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The County Convention And Nominees

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In noticenbV contrast to tlie repunucan eot'nty convention whichttaslightlynttended outi-Ve the .lt-legates present, the democratie connty cmivention of last week Tlwrsday as a gattaering too liiriíc for aoconiniodation in tlie , conrt mom. Evory so;it was ocenpied, thi'io was no agitable standing room but what was utllized, and many tlesirin!r to witnoss tlie proeeefltagB were nnatile to obtain arlmittance. to the liope of reptlblicans fjatiierrd from tlie city and connty wlio inwardly liored tliat, from tlie sliarp contest rnticipated upon tlie part of randidates for position upon the ticket, tlipre twmM anse a toolmp, rr noi oin, snppvesed, thlrt wouW endanger succeae in November, tlie entire proceedIngp from tbe oppninpr to tho close were plaraPteripi1 by a dpcvpe of frieiully vivaliy an1 bannony tliat conM not fail to win ndmiration from fripnd and fop. ronsidpritiir ihe nnmbpr of camlidatps prpspntpfl for npariv even' onp of the ninp nr;ition on tl-p ticket, and llu earnestneíss vitli mWeh tlipv wí snnported by their respective friends, and esnpcialïv over the sharp and closely oontested nomination for sheriff, whlch was laborad for with almost nmvearied diligpnop, tlie demorraoy of the convention an; of the cotinty are to bp rongratnlated ever the anspicions and harmonionsrpsunsohtaiiiPd. Mnch of the smooth and qnipt manner in which the bnsiness of tliP oonvpiition was eonfliiftpH.isdiiP to Mr. Alliprt rrnne of Ypsilanti, wbo prenMed as if he hnd been brouht np wittl a pavel in his h:'vl. Pw mon are in tl'pir proppr place whpn in the rbair, and Mr. ('rane provpd to bp amonp tbat mimlievBpeakérs wêré promptly rpr-otrnipd. rappod fiown wheu 1hey failed to talk tn Ihe oucstion. BnsliWM WBS disPüffliorl vith celprity and no time was TermU'rrt tobe waptrd. The srrreta)ar;ps whosp lahnrs w re made onemnn bvfrerenent ca'Hnp of thevoll, nroved to w t'ie vip-i '1 mei ni tip ricrnt p'aeo. j ThP PonvPTition SPemed tn have Vnïlt wiserthan it knew. By the : tion of candidntes over the county, tlie liahility of enflanirerincc the mccess of tlie ticket iiominaierl tbrougb tlie selertion of a too larpe number, resident s of Ann Arbov. is hamtily removed. . .Tpaionsy of connty snnt is 1nc, prevalent j ns weli M nnreisonaWp. WWlf it does rot mntter to tlie trenernl pnMir whcre a man lodges and vartakes of menls, locality always ha, nnd will, probnlily enter into tbe earva= for H'oiee of ] candidates. Tt ' made availalVe in tlie j interest of certa'n persons and often ] proves to be a winning eard. There ran be in tbis re'pert no rbarse laid to the rotinty seat monopolizing the nominations. W eoncrratnlate the demorrary of WashVpnavv npon the eyrpllent tirket prPsPT1tp(1. Compoped as it is from senator to eoroner of men of pnre ter vhose associations sire of tlie best. i tliore is no reason thevefore wliy it slionld not mept with tlip cordial approval as wp do not donM it vill,ofnot onlv pvry dprnopvnt, lnt o' mnriy l'iindreds of rppulOicnns wrhn nnsrht to "avor it witli their snffragBS. With mtth eandidatps w can enter thecontest feelmg confident that the victory wliicli awaits ns will place in position men tiiat will Vionor themsplvos and the people who lent tliem üieir confidence. David (i. Rosp, tlip next senator from WMshtennw cownty, is supervisor or Shaion and truly a representative of the farming interest, being tlie owner j of abont 800 acres of land. In his case j the office sought the man, no effort i whatever hnving been marie by him to secure the nomination. Mr. T?ose is a native of Sharon, Litchfield Co., fonn., where he was bom in 1825 and is thereforo 55 years of age. At the age of 8 lie eame to Michigan in company of his parents who located in the township whose chief official he now is, and where with the exception of a few years he has resided. Mr. Hose has observed a wonderfnl transfonnaiion in the appearance of his township, inhahited principally by wild animáis when hecame, no-w dotted by modem-built farm residences tiie occnpants boing nearlv all well-to-do. In addition to the meagre facilities afforded by common schools. Mr. B. attended the Grass I,ake Academy then under control of the Presbyterians. With the education thns acquired he aspired to become a pedapogue and wielded the rod in the winters of 1846-7-8 in Lyixlon, Grass Lake and "Norvell. The first offli'ial responsiWlity placed nponhím was director and inspector of schools in Sharon. Moving to Manchester village in 1869, rie was elected a member of unión school board. Pispleased with village life he returned to and purchased a farm in Sharon in 1875 upon which he now resides. Averse to holding office his townsmen elected him justiee. but he refused to qualify untö coicklerable time liad elapsed. Tl e is servmj; a second tenn as supervisor. Mr. BoM bgan life poor and by indiistry :nd ftoonomy lias arisen to a position of Influence Viy an nnfwervlng conrse in all the walks of life. In politics he has always been consistent bowing not to the frenzy of an honr. ín finance, it is enongli to say that bis word is as good as his note. William T). Harriman, candidato for judge of probate, was born in 1S34 in Peacham, Vennont, where his parents now reside. He was educated at Peacham academy, at this time one of the oldest and most popular institntions of the kind in northern Xew England. He was brouffht up on a farm teaching scliool winters, workmg on the farm summcrs and attending the aoademy fall and spring. He stadled law in Peacham and after a thorough examination was admitted to tlie bar by Judge Poland of Credit Mobilier fame, he being at the time one of the judges of the snpreme court of Vermont. The same year of his admission to the bar he was nominated for proseenting attorney of his native county npon a local issue. After spending sonie time at Chicago in the law oflioe of Mettocks & Barron he went in 18.r)9 to California. In 1860 he was ted by the republicans of riaeer county as a oandidate for the assembly, being unable to ride on horseback and tliere being no carriage roads he made a thorough canvass of the county on foot, tuaking speeches in saloons, churches, on the street, or wherever he could get a chance, and was the only candidate on tlie republican ticket elected, and th first republican ever elected to office in ttisit county. Although Placer county was fcirgely settled by eonthern men and ww democratie, Mr. Harriman's course in the assembly was so popular witti all partdes that on the expiratton j of liis tprm in the assembly he was norainated by the ropuhlie.ans for the , seuate and serve 1 two terms in that body. üpon the expiratkm o" his senatorial scrvic-e he was tiotttinated by the republican party for cljrk of thp Bupreme eourt, beat ing in the state convention one of the most popular men in (California, Col. Geo. S. Evans, who had returned from the ariny to secure the iioniination. Jiidge Marriman was elected elerk of the siiyirerne conrt of California by over 60,000 majority,receiving the laruest majority of any person on tlie ticket with one exccptton. lntpndins to retire from business and politics in 1868 he settled in Ann rbor, drawn here by tlie fame of great Univprsity, and satislied after looklns the country over tliat southern MHiign is the "Paradiae of God" and Washtenaw oounty the best part of : southern Michigan, Soon aftcr lorattng in Aun Arbor, beinsj a stranprer "he wms tnlirn in" and had the oflice of mayor "Ihrust upoa him," befeting Tred. Schmicl, one of the most popular men in the city, over oni Imndred and filty votes. In 1872 Judge Ilarriman supported Greeley and since that Mme haa been an active member of thedemocratic party. ' ïn 1876 he was nominatod by tbe democracy fpr judge of probate, beating Judge (lieever, who then held the oflice, nearly 800 votes. llow Jndge Harriman ñas perrormeu tlie dntiea of the office of judge of probate is known tri the peóple of the i county. TRs admlnistration of the fice has been popular with all persons who have had business there, republicana and demócrata alike. He bas j arrariged the records and oompletely j cbanged the system of keeping the files : and papers in the office so that papers filed in eslates Bfty years ago can be fonnd as certamly and as quickly as papers flled yesterday. Strangers vlsiting the office and exáminiafcthe system Dronounce our probate office the best arranged aml the best managet! in tlie state. Jndge Tlarriman is a man of literar? ; habits and tastea. He lias heen a great reader and is thoroughly informed upon ■ many subject s. lie lias always taken a ! great interest in edacational muiters, WEM elected snperintciident of schools . of bis native tovn when still a minor, : Was n divector of Schools in California, j and for the past fonr years has filled I the responsible positión of member of the school board of Ann Arbor and for the past two years has been its president. Judge ITarriman bcsides beinR jndce of probate and president of the Ann Arbor school board is also trustee of the Unitarian chnrch of Ann Arbor, director of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, and president of the, Keek Mannfactniinc; Company which lias between sixtyand seventy hands employed in the manufacture of f urnitnre. Judge Harriman will be re-elected by a large mnjority. Mr. Wallace rrceived the nomination for BherifE after a long and earnestlycontested race, by a slender ma.jority.- Tt was won fnirly, and 110 combinations were formeel to secnre it. Mr. Wallace was bom in Conesius, Cattafaugus (V.. 2í. Y., in 1SSD, and, with his parents carne to Michigan when he was only six ; months of age, seltling in Saline township three miles west of the village on the Chicago turnpike, in the wilderness his fiitlHT taking up 100 aoves of ment land at the current pnce, ten slnllimjs per acre. ITavinsr .lied the position af deputy sheriff ander Sheriff Case acceptably to the public the paattwoj years, he is bel. er Gtied to be ,heiïff than his opponent. Ile is now supervisor of Saline townsbip for the second term, and besides holding the position of deputy sheriiï for 23 years, his fellow townsmen have elected him to several local offices. His nominaüon materially strengthens the ticket not only because it goes to the country, but his friends wil! labor to prevent the rcpublican nominee for clerk, Mr. Clark, from receiving any majority whatever, at his home in November, whereas two years ago he received over KXthiajoriiy. Edwfffd DilTy the detsooraiie candidate fwcounty elerk, wás born in land on Ihe 83d of Oecemljcr, 1836, and witli liiH n.weuis arrived in New York City in May, 1849, 1 hen in lita 13ih year. T1e family eame we;d in tliat year ,;nd loeatedn the township f Web '.er, where lie remaincil two yeara, nfter wliich he returned to New York City, iind with an eldevbroüiev, now refüding there, enleied uponmercantil pnr3uitg ] continuing in business theve unlil the spring of 1867, when lie returned to the j west to lócate pennanently. In May, 1808 he nonnnenced business in Ann Arbor, opening a general store, and fiom I that period unlil the prer.ent he has condncted a guccessfol business. In the fall of 1868, Mr. Pnffy was appointed one of the superintendente of the poor of tiiis county, appsition whicb he held Viy repeated appomttnenta iiiitil the present, his last appointment being hi 1877. During that year the political complexion of the board of supervisors was ehanged, and, altliough a majorit) were politically opposed to liim, lie ieceivedare-appointment. Tliis indorsement coming as it did from both political parties, is a valuaWe testimonial to Uis Bdelity, honesty and fitness, wliile acting in theeaps:ityof superintendent of thepoor. The nomination tendered him last week is an additional mark of their confldence. Mr. Dufly bas alante circle of personal and influenüal friends throughout the county, and his election as clerk of the county is, in our opinión assured. Our nominee for register of deede, Micbael Seery, is a native of Ireland, ! and was a neighbor of the late Peter Tuite, before they eame to this country. Both became residents of Dexter and apon the election of Mr. Tuite, register of deeds in 18C5, lie made Mr. Seery liis drputy. Mr. Öeesry lias served the past four years under register Manly. Ile therefore is eminently well filted to discharge its duties, and from a long experience is, by all odds the man, as between the two notninees, the peoplfl shoukl Heet. Mr. Manly has been called away one, and sometimes two. weeks at a time, and rétunúng, found the affaivs of the offloe in as good shape as if he himself had been present. Mr. Jacob Knapp of Freedom, is a native of Philadelphia, Pa., bom in the year 1842, and carne to this county with his parents wtaen six months of age locating on the farm on whicli he resides. Mr. Knapp has held the following positions by the votes of his townsmen: diain commissioner. highway coinmissioaer and clerk. He is one of the thrifty Germán citizens of Freedom, being the possessor of 150 acres of land. His nomination is a sart Wow to the hopes oï liis opponent, the postmaster of Fredonia. who was placed on tlie ticket by the republicana, expecting to elect him at least, by catching theGeiman democratie vote. Uur nominee forproseouting attorney is a native of 'South Benrt, Ind., and preparad for the University at Ypsilant i Seminar?, entering the former in 1866 at ttte at of 1and Rradnatingfrom the literary department. in 1870. He then RCceptéd the principalship of Ypsilanti Seininary which he filled during '70-71. Re-entering the, University he graduat e1 from the law department in '73, re ceiving the clegree of A. M., and then fornied a co-pnrtnershipwith Uñanncey Joslin, Esq.. witli whom he remains.- Mr. Charles R. Wliitman fulfillert the duties of secrptavy of school board of Ypsilanti from "74 to '77: electeil circuit court coramissioner in '76 and held the office two years; run for prosecuting attorney in 1878 and was defeated in a triangular contest in which a tliird candidate polled over 1800 votes. Considering the peciiliar situation of that canvass Mr. Whitman made an excellent run. When the (this) judicial district was re-formed Mr. Whitman's name was presented f"r the nomination of Judge but was beaten by Ilon. Gouver! neur Morris by three votes. Mr. Whit man takes rank with the best stutnp orators in Mi -higan. Ile devoted six weeks in the eampaign of 1876 to aadressing aiidiences each week-day evening and often spoke also in the afternoon. In 1878 he spoke in every township, city and village inthecounty, and when the oampaign opens in earnest he ■vill nsrain be lieard from. Patrick fcKernan, one of the nominees f or circuit court commissioner,was bom in North field, this county in 1K37, and when old enough laboved upon his father's farm attending district school in winter nntil he was 22 years of age. He spent six months under the tutelage of Prof. Estabrook at normal school, then entering the union scliool of this city where lie studied six months longer, afterward taking a commercial course. Mr. McKernan held the position of school inspector in hïs native town slx years, and for fiveyears beginning with 1860 was honored by histownsmen with the highest position in their gift- supervisor. Mr. McKernan graduated from the law department of the university in 1805. Elected jnstice of the pence in this city in 1868, and administered the dutiea of the office acceptably to the public. Since the expiration of his term as justicehe bas practiced law and followed farming in a small way. Mr. McKernan was beaten for this position in 1878 by Fred A. Iïunt by four vdtes. Consideringhis experience and maturity he is by far better fitted foi the duties of the office than Mr. Hunt who is a second time his opponent. There is little doubt of Mr. McKernan's election this year. Iloward Stephenson the other nominee for circuit court commissioner, is a native of New York and came to this state at the age of fiva years, his parents locating near tliecity of Ypsilanti. Mr. S. became a student in the office of Judge Ninde in 1876, and entered the University in 1877, graduating in 1878, having been admitted to the bar prior. Since graduation he has been practicing law having an office with Mr. Hinde.- Mr. S. ran for the same office two years asro and was beatenby only 62 votes. For surveyor, Charles S. Woodward of Ypsilanti is a very competent person, as his work in the records of the register of deels office prove. Martin Clark has liad considerable experience as coroner and is therefore prepared to perform che duties of the position creditably. Dr. George, the other nominee for coroner, is one of our Germán citizens, a physician of extensive practice and held in high estimation by the public. Fellow demócrata of Washtenaw county : A ticket composed of honorable men and reliable democrats is presented for your BufTrages. You can elect every one of thein if you will. Some may feel disappointed over the failure to see their particular friend on the ticket. Remember that every ination was fairly obtained, and that it is the duty of every democrat to sustain the nominees by voice and vote. Boltina is the poorest kind of an investment in politics for it invariably returns sooner or later to plague the bolter. Support the ticket, for your friend may be nominee two or four years henee. We appeal to every democrat to wheel into line and roll up a majority of 1,000 in November. Will you not do it? The cause deserves it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus