chosen to revise the constitution of Michigan, elected governor in 18."2,and in 1S53 called to the cabinet by president Pierce to Uil the portfolio of secretary of the interior. In 18G7 he again took part in the constitutional convention to revise the statutes. He was 73 years of age. Before the citizens of Detroit had reeorered frotn the steatner Garland disanter, they were called pon to mourn th loss of the steamer Marine City plying between Toledo and Alcona, a port on the east shore of Michigan, ■whieh took fire in her hold and burned to the waters edge. Most of the passenjiprs were saved. From last accounts eight personsare missing. Two bodies have been recovered. She was owned by a stock company. Valued at $30,000 and insured in $15,000.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus