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HilPs Opera House 1 O7ÍIJ NICHT O1VI.Y. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1880. Engagement of MWREStE BARRETT. Bupported iiy n. ■tTOMf Dra mat la Compoy, irlentiDK shakeafware' Tmgedy, in ix nota, CAIUS CAH8IU8 LAWREïlCE BARRE IT. No extra clinrpre fui Kaïerrtd Baste, bov on tuile at "Watt's Jwt'hy Stm-c. Admiaslon, SI. 00, 75 anil 50 Ceuta. YPSILANT! OPERA HOUSE! Opeiiliijï of tlie Beaaoo, 80-81, lCOfi-Si.7 I7ZNINÖ, S2PT. 20th. ICneacment Extraoi dinary of thoKminent Ti-kfdlnii, Air. JÖI MOLLififl Supported by FlilJ) 1!. WARD, EDMUXU K. COLLIER, MISS n.iïE FORSY PB, and i,werful CompanT ander ilie manAgeineul ot Mr. Win. M.Copnor, wili appear in SheriJau Kuawies' Calebialed Fivo Act Tragedy, Or, ïhe Bsman Father. P?y Thii is Mr. McCultoufïirs only apprarance in Michitinn tfaia 5eson, excejtmp at Detroit. Tuina leave Ann Arbor t S.Oï and 1 Re(urninü Icnve Ynllantl at 11.03, arriviug ut Ann Arbor at 11.17. Chioagu time. Seiil lor sale at H. J. Uruwn ie Uo.'s drug store. Estáte of Adaline MrOmber. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washtennw, ss. At a seaeioil of the Probate (Jüllrt for the County of Washtenaw.holilrn at the 1 robateOíHc,m the city ol Ann Arbor.on Thursday.thesixteenth dayof Sepu-iaber, in the yearone ihousand eiglil Imndred and elghty. Present, Wiliian D. Hairiman, I iidgeof Probate. ín the matter of theestite of Adaliuo McUmber, deeeased. On ruadingand filinir the petition duiy verified of Citarles McOmher, prayiug Uiat ha ur ome otlier suiíable iieraon, moy be appointed admiuistrator of sald eRtiilc. Thereupou it is ordered, that Monday, th eleventh day of Ocfober next, at ten o'clock in the íorvnoon, be aasipned tor the hearing of siiid petiliou,nnd that the lieirsnt law of said deccased, and all other persons interested in snid estáte, are required to appearat a session of ald (sOnrt, thcn fo he hoMen t theProbateOüice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there bo, why the prayer of the petitioner should doí be grantrd. ! And it is furtherordereí thiit said petitioner give notice to the personB iiteresttd in aid estáte, l of the pendency of said petition tnd the hearinï therpof, by ciiusin;.' a co;,y ot Ihis order to be publlshed iu the Ann Aedor Anona, a newspnper prinled and eirculated in aaid county, thrtesuccessive weeks prcrioim to said day of he.innR W1LLIAM I) HARR1MAN, f A trae copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Doty. Probate Restister, Estáte of AVillinm H. Calkin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT"? of Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Waêhtenaw, holden at me rrooaie unice, ut the city of Ann Arbor, on WeJnesday, the íifteenth day 'of September, iu the yearone tnmmand Ishi hundred Rtid eighty. Present, William TT TTiimImiiii Judi;eul i'rohate. In the matter of the estáte of Willium H. Calkin, deeeased. Mortimer Freer and Jumes T:ylor, exeoitors of the last will uno testament of said deceased, come mto court and represent that they ure non prepared to render theirünal account as such executors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Ihursday. the fourteenlli day of October tei u'clock mthe forenoon, be assined for exuminin and allowinfc euch account, añil that tlie devisaos, lefr'itees, und heirs at luw of said deceased, and all otherpersona interested in said ewtate, are required to appear at a BPsaion of said Ccmrt, then to be holden at the Probate Ottico in the city of A tin Arbor. in said county, and show cauae, if nny therebe, why the snid account should not be allowecl : And it is further ordered,thnt said exi'cutovs iive notice to thf? persona interésted in suid estáte, 'of the pondency of aid account and the hettrine thereof, hy cansina a copy of tliis order to be publisheil in the Ann Abbok ARGUB, a newsp;iper printed and circulatiníí in Baid coun'.y, tlirte successive weeks pn vious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Trobate Register. Notlce of Elections. Notice is hereby given that at the crpneral election to be held in tbis tale, on the flrt Tuesday of November next, the following officera are to be olccted, tíi: Kleven electors of President and Vice-Presideat of the United State, a Governor, Lieutenant-Goeruor, Hei-retary ol hlate, t)taieTreivuier, Auditor General, Commissioner of the State Land Office, Attorney Genernl, Snpcrintcndent of Public Iustruction and a Memuer of the Slate Board of Education ; abo a Representative in Coneresa tor the üecoiid ('-■dj CongTeMtoiwl Dlitriot of this State, to wliich this county belougft ; also a Senator for the Kuurt I) (4th) Senatorial District, c n)posed of ashtenaw county ; also a Representativa in the State Leffislature ior cach of thf tliree Representa! ire Dixtricti imo which Washtenaw county is divided ; hIso a Jndge of Probate for Wa'-hteuaw county. a Sheriff. County Clerk, Trcasurer, Riiïisttir of Deeds, Prospcnting; Attorcey, two Ciicuit Court Conmiisioners. a County Burveyor and tuo Coroners. At said election the fo']-ing propoaed amendment to the constitntion of th s tate w-h be ubniilted to the proule oi the State for their doption or rejectloa, to stand aSction :5, of Art iele 14, as provideü lor by juiut rw&oiuiiou Ho. 29, of the Legislatura of 1S79: ■Sec 15 The Legislatare ihall hT powei, ipOD uclvterms and conclitioii", nd in snch niAnn. r k hall dfpin proper, to authori.e th pity of Detroit to aid in tbe construction and maiatennnc of a riürosd bridge or tunnel across the Detroit river at or aear sai i city, to au aniount not exceeviini one per ccntum of the aisesmd Talue of the taxabïe property ia uaiii city." .TOBIAH S. CASE, Sheriff of TVashtenaw County. Ann Arbor, Mich., August 14, 18S0. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! THE PLÏVIOCTH ïïorKS, oneof the best breedsof on sale by WM, ISUSÏI Superior, P. O. address Ann Arbor. Price $2 per dozen, or$3for two dozen. Ihls is theCorbiu, Newington, Ctmn., breed, amoug the best for eggi and tuble. MR. BUSH has on sale, price "5 cents, the bonk of 100 pages on Hymouth Rock, contnininp full directions for malinp, breeding, care and management of this Tiiriety ot fowls. It is an admirable work for amateurs. No one can allbrd to be without it. JEütate ot Feter S. June. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Kotice is hereby given, that by n orderof the Probate Courl for the county of Wftshtenaw, made on the tirst day of September, A . D. 1880, üix montbs froni that date wcre Hlloweri forcreditors to present thelr claims agaisat the estnte of Pettr S. June, We ot said oounl , dfcceaaed, and tliat all orediton of eaid deoeaK6 are rtqnfrad to present tbeir claims to said Probati Court, at the Probate ütHcein the city of Ann Arbor, for ezaiuinution nul allowamct, on or before tlie tint day oí March next.and that such clainii willbe heurd before &t Hourt, on Widnesday, the tirst day of December, and on Tueadtjr, the tirst ilay of Mtirch next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said day.s. Dated, Anu Arbor, September 1. A. T lflSO. W1LLXAM D. HAERINAN, 3(w4 Judge of Probate MÍA' SÉ The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WIND MILLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, Bwauae Warranted tb Beat, and Warrantee ! ubstaiitlal. Contalns all ImproveinenU. Pilcas Lovieat- Quallty considerad. 8end for catalogus eorlblnK artlcle wanted. KAIRBANKS, MORSE tt CO., ni and 113 Lake-et., Chicag, MMie Universal Bath. 4i v "AM BATHS fc a . „_ 1J{ m ín one HlÜJvíZ!1' Ml""' ;2 IfpilnM tli world. jfeH t1''"11 ' ' - L : " Prk-e "I Unlh HMIWflA ' i '-■ '.f-nrmfcr. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mlch For aale at the Drug Store of L. S. Lerch, Cook' Unid bloc ; alw by C. Eberbucli 8dh, South 11 Street ; and aleo by the niannfat turer, E. J. Knowi ton, No. 24 North BUte Street, Aun Arlmr, Mich to whom all correspondence should le addiesseü. n. 3. QOODMA2T, Teacher of RSusic, Waslitenaw Co., MICHIGAN. Ut ,1 NEW 6R0CERY i AT 16 EAS1 HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RiJSEY Has opened a new stock cf Groceries at the above looation, ■ompiisinif'-veryOiinüin tlie line ut bottom prices -:iwl urcbo8MluïclusiVi;lj forouah. Frora n Imif oxpi'rieno in the Iraie, riitnil sni! whnlviaiis he bouuven tx eau sullxoous s cUcap ai tll l-ilCupn8t. CALL AND SEE HIS PBICE8 All (ionds Warrniitcrt Flrst-Class. FarmfrK iro.hice wcinted for whicb thr higbeil cash price will be p:ii], EW Tlcmemher the plac, 16 East Iluron Streot, Ann Arbor. p INSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakcry, Grocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep eonstantly on hnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale and Ketail Trade. "We símil also keep a eupply of DELHI IFIiOTTZR, J. M. Sívift Co's Best White IVheatFlonn Kye I'lonr, Bnckwbeat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At n-holesale and retail. A aeneral Btock of GHOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constsntlyon hand, vehich wil] be sold on as rea, onable ternis as at any other house in the city. Cash pniil for Butter, Eggs, and Countrj Produce gfnerally. Coodsdelivered to any part of the city withï out extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOIT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. PAI.TIE8 Wnu W1LL PTJT TSES OR TIMBER ON THE Une of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and 3%'orllieasterti Elallroac!. The Company has bilis fnr ahout. 50,000 feel of culvert and cattle pass timber for which it will PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRICE As soon as delivered on the line ot the road. They will also pay caBh for ties as follows : 35 cents for Oafc; 25 cents for Asi and Tainarack. Bimensions: 8 feet long, 8 inch face, 6 inch thick. iLW Any prty who will put milis into the woods and contract for a large quantity can obtain odTantageous terma. For apecifications on timber, Ac, apply to IL W. ASHLEY, Corner 'Waehingtoii and Main Street, AN" ARBOR, MICH. HOLL'S Tl ENOVATE tuk SYSTEM. Thia houskhold XV SUBSTTTÜTE for BLUE PILL AND CALOMKL, acts in conformity wit.h the naturtil laws g-overtring: the operation of diokstion and nütrition. It is rich with the elements that go to nourish and strengthen tïie blood, eradicates frora the syatem tlie ín ui humors prernlent in both sexee at thii season ot the yoar. It sets the slcggish livkk in motion, very slijrhtly acts on the bowils, stkengthkns the operaiion oí diukstion, tonks itp the Btomach and iiuparts Strkngth, Vigor, Enkrgy, and Heath to COHSTiTUTlOwa in any way knkkkbled. HtTTKR Malt Tonic 8 not a mere Stimulant likt1 the now faslnonable Bitters in general use, but ís fkek trom Drugs and Chkmioai.s, and warranted to cure the disoases specitied or money refunded. For sale by Drugrists nid Deulers penerally. flwift A Dodds, Detroit, Wholesale Ageuts. II. J, lïltOWN & CO., afrenta for Ann Arbor. 33-4t Lake Superior Transit Co. Steamersleave Detroit f r Rault Rte. Maria and Lak e Superior Ports on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wedneadays, Thursdays and Batnrdays, at 10 p. IC. RailrOftd eonumtions made "at Duluth for St. Paul, BfJn&eapoliB, lïismarck, Manitoba aud other poiuts North, South and West. Steamers r]so leare Detroit after June 26 on Sundayt (to Cleveland onïy) at 4 p. m., and on Mondiiyaanc Fridaya at 9 P. M. Vedneda nuil Snturdiiys, at fip. m., lor Cleveland, Erif, d I Buffalo, tconneciing with railroads thereat fiw the East and Soutti. For tickets and furllier information apply 1o J. T. WHITING, General Agent, Doek and office foot of Woodward avenue 27-13t Detroit, Mi.-h. NSÜRANCË CÜMPAIVV. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71." Surplus over all Liabilities, includ"g Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Vet Surplns over Liabilities, inclndinf Re-Insuranoe and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK Agent, Ann Arbor. GET YüTJK PKOPEETY IN8UEEU BY ■C. H. MILLÓN, Insurance Agent No. -4 South Main Btroet, ANJÍ AKBOR, - MICH The oldeet aencyin the city. Estnblishec n qiinrter of a eeutury (o. Kopreseiitinj; tht followinp iirst daas comnamei riotne Insurance Co. of N. Y., Aisets orrr r,,nnn,oo( rontinentnlliu.Co.of ïï. V., Asseta oror 3,OOoioN Nitfmra Kre Ins. Co., N. Y., inftl $1,442.40) Qlrardol Pn., Ansets over jl,'i'i)'( Oriënt of ffartford, Afpt.s íTO'1 (H!( Cüuimeroial Union of London. Aescts ).1,000,üfK k-iles low. Loases liberally adjuned áut pruiuptly paiii. T. H. NILLEN. pEUHOat DEMKOrS of Mcurisg tha MAMMOTH TENT of the Aun Arbor Reform Tinb, for evening or afternoon mottmga, can make ttrms witli the committee. ■ B. F. WATTS, C. M.. ION KR, 33"lf JOHNSCHUMACHER. EOWARD DÜFFY Wholesale and Itetail A Large, New, nd Clean gtoct gf Staple & Fancy Groceriei A L WA TS OX HA Xï Togetbtt -Hith n ful] aDd ooinplete slock of BOOTS, S1SOES, AD EIBSEB OOODS, ate. Special iuducuments oflertd c.ish eustoaw EDWARD DUFFI, Tor. Mnin nd Ann Sts., Ann Art, t& Cnsh pnid for uil Farm Products.


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Ann Arbor Argus