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One of the BlooUs of Boston recently Vi'nt ■ to ('liiciiuo anti K"L illtOU (lispuiiwilh a policeman regardingthenumber of glasses of beerlie luid taken. As a blood purilier theie is iiotliing like Sco illes líioi'd mid Liver syrup. oootlns the hot blood with a magie touch. 2t At Iliuiipton, S. C, Jil.liO Presslcy Benteuced A. .f. öill to lo 'yui-cd at Ilainiit.iii' oourt-houe n .}.c? " M,1881, for tbc munter ui' ïf. R. C' Hciw m that place on the ÜOlh of Isist Polirtiary. The was committed -with a knife, by which out of tlio large arteries in the neuk vu süvi'ied. Gill was tried last weck, nud, alter nn able del'onse, was f'ound guilty of nrarder, with a recomiíM'iidittion of mercy, - Juile Preeslev fixi-d the time tbr bis eJcecution II Jaiiuury to ncooniodati; his counsel, wlio made a motion in arrest ot'judjfinent and tbr a uuw trial. Many housnhold servants at Newport, iiow wcar liveries that are said to be iutcusely English iu style. Fruit and dessert are no longer placed upou the table uutil the dinnor is over. An Epglifhman ofl'ers to bet L1,000 that Uowell, t!ie pedestrian, eau cover 600 miles in 142 hours. - - '- A wealthy New York gentleman has at Mount Dessert a cottage with the body oí' red and the roof of old gold. Kstate of Petera. June. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wftshtenaw, ss. Nntice is herfhy given, that by an cmterof the Probate Court for the county of Wnshtenaw, niade on the first day of Soptembpr. A. D. IPSO, fix montha from thnt date were sllowed for credilors to present their claimsaRiiinst the ealate of P'ter S. June, late of said eounty, deceased, and that 11 nreditftrH of eai-1 deceasod are roqnired to present tlipir olainm to said Probate Conrt, at the Probate Office in the city oí Ann Arhor, for examination and allowance, on or before the flut day of March next.and that such nlnims will he heard before said Vurt, on Wednesdiiy, the first day of December, and on Tuesdny, the' first day of Mmrch next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of paid days. üated, Ann Arbor, September 1, A. D., 1880. W1LLIAM D. HABRIMAN, 36w4 Judge of Probate Estáte of I.ouls K. Buclinz. QTATR OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY &O of Wahhtenaw, ss. At a aession of theProbatO Court for the County of Wsishtenttw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the thirty-first dny of August, in the yeftione thousand eïght hundred and eighty. Present, Williamï). Harriraan.Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Louis K. Buchoz, deceused. On reading and filing the petition, diily vorified, of AliVed J. flunh(z, prayinj; that lie may be liceiifcd to sell the real estáte wlujreuí said deceaBcd dicd Meized. Therenpnnit ïor1ored.that aturay, the tweTity-fifth day of Septfinher next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aaaigned for the hearing oí said petition, and thnt the hütrs at law ot said lïeceased, and alt other persone interested in said state, are required to uppoar at a st'Bsion of aid Court, Míen to be holden at the Probate nmmm ín fl.e aiy ATl.or.unUW-.a.. if inyther b#, why the prayer of the petitioner should not berrán tel: And it if further nrdered th:it said petitioner irenoticeto the persons intereated in said etUe, of the pendency of said petition, nd the he-trint; thereof, by cau.sing copy uf this order t o be pnhlihed in the Ann AitBon A bou-, u newgpaper prmted and circulated in snid eouiity,three sucecssive weeks previous to uaidduy of hearing. WILLÍAM D.HARKIMAN, (A truecopy.) Judfre of Probate. Wm.ü. Dott. Probate Rpjímpt. Executor Sale. TN ACCORDANCE WITH AN OKJ_ der of the Probate Court in the eftate of Eira C Seaman, deceased, the Kxeciitor will sell 297 hare of the canllu stock of the ' Industrial Works" of By City, Michic;an, at public anotion on Raturiuy. the Kighti;í:ntii day of Skptembkr, 1HR0, at the eat door of tlie Court House, at 10 o'clock a.m. The purehaser to indenanify by sati'factnry security the said estnte and Executor from all liabflity and loss for or on account of any eTidiirsemcnt by s;ül dee-dcnt upon any of the not1 a or indrhterTnea of said Industrial Works. September 1. 1SS0. JOHN M. WHEELER, Executor of E. C.Stamnn. Ypsilanti Opera House, JOHN MÜLLÖCH In his ply of VIE0INIU8,'n Monday, Sept. 2Oth, Seáis will be on sale, plací to be bereafter announced. Rcserved SeatB 1. H. B. COODMAXT, Teacher of lusic, Wasittenaw Co., MICHIGAN, ts-lh PARTIEB WHO W1LL, TUT TBES OR TIMBER Line of tlie Tlelo, Ann Arbor and Nortbeastcrn Railroad. The Compunj lis bilí for ahout SO.flOO feet of culvert and cattle pass timber for which it vrill PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRICE As soon as dt-li vered on the line ol the road. They witl also iay cash for tles as follows : 35 cents for OaW ; 25 cents for Ash aud Tamarnck Dimcnnions : 8 feet long, 8 inch facrt 6 inch thick. Bi?" Any party who will put milla into the woods and contract for a large quantity can obtain ad rantageous terins. For ipecifi catión on timber, &c, apply to H. W. ASHLEY, Corner Washington and Main Strccta, ANN ARBOB, MICH. Kst:i t ■ of John Estleman. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY Kj of Waohtenaw, bs. At a session of the Probate Oourt for the county of WawhtenHW, holden at the Probate Otticr in ihe city of Aun Arfcor, on Monday, the thiriieth day of August, in the year one thousam] ei-rht hundrcd and eighty. Present, William D. Hurr1rnant.ïidnt(f l'robate. In tlie matter of the estáte of John Ettlfman, cïpceased. On iL'iulinr und ftlïng the pfïtition, duly verifieci, of l'etfr Cook, priiyinK that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purjiorting to be tbc laat will nnd testament oí naid deceancd. inay be dntitted tu probate, iml that he muy be appoíntt'd rxwutor ihcri'of. Theroupon it U orrtorcd, that Monday, the twenty-seventh day of Spptfinïipr n'xt. at ten o'clock in the foieioon, be assiirned for the hearinr of unid pe tition. and that tbe devisas, leñatees, un! heirs at luw otsaid dee.eased, and all other persons intercsted In B;ii(t cstatê, arerequired to appearat asessinn of aaid 'iourtt then to be holden t the Probate ofn""" in the city of Ann Arhor. and sho-w cause, if any therf be, y the prayer of the petitioner sbonld not be ranled: And it is further ordeved that said pt'tit toner irivenotiot'toLhe saidpurties and persons inU'iesied in said estáte, ot the pendency of said pel U ion, Hnd tb höarrnn thereoi,by causin arropy of ' li is order to be phlihrd in tlie AJÍ A Ritoii Anous, a Tïwspappr printen and cirenlated in snid county, threeiuccessivt1 week previou to aiti ilay of hearing. WILLIAMn.HABKIMAN, fAtruecopy.) Judg ot Probate. Wir.G.DoTY, Probate Register. rFlie Universal línth. i ? I fe UU! BATOS ffi Jn - Í Prin RpiireI fW Bath HnunrJ, " t tè+fiCÊTmtm. E. i. KMOWLTON. Ann Arbor. MM. For sale at the Drug Store of L. S. Lereh, Cook's Hotel block ; also by C. Kberbach & Son. South Min Streel ; and also by the manufacturer, E. J. KnoWlton.No 24 North State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. to wHbm all oorreiiontlenceshou]d be addrensed. ËggsiËggslEggs! THE PI.YITIOIITH KO(KS, one of th# best brceds of joultry, is od sale bv WM rubii Superior, P. O. address Ann Aibor. Price 82 per dozeo, or S3 for two dozen. Xhis is the Corbin, í''wiiijíttii, Coun., breed, ainong the beBt for egg nnd tuble. MR. BüSH bas on sale, price 75 cents, the book of 1'Ki paes f Piymouth Kocks, contnininp full dlrections for mating, breed ing, care and manngem'nt of this vnriety ot fowls. It is an admirable wnrk for amateurs. No one can uílbrd to be without it. JTRËWlRÖCËRY! AT16EAS7 HU RON STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprising everytbing in tbe line at bottoxn price; -and purchaeed exclusirel}' for cash. From a long experience in the trade, rctail and wbolesale, he believea ne can sellgooas as cheap ae the cheapest. CALL AND SEE HI8 PEIOEB All (Joods Warranted l'irsf -Class. Parmen produce wsoted for whieh thf higbnt cash price will be paid. t3F Eemember the plac, 10 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. T INSEY & SIABOLrS Bakery, Crocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wliolesalo and Kctsil Trarie. "VTe shftll nlsu keep a Slipply Of J. M. S Ifl Co'ft Best White Wheat Flour, Kye Flour, liiiekwlieat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Ac, &-., He. At Wholesale and retail. A ïeneral stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISICNS constantly on hand, whioh vti] be sold on ip reaionable terrns as at any other house in the city. $nr Cash paid for Butter, Lggs, and Countrj Troiiuce aenerally. -ftS" Gooil.sdelivered to any part of the city witlu out extra charge. RINSKY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1, 1879. HOLL'S - J-i_j-_r"i_i-T_r-i_i--i_r%_r%.niJS_Avi_fN-J THE GKEAT STOMACHTC AND LITER REGULATOR. THE osly Peufkct Ulood Food in Fluid Foiltf. It representa the concentrated Kxtmct of Multc'd Hnrley by Inch the vital hutuitivb elkmknts, the phosphates, iron, lime, etc., are ext meted without chemica] chance, couPtituting ilie most reliuiile b]ood making, force gent-rating, and liio siisiiiitiinp Alterative Tonic of the present ae. A never faitint; remedy for Bilious and liver Comphiiuts, Indigestión, Siek Headnche, Dyapepêia, and General Dehility. In caaes of Halarla] Poisod, impveri]iril Ulood, and Sorofula it iê the only natural, uure, and permanent relievant. Itarouses tbo ncrvous enérgica, enriclu-s the lilood, promotes Hppctite, :ind set the eln tfïh liver in mot ion, givinr n MDM of heult! and comfort within 24 bourj. l-'or sale by DrugfiUtJi ' nd Dealers penerally. Swift A Dodds, Detroit, Wholesale Agents. H. J. BllOWN A CO., agents forAnn Arbor. 33-4t Lake Superior Transit Co. Pteamers Itave Detroit for Sault Ste. Maria and Lake Superior Porta on Mondiiys, Tueiidays, Wednesilays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ut 10 p. m. Rnilroad eonnentions made nt Duluth for St. Paul, Minneupotis, Bismarck, Manitoba and other points North, South and West. Stenmers hIso leave Detroit after June 26 on Sundays (to Cleveland only) at 4 r. m., and on Mondays anc Fridays at 9 i. m. Wednesdttys and Satordays, at ti p. mm íor Cleveland, Erie, and Biiffalo, K-nnuecting witli railroails tbereat for the East and .South. For tickets and fiirther information ftpply to J. T. WHITING, General Apent, Dock andoniceíoot of Woodward avenue, 27-1-ït Detroit, Mich. insumí Ijoéae Capital, $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losse Paid in 55 Yenrs, $44,760,391.71 Surplus over all Liabilities, includiij Ko-Insurance Reserve. $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includinf Be-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. XACK Afent, Ann Arbor. GEÏ TOUR PROPEETT IN8UEEB BY C. H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, N ARDOR, - Ml( II The oldest apencyinthe city. Eatablisheí a quarter of a century ao. Representing tbc following first class comnutiitt HomeTnurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over Ï6,OOO,(KK CoutinenthllDs. Co. of N. Y., AsseU over $.1,000, 00( Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., AiseU $1,442,4(K Girardot Pa., Aasts over $1,000,(K)( Oriënt of Hartford, Assets S700.00Í Commercial Uniou of Londoo, Assets $3,000t00( 9è" Uates luw. Loses Uberally adjiiHtcd :uit prüinptly paid. C II. IIMV. pERSONS DtMHÜM "f IWDliDjf th MAMMOTH TENT of the Ann Arbor Reform Club, for evening or afternoon uiettius, can make trina with th coniniittce. B. F. WATTS, C. M. JONES, 33-tf JOHNSCHUMACHER. EDWARD DÜFFY, WhiiUtale and Hetail ■o A I.arge, New, and Clean Stock of 0 Staple & Fancy Groceriö jLLWAYS ON HAXDll Togcther wlth a full and complet itock o( BOOTS. SHOES AND UI'BBEB tJOODS, Alio l chnlr assortment of I.ndlo' at :in' I iiiiirtx'nr, I(olrr) , (latei Ac. Opifcial induceraents offeii-d ensh cuatomci EDWAKI) ÜPFÏ, Cor. Mr in an4 AnnS., Ann Arb ty Cash paid for all Farm Frodoctl.


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