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LEGAL NOTICES. I N THE MATTER OFTHE ESTÁTE I OF MAUY E. BUA8ICL. Knticc is )i n-by fíiven in punuHQce of b liceuse and order gramed Id the undereitrned sunrdlan oí the estáte al Marj E. Brasel, deci aned, by the Hun. Kdgai O. Durfee, Jodge of Probate for the county of WHyne, on Tuesriay, the ntli day of August, A. I). 18', there wil! he aold il public anctlon to tli" htghest biddei at thetront of the Couri House in the íty ol'Ar.n Arbor. comity of Waabtensw and state ui Michi "N IHK Twn.FTH TA U Oci OBKB A. I). 18G, ttt 12 o'clock in the forenoon %t of the M Interest iu thi: real huir of the nortbwesl quarter of aection nunilier ten in u,u nsliij, tiro south of range slx ast, irnd record ed In the office of the lU'Kmter of Ieeils n and for said county. Dated, Ann Arbor, Ancua! 2.í, 180. FHEDKBtCK CON WAT, liüardmn and Administ nitor. üeal Bátate f.r Saíe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Wihicniiv, m. In the matter ot the estuto of K -lli pjr, niioor. Noties is hereb) given.tbal in puruneaol au order granted to thu un rraigned guardián ni snitl minor ny the bou. .Iiulp-e of Probate fi,r tlie enunty uf W.i-:ht. naw, ou ihe tbird dj of June, A. D. 1880, tberewill he sold al piíblli vendue, to the bigbent bidder, i the i h ii tronl door of the ounrt h'Mice tn thí cilj of Ann ArIx'r. ni the county oí Waahtpnaw, in aaid stii.-,oii Satckdat, ibk Kiohtekmh di otPirriMBKR A. I I8C0, al ten u'clock In the fore noon of ibaí dny (subject to al] encumbrjnce hy niorljrngo nr oiherwiff i-xiMiiifr at th tinieol theaale) the (dIcwinp ili - real eStittP, I', wit Ti e equal undivided one-stocteenth pai i of tbe do 'iheast quar ter of the northeas! qnuiter ot s-ctiin Dnjnher eíhteen in towi shlp fonr Mintli r t-i ■ nt Vink, ín -Ii( Ijíl'hii, eiiniiuiíing lorty acres oí' land be Ihe saine more or less. l)Bttd, Augusí ■'i. t h,so ALBEET C. KELLOGG, Goardin. RAILROADS. J11CH1AM rKSTBAl KAíLftüAItT JI'I.Y 26, 1880. '3OINO WEST. 8TATIOK8. S ; II J3 i a H a ÏT ♦ ■ ém - _ + w _ M. a.m V.M. p. w. F.M. p.m. Detroit, lenve, 7 Olí 8 35 ■' 'm IOS I M 9 30 O. Ï. Junction. 7 ÍS '.) 5S 1 iO 4 8 2ñ n 11 Wuyne Jnnotioii 82 10 29 6 42 mí 8 Mjlii 40 Vp.süiinti. s 20 io-4". ! 05 r. -, i' 18 11 02 Ueddes, 8 :;n 7 'id Ar.n Arbor, s 4" 11 00 7 : 5 22 '' 81 11 17 l'ellii, 8 58 7 4 , Dexter, 9 m 7 so 5 35 9 94 9 L2 8 II 5 Bá 1" 1 OrusB Liike, 1 9 50 - 1 8 83 6 Vi 10 3I, M I A.M J:ickeon, 10 80 I? IB 0 00 r, 55 11 Ofl 1" lo Alblon, .11 04 12 60 7 4ï 11 48 1 18 Murxbiill, 11 50 1 ;li - ' 8 11 12 08 1 :;; P.M.! v ï A.M. Duttlc Creek, 12 19 1 55, 8 41 12 30 -J ((1 Giilesburg, 12 52 9 15 I Ai H. K;ilumizoo, 1 15 2 3B 4 511 9 35 1 l 2 42 Lnwton, 1 53 5 25 1 4" Deoatur, 2 10 .i 42 2 02 Dowaglue, r, 12! 2 2:í Kllea, 4 04 (i 97 2 47 4 u Buchanan, 3 19, , 7 02 8 M Three Oaka 3 49 1 7 27 : Nuv Buffalo, ! 03 4 53 7.40' 3 ;;7 Miehlgun Ciiy, 1 30: 5 2" S08 4 02 f. 28 Lake, ; 6 02 8 54 4 62 fi 18 KensioKtOB, 6 00 ti S 9 1 8 40 7 jn Chitado, arrive. 6 So : M I" 81 11 :ii S 00 GOING EA8T. A.M. A. M, p. II. P.M. p. M ChictiKO.leave, 7 lio 9 00 4 00; 5 15 9 10 Keunington, 7 51) 9 50, 4 50 6 Oñ 10 00 I.nke, 8 38 10 80 5 42 6 50 10 m Micl.iunn City, 9 30 11 13 6 80 7 4" 11 30 New Butfalr., 9 49 11 32 (; 68 11 62 Tbree Oaks, 10 03, 7 18 A. M. Huchanan, 10 32 7 40 12 811 Niles, 10 15 12 18 .8 10 9 00 IS J5 Dowiisiac, 11 ÍS 8 38 1 16 Decutur, 11 SS 1 9 05 1 82 T'iwtijn, 11 57 i ' ' a. M. 1 48 Kiilüiniizoo, 12 33! 138 10 001 6 60:10 25 2 26 Galoebuig, 12 53, i .708 ! Buttle Creek, 1 28 2 15 .M 7 40 11 1(1 3 18 Marshall, 2 26 3 0" f 8 08 11 35 3 40 A.M. Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 11 59 4 12 Tackson, 3 45 4 05 7 15 9 :( 12 4.1) 5 00 Gris Lake, 4 10 7 38 9 50 ' 6 25 Chelcea, 4 4o s 0l 10 07 ' s 50 Deiter, 5 00 8 16 10 19 e 05 Delhi, 5 10 1 8 25 Ann Arbor, 5 52 5 07 8 40 10 89 2 05 6 25 Geddes, 8 29 : 8 48 YpsiranM. 5 38 5 23 8 55 10 4H 2 20 6 II WiivneJunc., 6 02 6 45 9 10 1108 2 44 7 05 O T June, 6 35 6 15 9 45 11 35 3 20 7 45 Pí-trnit, Ar., I 6 50 6 30 10 00 11 50__3 35. 8 oO tíuiidnyeexcepted. ISaturday and bunduy ex epted. t'Duily. H. B. LKDTAED, Gen'l Manaper. Detroit. H. C. Wentwortb, G. V. & T. Atft., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking eít'ect Sunday June 2", Ismi. ooiti NORTir. wilBG SOrTIT. tïp. Mix. Muil Mail Mix. í'.xp. A. 51. 1'. M. P. M. A.M. r. M. P.M 7 55 12 05:6 10 TOLTPn 9 30 3 0} 7 60 7 38 12 08 6 18 North Toledo 9 27 300 7 47 8 1" 12 22 B 2(1 Detroit .Tiinclion I 9 15 2 47 7 3.'i 8 1(112 35.16 30 Hawthorn 9 08 2 88 7-7 8 27 12 48 6 40 Samaría 9 01 2 20, 7 ÍS 8 40 110 6 55 Lililí 8 50 158 7 05 8 45 119 7 00 Jlonrue .lnnction SU ISll 7 ' o 8 55 1 rtó 7 10 iHinrlet 8 36, 184 8 60 9 nu 1 BI 7 22 Aziilia 8 25 1 15 6 I" 9 18 2 27 7 MÍ Milán 8 12 12 50 B 27 f'6 5 40:7 4. Nora 8 0 12 38 8 28 682 2 55 7 47 Urania 8I0 12S8 61! 9 42 8 l7 7 58 rittsfleld June. 7 60112 06 6 II -.5 :M' S 10 ANN AKW K 7 55 II 40 B i" ■Al! trains mu by Columbua time- 7 uiiuuies faster tlian Ann Arhor time. .7. M. A8U1.EY, Jr., Superintendent. TvëtëöitT hillsdale and LJ SoUTHWEfTEKN RA1LK0AD. To tuke eílect April 4, 1880. Mimi WE8T. QOIHa KAST. Mix.Míi Exp. Eip.iMiiil M)T ; BTATIONS. A.M.A.M .P. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 7 30 8 25' 546 Ypni]nritl 0 40, SIS! 8 10 8 00 8 44 tí 02 Piltsfielcl June. 10 22 4 f.8 7 38 S 30 8 57 6 13 Saline 10 10' 4 4S 7 12 9 00 9 15 6 80 Bridirewater 9 ,.3 4 38 6 8 9 50: 9 35, 6 48 Manchester 9:i' 4 1" 6 60 100 112018 22 HillBdule 7 88 2 48 150 1 lí 11 3(l BM Bunkers 7 50, 2 .10 2 18 rriniif rim by Chicago time - 20 minutes slower than Columbas time. W. F.PAKKEK.Pupt., Ypeilnnli. CANADA SOITTHFKrï KAIUVAÏ. The Only Anieric:i7i Bonte Througli Canada Traína leae M. C. B.B. Depot, Detroit, city time. as follows : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Da y Express, daily, 12 noon,"Wagner ear to New Yort and Boatos. Limited Express, daily excopt Sunday, 7.15 p. ín. Wagnercar to Buffalo anil Kooneater. Lightning Express, daily, 1135 p. m. Wagner cartoBuiiaio and Etocheater. Toledo truins leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 00 p. 111. daily ; 7 15 p. m. except Sunday, #S For information and tickets apply to II. AA' Hayes, agent M.C. R. R., Aun Arhor. II. C. ROACH, Western PMs. Agent. Detroit. FRANK E.8N0W, Gen. l'ass.and Tickel Agt. üuffalo, N. Y. pilEAT WESTERN RAILVÜTvJT X)eput6 loot of Third and lïrush streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. 1-eave Arrive. Atlantic Expiess, J40a.m. llo.OOp. m. Duy Express, 8.S5 a. in. 6.30p. m. New Vork and Boston Express, '7.00 p.m. t9.45a.m. Detroit Express, #12.45p.m. Steamboat ExpreBS, 7.00 a. m FaBt Express, 11.60 p. m. '3.40 a .111. JDaily. I)ailyexcept Sunday. tExcept Muniiay. S Forinformntion and tickets aiiply to 11. U . HayeB, Agent M. 0. R. 11., Ann Arbor. W. H. FIRTH, WM. EDGR, Weslern Pass'rAg't. General Pass'] Asent " PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rpHK LABO EST JVD BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH AU Sizes. ■A.T1 SOBG-'S. 26 and 28 East Wasliington Stroet, ANN AEBOE. LEGAL NOTICES. ! - ;- ol l.mis l.. .lame "j OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ( orv '-' "1 VV.ihtnmw bb. At n se sion of 11 1 Uuurt fo the O.ranty ol if,!,,, ," day, the tv,eiityrifH,d1iyo-Aiig..iotffl tJn.iit.nnd eight l.mnlroil uiid i'i-h'lv IWnl. V1l!mi„,„-im„n ,, emntlerof the eUteoi Lei Ou re.idingnndfllingthi-petil.ion. .]■ o( Clara U James, prayinn thu „ ■, , ■neo duw on Ble in tl.ia court, mm' the last willaml ti'stmiiem ..I saiil 1, II. Jon.-, !„ appoim.dèx.cut,,, the,-, Thoreupoii il ,.- rmïered. that Monda; tfcth dajni Beptcmbl-r 11-xt, at len o' iuteuix,!,, ueaMisnwuurthe hetmi , tl:., and tl.i.l di-vwfes, liul.-.-s ,,,„ ut saill dec-Hied.aud all utlïer ai 111 "" estáte, are required in npicur t hú! Court, thcn ti .e hol,],.,, ,lt I Olöce m the city oí Ahí. Albor nnd - Il,,, pr.iy-r of th, jiüiud nut be mm,!: And it i, ,u that sald pctilii.ner give noticc in nlc ," imerestefl in suid estáte ol th. j. i„le„,., TSS petilion and heariiiK thcixol t i cops o I thii order tu he puUislu-d iu 'the' Abgi .- ;i uewapupei printed and circu aiMlf.NI oonuty, tluwsumwf pri-viuua t ut bauing. i ml j . WII.LIAMD. HAIiKIMAN ' (A truecopy.) Judge „i R I Wm. U.Doiï, Probate Beginet, Kut at e (if John Kxtleman. OTATE OF MICHIUAN, t ÍJ ol Wushtentiw, !s. At il aeasiou oj .i' buti Court for the uounty uf Vatena k at tho Probate Ottiw in i'he city ot Am Monday, tlie thirtir.tii day uf Auist, , une thoiuuuid -i - it huivlred and Prc-oent. VVilüam i. (litrrlmiin .!:'.,. In the miittci ol theestate of John i-,(' deceftfM d. Dn rending und tilin? the petition, luly ,,, ot ivi t ('ot.I;, pi n in ij t'„„( u cerlain now on tile i ii tbÍH cou; l, piiri-oiiii (j t- ■II and teslaint-nt ot said ilirranl ninv , mitteil ti) prubHtc, and that bu muy I executor tnereof ïheroopcn it N order d, that Monday, tv srventli d:i (,i s. ]jt mt'ct n, xf. m ;■ the (orei oon, be asinned tor th heiiTiiiM ot„i tition, und thtit tin ; visos, Unins Inw ot aaid dcerio.'ii. md ;t!l nthfi p,.!ted In sriit ostüte. arereiiiiivd to app, n ofliiidiourt, Uien to be holde n the l'rnbiT ti :e in the city oí Ann Arbor. nd sho c ■tlicri' birf v iy the prayer ol Ide jy.-titi nol hi'iiiantrd: And it is fuitliei -urden p tif nriticc tothe said partios ititi.-ti'd ins-iid estáte, ot il. e iK-ml ■ pc'ition, nnd the he irinv cuasinntj ol olu ordei to hp jmMishxd in the -- ' ors, a ntwapaper printed and úrc'ilaled tg 3 eounty. tbreesaweflaire weckt previnastOto day ol hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKKDUI r. tiuccopy.) Jude of Pub %Vm.(i. Di. j-v. Probate l!egi"cr. leíale of I.onis H. ItdJioz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0U5 ' of Ara!)btennw. s. At a sessiim ol Court for ihe Connty oí W'Hslitemiw, the Probate Otiict m tlie city oi Ann Arbor y, the thirty-first tbij of Au yearone tboaHnnd vjb' hiuidrer) and eighty Present, WiUinmD. Hurriman.Judot 1 n the mutter of the esíttte oí Louis K.Buel deceased. On rt-ïfifliiifr and filinji tlie jiPtition, ] Of AJfrcd J. Buchiiz, prtiyiu thaí In eenped fn sell the iel t-stute wheretjl ba did ni iy.cñ. Thereupon it i ordered . tbnt Salnrf' ty-liith dn y ni September uext, ut '-: the forenoon be nssiirnpd for the hem prtitinn. HDd th:it the hnrs at 1 . ed, anti 11 other iTitore et suirl estute, nr required to nppear nt a a of said Court, Uien to be hulden at tlie Probw Office in tbe cirr of Ann Arbor, iri! it ltsythere le. wfay the pruyer of the prti:-ow should not beprranted: And it is further i n that e:ii(i petilioner give notice to the : torested in uaid esdite, of the pendencj pi, petition, and the hearing thereof, by eiqiq dopj oi tliin order to bc pubïiaheö1 in the Aroij , ;i newspaper printed und circnln county three succeseive weeks previous to Siiii of heuring. WILLIAM S.HAERIM B, f A truecopr.j Jnüfte of Pro ne. Wm.Q. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Ellen Holonej, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COU T kj of Waahlenaw, ss. At n nession of tliePn Court for the Cnunty of Wnshlenaw, IioMph at tb Probute Office in the cit t of Ann Arnor. onWh day, the eigïith dny of iept 'm hor, in the year ov Lfarnisand ttight liundiedund eighty. Preeenl, WiUiam I) iiarrimmi, Judge ofProbttt In the lutitter ol the eötute of Ellen MoW; dereuped Un reudingand flling the petition, dulyverifW.' Anna Cavoiiauh, piayiui; that adnniiisinuiüBt Etaid eatatemay begiauted to Charles S. Qregor?, Thereupon it ia oidered, that Moodnj, tbt fourth day of Oc ober next, tt ten o'elüfli the t'ortnoon, hu assigned lor the hearing oí ■. petition, und tli?it the heirs at law ol aaiudiM-t and all othti persons iuterested iu a .i required to appear at a sesion of sai', to be holden at Probate office Arbor, and sliow Ciiuae, if auy ihere V, whj I prnyerofthe petitiouer should not ■ : Épra&teJ And it is further orderc-ilhat said pt r notice to the persons int'.-restetl in 1 ot the pendeucy of said petition tod the C ' inji thereof, by causiug copyof thls ord Ö published m the Ann Aunou Akgus, ;i üewsp; printed and uirculated in yid countj thrctsu r-iio ivcuhsptt'viuustowiu fiHT or neurmp. WILLIAM D. HAKKVilAS. ( A true copy.) Judy I l'ru Wm. U. (Jdïy, Prubfitf Regigter. Kstate of Henry ViKkfe. " STATE OF MICHIOAXr US o WaahtenaWjas. At aaew.siun o;neIní0 Court for the Connty of Wathteitiw kiohien i Jrobateüifa'cein the city of nn Arbor. onY# day, the eihth day ol Nepfember, in the yen tbousand eurhi liumln d aud eihiy. Present', William D. Harriman,.)udü'f of Pn In the matter of the estáte oí Heury Vü, deceast-d. Charles S. Oregory, julministrator with ihti annexed of nirl dtcaed comes into ( " ti tiiai he i now prepired to reiidti táfc aiícoimt as sucti adniinistmter, Thereupon it ordered, that Saturriay, l' secoüd day of Oetober nest, at ten o'cloei the forenoon , he ;isv jned lor cxaiuinii) and w ' ing sueh account, and that the dtTÍsees, lef! aml heirs at law of said deceased, ai. persons intcrestvd in -ail estáte, are appear ut ;i svssiou.uf said Court, then to at the Probate lUIie'e i tbe cily of Am öüitl etninty, Hiid show eau se i f any tin the utid accouni ihould not be allwed: Ai''1further ordered tb;it said administra! 't to the persons i ntfivsted iu said estáte, ut tbe f dency of said account and the ;,■ pausiugacopy of this order to be puhïishedw Ann Akbdr Akocs, a newspaper mni eulAtlngin said county, three succeasive ■ vious to said duv of hoarine. WILLIAM D. 3ÍAERI3W (A truc copy.) - Judge uf l'obi' Wm. (r. Doty, Probate Register. Mortffage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MJ In theconditionsoi ncertain morignge itifi dnre tlie twenty-eitrhth day of .novubM the year of otir ïord one thousaud eight hun1 and seventy-six, made and exetutyd by M.n. Kvitn of tli'e riïlage of Manchester, cout tenaw and state of Michigan, to Wiliian ■ Omus of the towuship ol Pitisíield, same oo andBtate, and recordd in the office ot R: Ier ot' Deeds oi' Wuahtenaw County b the thfrtietfa day o! July, A. 1. lf-7s, at I p. sí. of snid day, in Hher 54 of ntortgap 703, and thearaount claimedto be dneal the tiM ttiis notitv is r.;i.7 (ni Itundred thirly-íoii " lara nul eigtity-.H ven rent., nl-m t hirt reaniiable sobcitor's or nttorneysfe, in all other Ipl' al costs if any proeeedinfrs sdoi taken to foreclae this niortaee, nnd r" pJ ings at luw or in equity )Mving levn in recover the same or any p irt thereof: "SviV ; thereloie hereby jfiven, that by rirtne of t ïie pj-" of siile in said poi)tiineT I si Satukday, the Nistu ijat op OcroitEi! nei1 _ teTi o'clock in the torenoon of said dy m pT vendue to the highest bidder at tbv outii doojol theConri House in the city tf Annif"! ooimty oi Waab tenaw a'oresaid fthni bnildms wherein the Circuit ('om rounly is heJdl, all those certain pieres or p of lund situnte in the villiur of Maneln county of Washtenaw and Btate ol known and d"Bcribed as rollows, to wit: B lot nnmber flve nnd ix in block nnniber forr ín the viliatje of Manchesier, in said county State, accordina f the recorded plat thereof. Dated, Julj 15, 1880, COMSTOCK F HILL, Adminiatratur ot the estáte of Willis1 Osius, deceased. KMiitors Salo. TN ACCORDANCE VVITH AN M i der of the Probate Court in the otate ni C. Beaman. deeeased, the Fxeoiitor w Bharea f tli" :i [ii:l stook of the " [nao Works ' of Ba y City, Michigan, iif miblic at Ou SHTKH.lï.THi KmilTBKHTll DAT O her, 1HS!, at theeast door of the n.irt Doif J löo'clock A.M. The purrlier to mlmin. Bati-faetory Becnrity the saW i-stnte and Kxec'_ from nl] linbility nd loss or or on aco, ( endoreemenl by -aid deoedent upon any notes or iixluhtédness of said Industria] H otjB september M I Executorot K. C. SelM Heul Estáte i'nr Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUN of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter o) of Maria Ford, decessed. Nottc is in-rehy PJS tliat i ii pnrmcefan ottPergninted tn the iiJJJ! siened administrator of the estáte of said -', Ford, Seceased, by the Hon. Jndf;e of I'"1"",,, thecountyol Wihti-nnaw, on the eleventn i I. day of JuDe, A. 1). 1S80, there will be eold at P . venduetothe highest bidder, ut tlio sontl m ot theConrt House in the city ot Ann Êtm in thecounty of W-. aktenaw, in said state, nu ■! TJRBAY. THK SïCOSB DAÏ "F OCTOBKR, A. ' at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon ol that day i" 'f, toailencninbriincesliy tnortfiase or oiIuthisIj Utingatthe Hm the death of said ie5 the followiDg described real estáte, to wit : ( tnii plece or psrcel of land rituated in tlic cnj Ann Arbor, in Washteuaw connty. Michl'iVl nglotnumherthree(3)inblock two (2) sonu -v Hu ron streef in range Se (). AdniinistrUi'' City Soavenifer. The nndersiprilMt services asS.-nVííí' rLYfeatcnsv0rra rheiaMeat"ieJ;riI."!1pl outh Thiwer Streel or mde thron-l' ine " .ffiee W.'k wtII be rlone as cheap nê tl' cheaF1„id dl orim prompt., jgg,, ACTlDS.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus